Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason

This from the people who call for "science deniers "to be jailed

No, we don't. You're just made that up. After all, lying about your political opponents is also a hallmark of Stalinist ideology.

In contrast, look at this thread. All of your Stalinist buddies right here are calling for political persecutions, and you're defending them. You're just another Stalinist ratfuk, like the rest of the Trump cultists.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. And they don't.

National Opposite Day has already passed.
National Opposite Day has already passed.

So when will you be condemning the right wing terrorism spree?

You won't? 50 murdered Americans in 2018 sends a tingle up your leg, so you're going to keep running interference for it?

And nobody is surprised. All Trump cultists back right-wing terrorism. It's required of them. If they don't support the violence, they're kicked out of the cult.
National Opposite Day has already passed.

So when will you be condemning the right wing terrorism spree?

You won't? 50 murdered Americans in 2018 sends a tingle up your leg, so you're going to keep running interference for it?

And nobody is surprised. All Trump cultists back right-wing terrorism. It's required of them. If they don't support the violence, they're kicked out of the cult.

I know of no such activity. Try again.
Will Democrats abandon Schiff if he faces treason charges as he should?

<< Trump wasn't laughing. And on Monday he suggested that Schiff's behavior was egregious that it amounts to treason and he should be arrested. >>

Trump: Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason
Sedition, not Treason

Now we know why Schiff is lying – he’s connected with a Ukrainian Arms Dealer!
In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500 –


Pasternack has also been connected to George Soros –

Pasternak was reportedly in and around the Ukraine at the same time that Vice President Joe Biden had his son appointed to the Board of the Ukraine’s largest oil and gas producer –

Fake Fact Checker Snopes, who's is run by a guy who likes to blow his money on monkeys and hookers, tried to get him off the hook.

Fake Fact-Checker Snopes Gets Destroyed! Lying Adam Schiff IS Connected to Ukrainian Arms Dealer as We Reported - We Have Support - More Snopes #FakeNews

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