School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass

Tens of thousands of kids must check their phones in class every day in America. How bad must you be at your teaching job that you can't just remind the student to turn the phone off and put it away like every other teacher in America?

And what of confiscating people's property? Why are our Republican friends opposed to that when it comes to them, but never when it comes to people of color? People's phones today are a part of who they are. A good teacher knows how to manage their classroom without calling a cop over such a bullshit, mundane situation.

Remind me, how many crooked Wall Street bankers got the treatment this kid got for tanking the economy in 2008? When you can name one then you can shoot your mouth off about this story.

To the horse's ass:

1. The teacher didn't call a cop, the administrator did

2. Republican friends support all property rights, but..

3. Kids don't have property rights when on school grounds

4. My generation lived without cell phones, this one can too

5. You have no idea what this teacher did or did not ask the students to do.

Don't open your mouth, just change feet.
That's what hall passes are for. Why do you Leftists hate obeying the rules so much? It's no wonder kids get themselves into trouble seeing large children like you acting like immature brats.
Shouldn't the training to be a school cop include conflict resolution?
You're dealing with a school full of is violence the first response to non-compliance?
Incorrect. The thugs cops deal with on the streets are no more mature than high school students.

And now you're lying because he asked the girl several times to get up and leave and she refused, so "violence" was not the first response. Another lie from you and you're on permanent ignore. I don't even know who you are so I'm not tolerating shit from you.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
Sometimes fighting for your rights kills you. You cant get any deeper than that.
That is why you find a way that doesn't dig your hole deeper. If the cop is a dirty cop, I believe that in the end, your rights
will be restored by whoever is in charge of him, and the cop will be out on his head.

God bless you always!!!

Maybe if the cop had allowed him to drink some water there would have been no issue?

That's what hall passes are for. Why do you Leftists hate obeying the rules so much? It's no wonder kids get themselves into trouble seeing large children like you acting like immature brats.
Shouldn't the training to be a school cop include conflict resolution?
You're dealing with a school full of is violence the first response to non-compliance?
Incorrect. The thugs cops deal with on the streets are no more mature than high school students.

And now you're lying because he asked the girl several times to get up and leave and she refused, so "violence" was not the first response. Another lie from you and you're on permanent ignore. I don't even know who you are so I'm not tolerating shit from you.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Bullshit. Violence is frequently the first response unless the cop actually is a professional.
Shouldn't the training to be a school cop include conflict resolution?
You're dealing with a school full of is violence the first response to non-compliance?
Incorrect. The thugs cops deal with on the streets are no more mature than high school students.

And now you're lying because he asked the girl several times to get up and leave and she refused, so "violence" was not the first response. Another lie from you and you're on permanent ignore. I don't even know who you are so I'm not tolerating shit from you.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?
That's what hall passes are for. Why do you Leftists hate obeying the rules so much? It's no wonder kids get themselves into trouble seeing large children like you acting like immature brats.
Shouldn't the training to be a school cop include conflict resolution?
You're dealing with a school full of is violence the first response to non-compliance?
Incorrect. The thugs cops deal with on the streets are no more mature than high school students.

And now you're lying because he asked the girl several times to get up and leave and she refused, so "violence" was not the first response. Another lie from you and you're on permanent ignore. I don't even know who you are so I'm not tolerating shit from you.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Bullshit. Violence is frequently the first response unless the cop actually is a professional.

Really, asswipe? Because in all the cophater threads posed by Tazerboy and others, so far not a single incidence of a cop responding FIRST with violence. Ever.
Incorrect. The thugs cops deal with on the streets are no more mature than high school students.

And now you're lying because he asked the girl several times to get up and leave and she refused, so "violence" was not the first response. Another lie from you and you're on permanent ignore. I don't even know who you are so I'm not tolerating shit from you.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
Sometimes fighting for your rights kills you. You cant get any deeper than that.
That is why you find a way that doesn't dig your hole deeper. If the cop is a dirty cop, I believe that in the end, your rights
will be restored by whoever is in charge of him, and the cop will be out on his head.

God bless you always!!!

Too bad I've seen too many cases where that is not true. The PD just sweeps it under the rug.
You're in the wrong thread.

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"
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Too bad I've seen too many cases where that is not true. The PD just sweeps it under the rug.

In Miami in 1980 a pack of degenerate animals wearing uniforms and badges beat a Black man to death using baton sticks and heavy long flashlights carried by Police...the man was beaten so savagely so brutally that they made a it up to make it look like the man had crashed his motorcycle. They laid down the dead man's bike and ran over it with a Police car...NOT ONE OF THESE CRIMINAL GOONS WAS CONVICTED...
It led to the worst rioting ever in Miami history....3 dozen people dead...tens of millions in damages..

but hey as always God Bless you....

So I am. Switching back and forth between this cop hater thread and the others. My point still stands, however, because violence wasn't the first response in this case either. The thug was ignoring instructions and then took a combative stance. When I was a kid, I was taught, "you mess with the bull, you get the horn" and so it was here. In fact, cops NEVER respond with violence first unless you come at them with a weapon.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"

That's only half the story. The cop actually striking him is also not in the video. Ultimately the video

And it will be his word against a punk kid. He says the kid took a combative stance, that will be believed.
Did the kid come at him with a weapon then?
I didn't read that.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"

That's only half the story. The cop actually striking him is also not in the video. Ultimately the video

And it will be his word against a punk kid. He says the kid took a combative stance, that will be believed.
Thats the only half needed. You said he didnt punch the kid and he already admitted he did stupid.
No, that's why he's still alive.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"

That's only half the story. The cop actually striking him is also not in the video. Ultimately the video

And it will be his word against a punk kid. He says the kid took a combative stance, that will be believed.
Thats the only half needed. You said he didnt punch the kid and he already admitted he did stupid.

No I didn't say he didn't punch the kid. Now you're revealing yourself to be an idiot.
You dont call punching someone violence?

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"

That's only half the story. The cop actually striking him is also not in the video. Ultimately the video

And it will be his word against a punk kid. He says the kid took a combative stance, that will be believed.
Thats the only half needed. You said he didnt punch the kid and he already admitted he did stupid.

No I didn't say he didn't punch the kid. Now you're revealing yourself to be an idiot.
Stop being ridiculous you did say he didnt punch the kid unless you have backpedaled to arguing semantics.

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow.
Why 4 Boys In South Carolina Have Been Shackled In Solitary Confinement For 6 Weeks
A thirty minute drive from Spring Valley High School,
where Officer Ben Fields slammed and dragged a teenage girl out of her desk, several young boys have been shackled and locked in solitary confinement for close to six weeks with little to no human contact.

On September 19, corrections officers at the Broad River Road Complex, a detention center for kids aged 12 to 18 in Columbia, South Carolina, confronted a group of boys who were roughhousing in the Magnolia Housing Unit. When the kids involved refused to be taken to the Crisis Management Unit, or solitary confinement, the officers locked 27 boys in the Magnolia dormitory. In response to being shut in, some of the boys lashed out by destroying property and stealing snacks. Some took keys to remove their shackles.

Soon after, all of the boys were thrown into solitary confinement for rioting.

Seventeen of them were held in CMU for four weeks. Nearly six weeks after the riot, four of them are still there — locked in their cells for 23 hours a day with little to no human contact. Everyone in CMU has been kept in chains — shackled in their cells, showers, and on the basketball court where they are occasionally taken for recreation. Recreation and educational opportunities were only made available to them last week.

“They are denied education. They are denied human contact. They are mistreated,” Aleksandra Chauhan, an attorney for two of the boys, told ThinkProgress. “Those children are in their adolescent years and they’re like, ‘I want to get education, but I’ve missed so much.’ They say they’re behind.”
Too bad I've seen too many cases where that is not true. The PD just sweeps it under the rug.

In Miami in 1980 a pack of degenerate animals wearing uniforms and badges beat a Black man to death using baton sticks and heavy long flashlights carried by Police...the man was beaten so savagely so brutally that they made a it up to make it look like the man had crashed his motorcycle. They laid down the dead man's bike and ran over it with a Police car...NOT ONE OF THESE CRIMINAL GOONS WAS CONVICTED...
It led to the worst rioting ever in Miami history....3 dozen people dead...tens of millions in damages..

but hey as always God Bless you....

I remember that. Everyone was afraid to leave home.
We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow. That's why the prosecution will fail.
We do know what happened stupid. Did you confuse yourself again? The cop admitted he punched the kid. :laugh:

While the teenager did not hit the officer at any time, the officer claims that he hit him in self-defense because the boy allegedly took an aggressive stance and balled his fists, which is not depicted in the video.

Read more at School Cop Punches 16-Year-Old Student in the Face for Not Having a Hall Pass"

That's only half the story. The cop actually striking him is also not in the video. Ultimately the video

And it will be his word against a punk kid. He says the kid took a combative stance, that will be believed.
Thats the only half needed. You said he didnt punch the kid and he already admitted he did stupid.

No I didn't say he didn't punch the kid. Now you're revealing yourself to be an idiot.
Stop being ridiculous you did say he didnt punch the kid unless you have backpedaled to arguing semantics.

We don't know what happened. There's no video showing the alleged blow.
I said there was no video showing the alleged blow. Everything else beyond what I actually said is conjecture.

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