School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?
I voted no. I also suggest that the US has a 2nd Amendment register. Those that support the 2A and thus registered as a supporter and gun owner, foots the yearly bill for gun incidents, compensation, the cost to install security across the country and the upkeep of that. So each member can pay a few hundred thousand per year.
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?

It's not hard to do at all...
Totally stupid excuse at all as to why it has not already been done!
You're a wingnut.
A real "academic curriculum" doesn't include stupid shit like CRT, tranny shit, or 1619 Project "fake history"
This thread is all about school safety, do keep up.

I voted no. I also suggest that the US has a 2nd Amendment register. Those that support the 2A and thus registered as a supporter and gun owner, foots the yearly bill for gun incidents, compensation, the cost to install security across the country and the upkeep of that. So each member can pay a few hundred thousand per year.
LOL!! Good luck with that!
Do you have ANY idea what the wording of the 2nd Amendment means?
It's not hard to do at all...
Totally stupid excuse at all as to why it has not already been done!
Exactly. Then there is the old saying "you can't "idiot proof" everything because some idiot will fuck it up.
1. In Sandy Hook some moron let the shooter in past the locked security door...
2. In Uvalde, some idiot propped a locked door open...
I'm sure US gun laws can be strengthened without banning guns.
I like raising the age to buy a gun to 21
I like having to get a carry permit to buy a gun
I'm sure a more in-depth background check would be good

For those new laws that impact lawful gun owners, to balance the scales, bring back "stop & frisk" in the cities, and mandatory sentencing minimums for using a gun in a crime.

Added together, they should reduce gun violence somewhat.
I'm sure US gun laws can be strengthened without banning guns.
I like raising the age to buy a gun to 21
I like having to get a carry permit to buy a gun
I'm sure a more in-depth background check would be good

For those new laws that impact lawful gun owners, to balance the scales, bring back "stop & frisk" in the cities, and mandatory sentencing minimums for using a gun in a crime.

Added together, they should reduce gun violence somewhat.
It's a good start.

Thanks for demonstrating exactly why you shouldn't be allowed to own firearms. 😁
Thing is you show that defensive action you view as a threat. Similar to the Nazis against the Jew or the American slave against the democrat slave owner.
LOL!! Good luck with that!
Do you have ANY idea what the wording of the 2nd Amendment means?
Is that why that young lad blasted those kids with an AR-15 in their faces.

If they had to pay for it, the idiots might take notice of the problem as opposed to celebrating it.
Is that why that young lad blasted those kids with an AR-15 in their faces.
If they had to pay for it, the idiots might take notice of the problem as opposed to celebrating it.
I prefer suggestions that could actually be implemented and that would work, as opposed to impractical ideas.
I get your sentiment, but think of a few better ideas that could actually help reduce gun violence.
What the fuck is wrong with "fucking fortress USA"????
I like fortresses.

I don't think that hunting down progressive democrats would get much political support.
Well it is not pro freedom....

Having unrestrictive gun laws means that other have to pay... Where were the rights of those kids lives balance with another rights for a gun...

Again with a choice between Guns and Children, you choose guns..
Well it is not pro freedom....

Having unrestrictive gun laws means that other have to pay... Where were the rights of those kids lives balance with another rights for a gun...

Again with a choice between Guns and Children, you choose guns..
Define unrestrictive gun laws.
Well it is not pro freedom....
Having unrestrictive gun laws means that other have to pay... Where were the rights of those kids lives balance with another rights for a gun...
Again with a choice between Guns and Children, you choose guns..
Cities have very restrictive gun laws....."i.e. no guns, period".
Yet Chicago has an average 3,000 shootings every year. Why is that? More gun control, and more shootings???
Criminals always ignore gun laws, duh.

One more time...its not the gun, its the criminal using it that is the problem.
Democrat "prosecutors" refuse to prosecute.
Judges refuse to impose harsh sentences when guns are used in a crime.

This thread proves I choose children over guns.
When democrats start enforcing laws and jailing criminals, gun violence will be reduced.
We need "stop and frisk" back as a start.
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Antiguners can't push for gun control with living children in protected schools. They need dead children to do that. Schumer made it very clear he doesn't care about making schools safe and hard target's he wants to go after gun's. Which does nothing to stop school shootings. With 600 million plus guns in the hands of civilians.
Democrats don't want schools safer. They want stacks of small bodies to justify their power grab.
It’s not due to incompetence. It’s because there‘s so many people who refuse to budge an inch on anything when it comes to guns. People like you probably.
I have no obligation to give up my rights because some people are butthurt.

Meanwhile, look at the history of gun legislation. Pro-2A people have given lots of ground. The anti-gunners? Not so much.

We don't need any more laws. Enforce the laws on the books.
I have no obligation to give up my rights because some people are butthurt.

Meanwhile, look at the history of gun legislation. Pro-2A people have given lots of ground. The anti-gunners? Not so much.

We don't need any more laws. Enforce the laws on the books.
It’s not your rights that are being given up.

We can see pass legislation that will help keep guns out of the wrong hands and you refuse to allow that.

Dude was carving his own face for fun and torturing animals and you see nothing wrong with allowing a piece of shit like that to go buy an AR-15 to kill a bunch of 10-year-olds.
I voted no. I also suggest that the US has a 2nd Amendment register. Those that support the 2A and thus registered as a supporter and gun owner, foots the yearly bill for gun incidents, compensation, the cost to install security across the country and the upkeep of that. So each member can pay a few hundred thousand per year.
If you have a penis, you need to pay for all the costs associated with rape.
It’s not your rights that are being given up.

We can see pass legislation that will help keep guns out of the wrong hands and you refuse to allow that.

Dude was carving his own face for fun and torturing animals and you see nothing wrong with allowing a piece of shit like that to go buy an AR-15 to kill a bunch of 10-year-olds.
Those laws are already in place. Enforce them.

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