Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason

How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".
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How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".

A desire to lock up enemies of the United States hardly renders one a Stalinist.

On the contrary, it's something an American would do. With a smile.
How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".
Every democrat in DC.
At the very least Pencilneck Schiff should be required to publicly apologize to the President for lying about the contents of the report. He's a disgusting POS.
So, four open Stalinists have chimed in on their desire to persecute EnemiesOfTheParty.

There are many more. The smarter ones just try to conceal their Stalinist nature.
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Will Democrats abandon Schiff if he faces treason charges as he should?

<< Trump wasn't laughing. And on Monday he suggested that Schiff's behavior was egregious that it amounts to treason and he should be arrested. >>

Trump: Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason

Trump's delicate feelings were hurt by the accuracy of Schiff's parody. Suggesting Schiff committed treason is pure idiocy on the honesty level, but it may be genius marketing to cult members.
So, four open Stalinists have chimed in on their desire to persecute EnemiesOfTheParty.

There are many more. The smarter ones just try to conceal their Stalinist nature.

Who wouldn't kill an Enemy of the People? Trump is just being helpful when he points them out.
Will Democrats abandon Schiff if he faces treason charges as he should?

<< Trump wasn't laughing. And on Monday he suggested that Schiff's behavior was egregious that it amounts to treason and he should be arrested. >>

Trump: Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason
Well, he should at least be publicly censured for his BLATANT misrepresentation of the call transcript.

Most of us would be satisfied with that and his removal from all committees or subcommittees for the remainder of his tenure.

How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".
when Trump spies on the political opposition using the FBI come talk to us until then go f u c k yourself
At the very least Pencilneck Schiff should be required to publicly apologize to the President for lying about the contents of the report. He's a disgusting POS.
He should apologize to America and his mother for his birth.

What an Un-American piece of shit he is.
it's almost as if Democrats don't know who our allies and enemies are.
It's almost as if Trumpers don't understand the Constitution or ...words.

Treason requires a WAR dumbasses
How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".
This from the people who call for "science deniers "to be jailed

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to projectionville
How very Stalinist of you.

What other EnemiesOfTheParty do you want sent to TheGulag?

It's no longer a question of whether Trump cultists are like Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And the answer seems to be "no".
Typical. Evidence of criminal acts come out about Trump's attackers, and snowflakes begin launching personal attacks in their defense...
Surprise, surprise - the only politician the Russians bought, it appears - besides Hillary - is D-ADAM SCHIFF:

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who has played a leading role in investigating the Trump-Ukraine scandal, is facing questions about his own connection to a Soviet-born businessman who has raised money for his campaign and whose company has received lucrative defense contracts from Ukraine's government."

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny

So for the last 3+ years Schiff has been doing Putin's bidding, trying to continue to divide the country while attempting a political coup to remove the most successful President in decades from office.....
This from the people who call for "science deniers "to be jailed

No, we don't. You're just made that up. After all, lying about your political opponents is also a hallmark of Stalinist ideology.

In contrast, look at this thread. All of your Stalinist buddies right here are calling for political persecutions, and you're defending them. You're just another Stalinist ratfuk, like the rest of the Trump cultists.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And they don't.

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