School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
School boards criminally liable for a killing spree by maniac and failure of Police to respond properly? You gotta be kidding.
If the school board didn't secure the school adequately they would be criminally liable, "criminal negligence", google it.
That presupposes that the States and or Feds would pass laws making school boards responsible, give them some money, and a deadline for completion of the security upgrades. If they can't take the heat get the fuck out, resign.
We already have a lot of angry parents yelling at school board meetings demanding answers for school security.
We've offered solutions. You don't like them because they're not disarming everybody.
I’m fine with implementing just about anything at this point.

Best case scenario: It works.

Worst case scenario: It doesn’t work. We get to tell you guys that your idea didn’t work. Then we move on to the next idea.

Of course none of that is going to happen. We’re going to do exactly nothing.
I’m fine with implementing just about anything at this point.

Best case scenario: It works.

Worst case scenario: It doesn’t work. We get to tell you guys that your idea didn’t work. Then we move on to the next idea.

Of course none of that is going to happen. We’re going to do exactly nothing.
Because Democrats aren't interested in solutions. Democrats want to disarm people who have committed no crimes with their legally-owned firearms.
criminal negligence


  1. Failure to use reasonable care, and thus put someone at risk of injury or death.
  2. (law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences)
3. I call bullshit, Peterson didn't do his job. duh.
4. Then why are school shootings still happening, duh?
Police have no affirmative duty to protect anyone so no, you couldn't sustain a charge in this case against them for failing to act.
You are nuts if you think a school can be made into a fortress able to keep crazies out while letting little kids in. This guy wouldn't have been stopped......well other than had his illegal family been kicked across the border, that his illegal family hadn't received any government checks, if they would have locked up his crazy tranny ass sooner, OR...............allowed his juvenile criminal record to be accessed and grounds of denial for a gun. He had just turned 18----he had no adult background to check. They could have also tied being allowed to sell gun to anyone in lived in a household where a register criminal resided.
Hardening schools is easy and relatively inexpensive.

He was only able to gain entry because an exterior door was left open, and then gained access to the class room because the classroom door was open.

What makes you think he was illegal? He was living with his grand parents who was apparently a long term resident in the community. It is therefore highly unlikely his parents or at least his mother was an illegal.

Unless the reports of the LEO's are errant he bought the two guns himself, lawfully although apparently he tried to get his older sister to purchase one for him before he turned 18 and she refused.
New Laws can supersede that "qualified immunity" where school safety is concerned. The problem now is that the school boards accept the risk of a school shooting rather than pay for adequate safety measures.
"Elect me and I won't raise your school taxes"
Qualified immunity is a creation of the courts, particularly the Supreme Court so no such laws are likely to stand up to scrutiny.
Police have no affirmative duty to protect anyone so no, you couldn't sustain a charge in this case against them for failing to act.
Police may not have to, but if you are assigned a specific responsibility, you are criminally liable to act.
Laws can be written assigning responsibility. Now that you mentioned "police" how about that Peterson guy who was supposed to protect the Parkland kids, but hid instead, and GOT ARRESTED...

The definition of "criminal negligence" looks easy to apply to school boards, and Mr. Peterson:
"(law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences)"
The school board controls none of these things, yet you want to make them the scapegoat.

Could work in well off communities.

Most schools districts are already in debt.

Are you willing to pay more in taxes to see this happen and be maintained?
School boards set the district budget.
Police may not have to, but if you are assigned a specific responsibility, you are criminally liable to act.
Laws can be written assigning responsibility. Now that you mentioned "police" how about that Peterson guy who was supposed to protect the Parkland kids, but hid instead, and GOT ARRESTED...

The definition of "criminal negligence" looks easy to apply to school boards, and Mr. Peterson:
"(law) recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences)"
Unless they can prove he acted unlawfully to deprive the students of their constitutional rights it will go no where.

There are limited circumstances where you can lose your qualified immunity but as a rule only if you violate written department policy or law depriving the individual of their protected rights.
We’re just going to keep watching the same thing happen, we won’t do anything about it, then we’ll see it happen again because people insist on doing absolutely nothing. It is what it is.
Why do you feel such a need to lie?

Just because people disagree with your idea of a solution doesn't mean they don't want to do anything.
Agreed. But Remington lost big in the Sandy Hook lawsuit.
They declared bankruptcy & moved to another state.
They lost because the suit addressed their advertising practices. The case should have been tossed on the merits.
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You can argue that as your ass is being hauled off to prison:
Even if he's convicted it will likely be thrown out in a summary judgement on appeal.

Police have no affirmative duty to protect anyone.


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