School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
No, the OP is saying that school boards that do not implement recommended security provisions, i.e. say "we're not wasting money on security" for example, are negligent. The OP says that if you're on a school board, you have a legal responsibility to act in the best interest of students, including their security.
If you can't accept that responsibility, don't run for the school board.

Look, it's ultimately for the voters to decide. That's how elective office works. You don't prosecute successful candidates for being what the voters chose.
Doubtful. But you can't deny there are plenty of people on the left who want to prevent me from owning firearms, despite the fact I have and could again easily pass a background check.
Yup. That’s not realistic though so you don’t have to worry about that. We can’t get anything done, much less anything that restricts firearms to law-abiding citizens.
Come on kzyr! if you knew anything about the topic, the two police officers at Parkland were reinstated with back pay. Your wonderful government officials missed the deadlines!
Peterson was not reinstated.

Peterson, the deputy assigned to the school, was charged with 11 felony counts, including child neglect, for staying outside the school during the shooting and then-Sheriff Scott Israel was removed last year over the department’s handling of the shooting. He recently lost a bid for reinstatement, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Miller was only reinstated because the arbitration board said the dept failed to follow proper procedure in his firing.

Peterson is still facing charges.

If he's found guilty though I fail to see how he'll not be able to win on appeal.
No, they didn't. Remington had ceased to exist, the suit was settled by insurance companies.

No, that's wrong. They did not lose-in fact, Remington Arms no longer existed (they went under in 2020) when the insurers settled the suit.

The insurers for the bankrupt and liquidating Remington Arms settled because it was cheaper than not settling.
The settled for the max that the insurer was liable for because they knew that's all they would ever collect.
And all those gun loving texans sat outside the classroom while children bled and died. They sat out of that classroom for over an hour. There was 1 high school dropout in that room, why were they so scared to go in? Texas is garbage under Abbott. No balls to face 1 high school drop out while children died? It's a disgrace.
What a steaming pile, Abbott had nothing to do with the events that day, it wasn't his place.

What should he have done, grabbed an AR himself and have someone wheel him into the room to personally take out the killer?
The entire concept or fundamental paradigm of the American way of life is to not live in a fucking fortress USA.
According to what idiot with zero understanding of US history? We've been fortifying homes, schools, and gov't buildings since the founding of the country.
According to what idiot with zero understanding of US history? We've been fortifying homes, schools, and gov't buildings since the founding of the country.
We sure have. As in olde parts of Europe, communities grew up around a fortified castle where the locals could retreat to for safety if attacked. Similarly, many American established communities can be traced back to areas nearby to Forts. For the same reason.
We sure have. As in olde parts of Europe, communities grew up around a fortified castle where the locals could retreat to for safety if attacked. Similarly, many American established communities can be traced back to areas nearby to Forts. For the same reason.
Idiots always lecturing us on US history are always entertaining.



Today we have millions living behind stone or masonry walls with iron bars, and with full time security behind those walls and at the entry gates.
Yup. That’s not realistic though so you don’t have to worry about that. We can’t get anything done, much less anything that restricts firearms to law-abiding citizens.
I didn't say I was worried about it. I said they're trying. Luckily, Democrats are the most incompetent people on the planet.
Look, it's ultimately for the voters to decide. That's how elective office works. You don't prosecute successful candidates for being what the voters chose.
True, its up to the voters, but which voters?
Congress could pass school safety laws, including school board responsibilities.
States could pass school safety laws, including school board responsibilities.
School boards could be elected on school safety promises

There are at least 3 ways schools could be made safer. Will any of the 3 happen??????
The students didn't just lose their rights, THEY LOST THEIR LIVES.
Stop spouting law books and think about reality.
His job was to protect the kids, and he failed to act, he failed to do his job, and kids died.

Peterson was arrested, so whatever needed to happen legally, happened.
He was reinstated with back pay! The officials missed the deadline.
True, its up to the voters, but which voters?
Congress could pass school safety laws, including school board responsibilities.
States could pass school safety laws, including school board responsibilities.
School boards could be elected on school safety promises

There are at least 3 ways schools could be made safer. Will any of the 3 happen??????

Not a federal responsibility. Try again!
There is $100,000,000,000 left over from Covid protection for schools.
That can be used to protect kids.
I won't accept that schools can't be made safer, if sports needs to be cut, cut sports.
Its a matter of priorities. Safety comes FIRST.

Make schools safer, but continue to make guns easy to obtain?

Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?
Antiguners can't push for gun control with living children in protected schools. They need dead children to do that. Schumer made it very clear he doesn't care about making schools safe and hard target's he wants to go after gun's. Which does nothing to stop school shootings. With 600 million plus guns in the hands of civilians.

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