Schiff Panics – Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo

Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have to release your taxes to run for president?
He's sure it's in there somewhere. He's never read it, though.
I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
You're right.

Democrats can do better in 2020.
Thanks confirming you are a communist therefore an enemy of America...Comrade
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.
Be VERY specific here and quote the "law" that requires trump to release his tax returns.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

I'm seriously baffled by the left's claim that Trump somehow broke the law in asking that Biden be investigated. Is it unlawful to look into something that appears to be an abuse of power by Biden? Why exactly? Because Biden is running for President? So someone should be immune from prosecution because they're running for office? So how does this work, Democrats? Do we wait until Biden is President and only THEN do we investigate him for wrongdoing?

Funny how all of you were more than happy to investigate Trump both before he was nominated and after he won the election but now you're APPALLED that someone would call for an investigation into Joe Biden's actions!
Remember, Democrats believe the law doesn't apply to them.

This is beyond question. Their actions prove it.
I predicted this-each side is spinning their interpretation of the transcript-left says Trump is asking for help to fix election, right says Trump is chasing Biden corruption, and we end up...where we started. The differences this time are the I button being pushed and MORE media hysterics than ever. It will continue until November local elections, and peter out at year's end. Happy F'n New Year.

Funny thing is that the only election that came up was the 2016 election. Is it possible to influence an election that's already happened?
Just ask all the liberals who claim Hillary really won.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Where in the Constitution does it say you have to release your taxes to run for president?
Where in the Constitution does it say you have to release your taxes to run for president?
As far as I know there is no Constitutional requirement for POTUS candidates to release their taxes. What Constitutional authority can you provide for a POTUS to bribe a foreign leader for evidence of corruption on a political rival?

. . . but hey, VP's blackmailing so their family can possibly stay out of prison? :113:

but hey, VP's blackmailing so their family can possibly stay out of prison? :113:
That claim applies to Trump and Biden
What does that tell you?

How will you react when he appoints Hillary Attorney General?

You may as well be asking how I'll react when the sun comes up in the west tomorrow morning.
I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
How does that affect Trump's attempt to bribe a foreign government to interfere in ANOTHER US election on his behalf?

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016
How many people's votes were swayed due to Facebook ads?
I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
How does that affect Trump's attempt to bribe a foreign government to interfere in ANOTHER US election on his behalf?

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016
How many people's votes were swayed due to Facebook ads?

They must have caused GP to vote for Trump.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

Because all day long Fox news has been saying no "quid pro quo" it's a nothing burger as well as the orange turd said a few times.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."
Another Russia witch hunt-next
Another Russia witch hunt-next
Have you read the Mueller Report yet?

"Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan"

Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan

"WASHINGTON — Lawmakers released scores of political ads on Wednesday purchased by Russian agents on Facebook and Twitter that showed the extent of the Kremlin’s attempts to polarize the American voting public on issues like race, police abuse and religion.

"Russia-linked actors created accounts with names like Blacktivists and Back the Badge aimed at voters concerned about police relations with their communities, and other accounts that called for secure borders that were aimed at immigration hard-liners.

"One account, Army of Jesus, published an illustration of an arm-wrestling match between Christ and the devil. 'Satan: If I win, Clinton wins!' the headline read."

Satan won anyway.

There is no need to, it is based on an erroneous premise, that being, that the DNC was "hacked." It wasn't.

Everyone KNOWS, Mueller was a spook, he headed the FBI, which is populated by spies, which are adapt at spreading disinformation, which is what the report is.

The Wikileaks is just that, IT WAS A LEAK.

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

The Russia-Did-It Certitude Challenged

US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims

So this leads us to the question. . . why would you willingly read the propaganda of a known spook of the Deep State? :dunno:
Because he was told to. He was told to read it, he was told what to believe about it, and he was told to repeat it.

That's all. It's absolutely as shallow as that.
There is a palpable stench coming from the whole Biden-Burisma sure looks like an obvious pay off made to a politically connected person. So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
Bribing a foreign government to interfere in a US election is a crime; although, I don't see anything wrong with investigating all three corrupt capitalists.

How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World
There is a palpable stench coming from the whole Biden-Burisma sure looks like an obvious pay off made to a politically connected person. So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
Bribing a foreign government to interfere in a US election is a crime; although, I don't see anything wrong with investigating all three corrupt capitalists.

How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World
You're not even trying to hide the fact you're a Communist anymore.

I mean, it's not like it was a secret, but still -- you're full-on Red.

You wept bitter tears when the Wall came down, didn't you?
Since Biden shook down the Ukraine for a million dollar job for his useless son in exchange for 1 billion of Americas hard earned tax dollars, I'd say he was guilty of racketeering. The only way I'm letting him slide is if he comes clean and testifies to all the past corruption he was a party to in the Obama administration. We'll give him full immunity in a nice comfortable home that caters to dementia patients.
There is a palpable stench coming from the whole Biden-Burisma sure looks like an obvious pay off made to a politically connected person. So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
Bribing a foreign government to interfere in a US election is a crime; although, I don't see anything wrong with investigating all three corrupt capitalists.

How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World
You're not even trying to hide the fact you're a Communist anymore.

I mean, it's not like it was a secret, but still -- you're full-on Red.

You wept bitter tears when the Wall came down, didn't you?

There is a palpable stench coming from the whole Biden-Burisma sure looks like an obvious pay off made to a politically connected person. So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
So what's wrong with asking the Ukrainian government to look into it? If this were Trump Jr and'd be foaming at the mouth demanding a Special Prosecutor be appointed!
Bribing a foreign government to interfere in a US election is a crime; although, I don't see anything wrong with investigating all three corrupt capitalists.

How Sociopathic Capitalism Came to Rule the World

Asking another country to assist in an investigation into whether a US official used his or her public office to benefit a member of their family monetarily and then pressured that same country into firing the man who is investigating that family member...doesn't magically become a "crime" because Joe Biden is running for President! Claiming that this is the basis for impeachment is farce!

Donald Trump has the right to ask for investigations into anyone that he thinks has abused the power of their office in HIS administration or in a previous administration just as any President who follows him will have the right to ask for investigations into actions by the Trump administration!
We used to be an example for the whole world, with our generosity and adherence to our values and all. But then our politicians got sloppy, greedy and immoral. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Now that our once considered honest politicians, the Bidens, have been caught in a massive racketeering scandal shaking down the Ukraine, we have come to a point where we are vulnerable to be attracted to socialism-communism. Socialists are corrupt people who are too lazy to compete in a capitalistic system. But don't be fooled by the likes of Sanders and AOC with their empty promises. Socialism only benefits the leadership and eventually leads to Communism, poverty and the downfall of the country. These people who would put Trump behind bars are socialists and must be eradicated from our government.
Though quite damning of a summary note version of the phone call

we could try to get the actual full recorded phone call between Trump and Ukraine's president from the Kremlin.... you have to KNOW the Russian's intel agencies are tapping the Ukraine's presidential phone....

no way Jose', they are not....


"you have to KNOW the Russian's intel agencies are tapping the Ukraine's presidential phone.... "
GoodPoint! And you just know Vlad has to be patting Trump on the head and pleased as punch that he is holding funds from the guy who promised to clean up Ukraine corruption and protect it from further Russian aggression. I wonder if Putin prompted Trump to not say the words 'quid' or 'pro' or 'quo' in his conversation so that the Republican party could be like the OJ jury and claim 'witch hunt' because he never said those very words.
Who didn't see this coming!!!! Schiff and his cohorts got their ass handed to them on a Trump Platter.

Schiff Panics - Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo, 'Classic Mafia-Like Shakedown' (VIDEO)

[Schiff is a deranged clown and he should be removed as House Intel Chairman for his lies, leaking and corruption.]
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."
Biden broke the law and of course like everything else unlawful the the Obama regime. You look the other way. Trump is proving Obama's regime broke the law and it's totally legal.
Why would you think a "quid pro quo" is necessary to impeach Trump for attempting to convince a foreign government to interfere in a US election?

It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
It's not called "convincing a foreign government to interfere in a US election". it's called "Putting a criminal behind bars."

Those criminals would be Biden & Son.
Hunter Biden's careers have paralleled his father's political offices. When Joe was a Delaware Senator, Hunter worked for a credit card company, so it would not surprise me if neither Donald nor Joe deserves to be POTUS.

Joe has released his taxes and Donald has not.

That tells me Joe, at least, knows he has to appear lawful while Donald has believed his is above the law for his entire privileged life.

Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Trump's father did not threaten the leader of an entire country so his son could make $50,000 a month to spend on cocaine.

Nor did Donald receive $1.5 billion dollars from your buddies, the Chinese, like Hunter Biden did.
Why is Trump unable to why his Ukraine request was legal?

Trump unable to explain why ask of Ukraine leader was legal

"Donald Trump on Wednesday was unable to explain why it is acceptable and legal for a sitting U.S. president to ask a foreign leader to investigate one of his domestic political foes.

"Instead, during a meandering answer at a press conference, the president tried to deflect attention to what he says was misconduct by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

"He also tried to downplay his own words as spelled out in a partial transcript of a call with Ukraine’s new leader released earlier in the day that sent shockwaves through Washington."
Biden broke the law and of course like everything else unlawful the the Obama regime. You look the other way. Trump is proving Obama's regime broke the law and it's totally legal.
Biden broke the law and of course like everything else unlawful the the Obama regime. You look the other way. Trump is proving Obama's regime broke the law and it's totally legal.
Biden broke the law, so Trump doesn't have to face charges for his latest crime of asking a foreign government to provide him with a personal political benefit--that's a federal offense which will result in Trump's impeachment, losing in 2020, numerous criminal prosecutions and convictions, and the political death of the Republican Party.
I'd like to know why it's taken this long for an investigation to take place! Biden himself admitted that he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into dropping the investigation into his son. He not only admitted it...he seemed to REVEL in what he was able to force them to do!
How does that affect Trump's attempt to bribe a foreign government to interfere in ANOTHER US election on his behalf?

These Are the Ads Russia Bought on Facebook in 2016

Is it "interfering" in an election if someone who used their office for monetary gain for their family is exposed for what they did? Or does Biden get a pass on that simply because he's a candidate?
Is it "interfering" in an election if someone who used their office for monetary gain for their family is exposed for what they did? Or does Biden get a pass on that simply because he's a candidate?
Regardless of Biden's crimes in Ukraine, when Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate a political rival, Trump broke yet another law, and this time the crime is obvious enough for impeachment and a trial in the Senate possibly about this time next year.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

"President Trump told Mr Zelensky that he would like him to speak to Rudy Giuliani, his personal lawyer, whom he described as a 'highly respected man', as well as US attorney-general William Barr. Mr Trump went on to ask Mr Zelensky if he could 'look into' Joe Biden’s involvement in the sacking of a top Ukrainian prosecutor in 2016, when Mr Biden was vice-president."

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