School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Make schools safer, but continue to make guns easy to obtain?
You're preaching to the choir.
I support raising the age to buy a gun to 21
I support requiring obtaining a carry permit to buy a gun (this adds in-depth research into the buyer, including references)
I support "stop and frisk"
I support mandatory sentences for using a gun in a crime
Anti-gunners can't push for gun control with living children in protected schools. They need dead children to do that. Schumer made it very clear he doesn't care about making schools safe and hard target's he wants to go after gun's. Which does nothing to stop school shootings. With 600 million plus guns in the hands of civilians.
We'll see what McConnell puts up for a vote, and if the democrats vote to do something.
Joe Manchin may be key, I hope he votes with Republicans and not the democrats
Not a federal responsibility. Try again!
Who would vote "NO" for improving school security?
The Departments of Education and Homeland Security say school safety is a Federal Responsibility, to stop "domestic terrorism".
The Department of Education's Budget for 2022 is $144b. Where is that in the US Constitution?
You're preaching to the choir.
I support raising the age to buy a gun to 21
I support requiring obtaining a carry permit to buy a gun (this adds in-depth research into the buyer, including references)
I support "stop and frisk"
I support mandatory sentences for using a gun in a crime

Radicalized terrorists don't care about any of that. Look at their manifestos.
Who would vote "NO" for improving school security?
The Departments of Education and Homeland Security say school safety is a Federal Responsibility, to stop "domestic terrorism".
The Department of Education's Budget for 2022 is $144b. Where is that in the US Constitution?
When was OUR CONSTITUTION written?
LOL!! You can't switch fucking sides now!!!
You said I was "paranoid" because the FBI was investigating parents as "domestic terrorists'.
Now you put up my link proving the FBI is investigating parents!
I'm not "paranoid", that's a fact, welcome aboard.
When was OUR CONSTITUTION written?
Is it still the law of the land, yes or no?

Point being the Department of Education could be considered unconstitutional since the Constitution doesn't say its a Federal responsibility.
Radicalized terrorists don't care about any of that. Look at their manifestos.
The radicalized terrorists on school boards are legalized. The father who complained to them about his daughter being raped in a school bathroom by a boy with a dress on and then the stormtrooper who cops subdued him to the ground says it all about keeping weapons. That was pretty visual.
The radicalized terrorists on school boards are legalized. The father who complained to them about his daughter being raped in a school bathroom by a boy with a dress on and then the stormtrooper who cops subdued him to the ground says it all about keeping weapons. That was pretty visual.
School board members aren't slaughtering children.

Can someone please explain how locking all doors during the school day besides one front entrance with security is an “armed fortress”? An iron fortress would have tall, electric fences with rolled barbed wire. An iron fortress would have armed policeman stationed around the school at all times in full riot gear. Exactly which poster is proposing that scenario, I must have missed it.

Many students in our local schools are “friends” with their school resource officers who are trained, are required to continue to train, and are armed. If they feel threatened by this environment I haven’t seen it nor heard about it. It is most important to select appropriately skilled security with the right personality. School security guards who seek some power trip are worthless. These types of power trippers over kids who aren’t adequately screened and hired can be quickly replaced, and I’ve seen a school do exactly that when it became obvious he didn’t like kids.
I think it's a lack of state funding for these laws the right wing won't pass it seems.

Why is it Texas has no state funding for these measures.

Oh yeah they don't want to tax the rich.
they have funding…the issue was some dembot teacher that propped a door open for Salvador Ramo’s to get in…then you had a dembot donor police chief completely f up the response
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?
Schools don't fund themselves but they are funded by legislatures which do not fund the schools to become hardened.
What the fuck is wrong with "fucking fortress USA"????
I like fortresses.

I don't think that hunting down progressive democrats would get much political support.
We get 5he culture we deserve/vote for. Until out national morality changes, this will continue.

The Left's solution: take away the tools of self defense from EVERYBODY but government

The right thinking Right's solution: Stop messing with our kids minds and restore basic morality
Can someone please explain how locking all doors during the school day besides one front entrance with security is an “armed fortress”? An iron fortress would have tall, electric fences with rolled barbed wire. An iron fortress would have armed policeman stationed around the school at all times in full riot gear. Exactly which poster is proposing that scenario, I must have missed it.

Many students in our local schools are “friends” with their school resource officers who are trained, are required to continue to train, and are armed. If they feel threatened by this environment I haven’t seen it nor heard about it. It is most important to select appropriately skilled security with the right personality. School security guards who seek some power trip are worthless. These types of power trippers over kids who aren’t adequately screened and hired can be quickly replaced, and I’ve seen a school do exactly that when it became obvious he didn’t like kids.
This wasn't even on the minds of anyone when I was in school. WHAT CHANGED in our culture that this is now even being considered? This doesn't really FIX the problem. It's a band-aid
This is actually quite simple: The only people who deserve the blame for school shooting are the ones who pull the triggers...
I didn't say I was worried about it. I said they're trying. Luckily, Democrats are the most incompetent people on the planet.
It’s not due to incompetence. It’s because there‘s so many people who refuse to budge an inch on anything when it comes to guns. People like you probably.
So the wingnuts believe that schools shouldn't be responsible for selecting the academic curriculum, which they are well trained for, but they should be responsible for providing security against heavily armed maniacs.

The wingnuts just keep getting stupider and stupider.

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