School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?
That Muslim mother should be told not to push her daughter into a barbaric and misogynistic religion.

And then deported.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

You have a point. However, christians grew with and helped shape this country. Christianity, (and to a lesser degree, catholicism), had a civilizational effect on the country and became recognized as it's major religion. Other religions and groups grew and coexisted with America. Mormons, Catholics, Amish etc. Some of these groups and religions were treated badly, such as the Japanese during ww2. But even then, after the war, the japanese took up where they left off before the war. They didn't try to get even. Islam is different. They come here with their 'our way or the highway' still stuck in the 7th century attitude, and Americans are saying assimilate or go somewhere else. We don't want to hear your call to prayer blasting several times a day, along with every now and then suffering massacres because you folks can't seem to accept the American way of life.
Eventually Christianity provided more positive than negative effects, but the barbarism of the 16th through 19th centuries was as brutal as anywhere else in the world at the time. Genocide of the indigenous population, "Manifest Destiny" and burning/hanging witches are just three examples.

Interesting that you mention Mormons because, of all the Christian religions, that's the one that resulted in the most violence. Mostly against them, but also by them.

Who Killed Joseph Smith?

Haun's Mill Massacre - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Mountain Meadows Massacre

Sure, we got better and, as discussed with Syriusly, just because Christianity was barbaric for centuries several hundred years ago doesn't justify Islamic barbarism today.
....From the testimony of SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf head of Einsatzgruppen D outlining the rear actions of the Einsatzagruppen regarding the intentional murder of ethnic Jews in the East based on their blood including the women and children:

Q. What were these orders?

A. These orders had as their purpose to make it as easy as possible for the unfortunate victim and to prevent the brutality of the men from leading to inevitable excesses. Thus I first ordered that only so many victims should be brought to the place of execution as the execution commandos could handle. Any individual action by any individual man was forbidden. The Einsatzkommandos shot in a military manner only upon orders. It was strictly ordered to avoid any maltreatment, undressing was not permitted. The taking of any personal possessions was not permitted. Publicity was not permitted, and at the very moment when it was noted that a man had experienced joy in carrying out these executions, it was ordered that this man should never participate in any more executions. The men could not report voluntarily, they were ordered.
Q. Why did you not prevent the liquidations?

A. Even if I use the most severe standard in judging this, I had as little possibility as any of the codefendants here to prevent this order. There was only one thing, a senseless martyrdom through suicide, senseless because this would not have changed anything in the execution of this order, for this order was not an order of the SS, it was an order of the Supreme Commander in Chief and the Chief of State; it was not only carried out by Himmler or Heydrich. The army had to carry it out too, the High Command of the Army as well as the commanders in the east and southeast who were the superior commanders for the Einsatzgruppen and Einsatzkommandos. If I could imagine a theoretical possibility, then there was only the refusal on the part of those persons who were in the uppermost hierarchy and could appeal to the Supreme Commander and Chief of State, because they had the only possibility of getting access to him. They were, after all, the highest bearers of responsibility in the theater of operations.

Q. Did you not try in Nikolaev to dissuade the Reich Leader SS from this order?

A. The situation in Nikolaev was especially depressing in a moral sense, because in agreement with the army, we had excluded a large number of Jews, the farmers, from the executions. When the Reich Leader SS was in Nikolaev on 4 or 5 October, I was reproached for this measure and he ordered that henceforth, even against the will of the army, the executions should take place as planned. When the Reich Leader SS arrived at my headquarters, I had assembled all available commanders of my Einsatzgruppe. The Reich Leader addressed these men and repeated the strict order to kill all those groups which I have designated. He added that he alone would carry the responsibility, as far as accounting to the Fuehrer was concerned. None of the men would bear any responsibility, but he demanded the execution of this order, even though he knew how harsh these measures were. Nevertheless, after supper, I spoke to the Reich Leader and I pointed out the inhuman burden which was being imposed on the men in killing all these civilians. I didn't even get an answer.

Q. Now, I cannot pronounce it correctly, the Karaims were another sect whom you encountered in the south of Russia, and this sect had no Jewish blood, but it did share the religious confessions of the Jews. Is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. You submitted to Berlin the question whether the Karaims should be killed, and I understood you to say that the order you got from Berlin was you shall not kill them for they have nothing in common with the Jews except the confession?

A. Yes.

Q. Will you explain to the Court, please, what difference there was between the Karaims and the Krimchaks, except Jewish blood ?

A. I understand your question completely in reference to the eastern Jews, in the case of the Jews who were found in the eastern campaign. These Jews were to be killed-according to the order-for the reason that they were considered carriers of bolshevism, and, therefore, considered as endangering the security of the German Reich. This concerned the Jews who were found in Russia, and it was not known to me that the Jews in all of Europe were being killed, but on the contrary I knew that down to my dismissal these Jews were not killed, but it was attempted at all costs to get them to emigrate. The fact that the Karaims were not killed showed that the charge of the prosecution that persons were persecuted for their religion is not correct, for the Karaims had that Jewish religion, but they could not be killed because they did not belong to the Jewish race.

Q. I think, Witness, you answered exactly what I had antici-

*Sect which refused the Talmud and adopted the Old Testament as sole source of faith.
**Turkish Jews of mixed Semitic and Tartaric blood.

Page 275

pated in the last sentence, "They did not belong to the JewishRace," is that right?

A. Yes, That is right.

Q. They were found in Russia?

A. Yes.

Q. But they participated in the Jewish confession in Russia?

A. The Karaims had the Jewish faith, yes.

Q. But your race authorities in Berlin could find no trace of Jewish blood in them?

A. Yes.

Q. So they came absolutely under the Fuehrer Decree or the Streckenbach Order to kill all Jews?

A. Yes.

Q. Because of blood?

A. Because they were of Jewish origin. For you must understand the Nazi ideology, as you call it. It was the opinion of the Fuehrer that in Russia and in bolshevism, the representatives of this blood showed themselves especially suitable for this idea, therefore, the carriers of this blood became especially suitable representatives of the bolshevism. That is not on account of their faith, or their religion, but because of their human make-up and character.

Q. And because of their blood, right?

A. I cannot express it any more definitely than I stated, from their nature and their characteristics. Their blood, of course, has something to do with it, according to National Socialist ideology.

Q. Let's see, if I can understand it; we've got a lot of time, I hope. What was the distinction except blood?

A. Between whom?

B. Between the Karaims and the Krimchaks?

A. The difference of the blood, yes.

Q. Only the difference in blood, is that so?

A. Yes.

Q. So the criterion and the test which you applied in your slaughter was blood?

A. The criteria which I used were the orders which I got, and it has not been doubted during the entire trial, that in this
Fuehrer Order the Jews were designated as the ones who belonged to that circle in Russia and who were to be killed.

Q. Tell us how orders that you operated under in 1941 in Russia differed from the order which controlled killing of Jews in Poland in 1939 ?

A. In Poland individual actions had been ordered, while in Russia, during the entire time of the commitment, the killing of all Jews had been ordered. Special actions in Poland had been ordered, whose contents I do not know in detail.

COL. AMEN: Were all victims, including the men, women, and children executed in the same manner?

OHLENDORF: Until the spring of 1942, yes. Then an order came from Himmler that in the future women and children were to be killed only in gas vans.

COL. AMEN: How had women and children been killed previously?

OHLENDORF: In the same was as the men - by shooting.

COL. POKROVSKY: You said that mostly women and children were executed in these vans. For what reason?

OHLENDORF: That was a special order from Himmler to the effect that women and children were not to be exposed to the mental strain of the executions; and thus the men of the kommandos, mostly married men, should not be compelled to aim at women and children.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): In your testimony you said that the Einsatz group had the object of annihilating the Jews and the commissars, is that correct?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): And in what category did you consider the children? For what reason were the children massacred?

OHLENDORF: The order was that the Jewish population should be totally exterminated.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Including the children?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Were all the Jewish children murdered?

The hanging of Nazi scumbags like Otto Ohlendorf ridded the world of their evil.


The point dipshit is that it had nothing to do with the Jewish ideology which is why non-ethnic Jews were not targeted but Jews were targeted specifically because of their blood.
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim you can join them along with your fellow traitors to western civilization like that whore Jo Cox, Je Suis Breivik watch your fucking back bitch.
Awesome. Thanks for the threat of violence. I look forward to seeing you in the news just like this fucking nutjob:


Sorry you stupid fuck but "watch your back," written on an anonymous internet message board does not fall under the guidelines of terrorist threat statutes you ignorant faggot:

Terroristic threat - Wikipedia
Now, not only are you making violent threats, but you are lying about it. Why did you bring "terrorist threat" into the conversation? Is that what you were really thinking? Do you plan on blowing up a church full of little black girls? A mosque full of children? Or just shoot three Christians who are near a Jewish center?

Read the statutes you ignorant fuck, saying "watch your back," is not against the law, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim and Muslim children are no different than Hitler youth they need to be taken from their death cult pedophile worshipping parents and deprogrammed.
Last edited:
....From the testimony of SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf head of Einsatzgruppen D outlining the rear actions of the Einsatzagruppen regarding the intentional murder of ethnic Jews in the East based on their blood including the women and children:

Q. What were these orders?

A. These orders had as their purpose to make it as easy as possible for the unfortunate victim and to prevent the brutality of the men from leading to inevitable excesses. Thus I first ordered that only so many victims should be brought to the place of execution as the execution commandos could handle. Any individual action by any individual man was forbidden. The Einsatzkommandos shot in a military manner only upon orders. It was strictly ordered to avoid any maltreatment, undressing was not permitted. The taking of any personal possessions was not permitted. Publicity was not permitted, and at the very moment when it was noted that a man had experienced joy in carrying out these executions, it was ordered that this man should never participate in any more executions. The men could not report voluntarily, they were ordered.
Q. Why did you not prevent the liquidations?

A. Even if I use the most severe standard in judging this, I had as little possibility as any of the codefendants here to prevent this order. There was only one thing, a senseless martyrdom through suicide, senseless because this would not have changed anything in the execution of this order, for this order was not an order of the SS, it was an order of the Supreme Commander in Chief and the Chief of State; it was not only carried out by Himmler or Heydrich. The army had to carry it out too, the High Command of the Army as well as the commanders in the east and southeast who were the superior commanders for the Einsatzgruppen and Einsatzkommandos. If I could imagine a theoretical possibility, then there was only the refusal on the part of those persons who were in the uppermost hierarchy and could appeal to the Supreme Commander and Chief of State, because they had the only possibility of getting access to him. They were, after all, the highest bearers of responsibility in the theater of operations.

Q. Did you not try in Nikolaev to dissuade the Reich Leader SS from this order?

A. The situation in Nikolaev was especially depressing in a moral sense, because in agreement with the army, we had excluded a large number of Jews, the farmers, from the executions. When the Reich Leader SS was in Nikolaev on 4 or 5 October, I was reproached for this measure and he ordered that henceforth, even against the will of the army, the executions should take place as planned. When the Reich Leader SS arrived at my headquarters, I had assembled all available commanders of my Einsatzgruppe. The Reich Leader addressed these men and repeated the strict order to kill all those groups which I have designated. He added that he alone would carry the responsibility, as far as accounting to the Fuehrer was concerned. None of the men would bear any responsibility, but he demanded the execution of this order, even though he knew how harsh these measures were. Nevertheless, after supper, I spoke to the Reich Leader and I pointed out the inhuman burden which was being imposed on the men in killing all these civilians. I didn't even get an answer.

Q. Now, I cannot pronounce it correctly, the Karaims were another sect whom you encountered in the south of Russia, and this sect had no Jewish blood, but it did share the religious confessions of the Jews. Is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. You submitted to Berlin the question whether the Karaims should be killed, and I understood you to say that the order you got from Berlin was you shall not kill them for they have nothing in common with the Jews except the confession?

A. Yes.

Q. Will you explain to the Court, please, what difference there was between the Karaims and the Krimchaks, except Jewish blood ?

A. I understand your question completely in reference to the eastern Jews, in the case of the Jews who were found in the eastern campaign. These Jews were to be killed-according to the order-for the reason that they were considered carriers of bolshevism, and, therefore, considered as endangering the security of the German Reich. This concerned the Jews who were found in Russia, and it was not known to me that the Jews in all of Europe were being killed, but on the contrary I knew that down to my dismissal these Jews were not killed, but it was attempted at all costs to get them to emigrate. The fact that the Karaims were not killed showed that the charge of the prosecution that persons were persecuted for their religion is not correct, for the Karaims had that Jewish religion, but they could not be killed because they did not belong to the Jewish race.

Q. I think, Witness, you answered exactly what I had antici-

*Sect which refused the Talmud and adopted the Old Testament as sole source of faith.
**Turkish Jews of mixed Semitic and Tartaric blood.

Page 275

pated in the last sentence, "They did not belong to the JewishRace," is that right?

A. Yes, That is right.

Q. They were found in Russia?

A. Yes.

Q. But they participated in the Jewish confession in Russia?

A. The Karaims had the Jewish faith, yes.

Q. But your race authorities in Berlin could find no trace of Jewish blood in them?

A. Yes.

Q. So they came absolutely under the Fuehrer Decree or the Streckenbach Order to kill all Jews?

A. Yes.

Q. Because of blood?

A. Because they were of Jewish origin. For you must understand the Nazi ideology, as you call it. It was the opinion of the Fuehrer that in Russia and in bolshevism, the representatives of this blood showed themselves especially suitable for this idea, therefore, the carriers of this blood became especially suitable representatives of the bolshevism. That is not on account of their faith, or their religion, but because of their human make-up and character.

Q. And because of their blood, right?

A. I cannot express it any more definitely than I stated, from their nature and their characteristics. Their blood, of course, has something to do with it, according to National Socialist ideology.

Q. Let's see, if I can understand it; we've got a lot of time, I hope. What was the distinction except blood?

A. Between whom?

B. Between the Karaims and the Krimchaks?

A. The difference of the blood, yes.

Q. Only the difference in blood, is that so?

A. Yes.

Q. So the criterion and the test which you applied in your slaughter was blood?

A. The criteria which I used were the orders which I got, and it has not been doubted during the entire trial, that in this
Fuehrer Order the Jews were designated as the ones who belonged to that circle in Russia and who were to be killed.

Q. Tell us how orders that you operated under in 1941 in Russia differed from the order which controlled killing of Jews in Poland in 1939 ?

A. In Poland individual actions had been ordered, while in Russia, during the entire time of the commitment, the killing of all Jews had been ordered. Special actions in Poland had been ordered, whose contents I do not know in detail.

COL. AMEN: Were all victims, including the men, women, and children executed in the same manner?

OHLENDORF: Until the spring of 1942, yes. Then an order came from Himmler that in the future women and children were to be killed only in gas vans.

COL. AMEN: How had women and children been killed previously?

OHLENDORF: In the same was as the men - by shooting.

COL. POKROVSKY: You said that mostly women and children were executed in these vans. For what reason?

OHLENDORF: That was a special order from Himmler to the effect that women and children were not to be exposed to the mental strain of the executions; and thus the men of the kommandos, mostly married men, should not be compelled to aim at women and children.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): In your testimony you said that the Einsatz group had the object of annihilating the Jews and the commissars, is that correct?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): And in what category did you consider the children? For what reason were the children massacred?

OHLENDORF: The order was that the Jewish population should be totally exterminated.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Including the children?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Were all the Jewish children murdered?

The hanging of Nazi scumbags like Otto Ohlendorf ridded the world of their evil.


The point dipshit is that it had nothing to do with the Jewish ideology which is why non-ethnic Jews were not targeted but Jews were targeted specifically because of their blood.
Cuss, name-call, hate all you like. It's like water off a duck's back to me. OTOH, you're either a powder keg nutjob like Frazier Glenn Miller Jr waiting to explode in a murderous rage or you're a spineless, toothless wimp beating your keyboard with two thumbs and, occasionally, one thumb. Time will tell whether you end up in the papers on the front page or just the Obit section.

Will this be your obituary or will your's simply be an execution notice?

"<Chaos> had no hobbies, made no contribution to society and rarely shared a kind word or deed in his life. I speak for the majority of his family when I say his presence will not be missed by many. Very few tears will be shed and there will be no lamenting over his passing.

His family will remember <Chaos> and amongst ourselves. We will remember him in our own way, which were mostly sad and troubling times throughout the years. We may have some fond memories of him and perhaps we will think of those times too. But I truly believe at the end of the day ALL of us will really only miss what we never had, a good and kind father, grandfather and uncle. I hope he is finally at peace with himself. As for the rest of us left behind, I hope this is the beginning of a time of healing and learning to be a family again."
Read the statutes you ignorant fuck, saying "watch your back," is not against the law, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim and Muslim children are no different than Hitler youth they need to be taken from their death cult pedophile worshipping parents and deprogrammed.
Another lie since, like you lied before, I never said it was a "terroristic" threat nor "against the law". I simply said it was a threat, which it is.

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim you can join them along with your fellow traitors to western civilization like that whore Jo Cox, Je Suis Breivik watch your fucking back bitch.
Awesome. Thanks for the threat of violence. I look forward to seeing you in the news just like this fucking nutjob:

Jewish Site Killings: Jury Recommends Death for Frazier Glenn Miller Jr.

Who here thinks Glenn should have had the balls to blow his own head off after murdering three innocent Christians he thought were Jews? One was a woman, Terri LaManno, and the other was a child, Reat Griffin Underwood along with Reat's grandfather.

The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?
That Muslim mother should be told not to push her daughter into a barbaric and misogynistic religion.

And then deported.
Well that's your opinion and youre entitled to it. But this is America and people are free to raise their children on what religion or belief system they want.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?
That Muslim mother should be told not to push her daughter into a barbaric and misogynistic religion.

And then deported.
Well that's your opinion and youre entitled to it. But this is America and people are free to raise their children on what religion or belief system they want.
Islam is a mental illness masquerading as a religion. In this case you could add child abuse by subjecting a child to the monstrosity that is sharia. People should wake up!
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

Wrong in several ways. First, Christian theology is not about politics, and second, Christian theology has a lot to say about how Christians should support govts.; what most people fail to understand is the phrase 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' is not a condemnation, it's pointing out it's a two way street, and govt. should limit itself to the purposes it serves, and leave the rest alone. Christians have no problem with govts., it's always the other way around re some Christian tenets. Third, Christian theology has been influencing western political and legal tenets even before the Roman west fell, and gradually replaced the pagan brutalism and superstition to some extent in Europe, it was never the monolithic super-state the hysterical twits like Syriously keep sniveling about, but it had enough influence to moderate feudal rulers and eventually the 'middle class' and higher education.

The Protestant Reformation spread some better ideas, and some worse ones, but the overall effect over time has been largely positive, especially relative to the alternatives that the deviants and sociopaths with agendas pointedly ignore and pretend didn't exist, and of course it's decline has been overwhelmingly negative, but those are other topics. Christianity isn't remotely comparable to Islam, which is based on some bandit thief and murderer's Mein Kampf, and not an actual religion, it's a fanatical political ideology, and that is all it has ever been; just because the leaders call it a religion doesn't compel everybody else to pretend it is, any more than we're obligated to pretend Hitler's Reich Church was a real religion. Islam is a violent imperialist political ideology that makes the Nazi Party look like hippies.

Christianity isn't incompatible with our govt. or even most other forms, while Islam isn't at all, even within itself. It's an incoherent collection of rubbish.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

I'm already familiar with Jefferson's assorted public campaigns, and his what he said in his campaign for President, but thanks; what politicians say in public and to people they want support from are almost never what they really think; for that you have to know who their closest friends are and read those letters, at least the ones Jefferson didn't burn.

As a side note, when I use the word 'catholic' it is in the general sense, as distinct from 'Catholic' the denomination.
....From the testimony of SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf head of Einsatzgruppen D outlining the rear actions of the Einsatzagruppen regarding the intentional murder of ethnic Jews in the East based on their blood including the women and children:

Q. What were these orders?

A. These orders had as their purpose to make it as easy as possible for the unfortunate victim and to prevent the brutality of the men from leading to inevitable excesses. Thus I first ordered that only so many victims should be brought to the place of execution as the execution commandos could handle. Any individual action by any individual man was forbidden. The Einsatzkommandos shot in a military manner only upon orders. It was strictly ordered to avoid any maltreatment, undressing was not permitted. The taking of any personal possessions was not permitted. Publicity was not permitted, and at the very moment when it was noted that a man had experienced joy in carrying out these executions, it was ordered that this man should never participate in any more executions. The men could not report voluntarily, they were ordered.
Q. Why did you not prevent the liquidations?

A. Even if I use the most severe standard in judging this, I had as little possibility as any of the codefendants here to prevent this order. There was only one thing, a senseless martyrdom through suicide, senseless because this would not have changed anything in the execution of this order, for this order was not an order of the SS, it was an order of the Supreme Commander in Chief and the Chief of State; it was not only carried out by Himmler or Heydrich. The army had to carry it out too, the High Command of the Army as well as the commanders in the east and southeast who were the superior commanders for the Einsatzgruppen and Einsatzkommandos. If I could imagine a theoretical possibility, then there was only the refusal on the part of those persons who were in the uppermost hierarchy and could appeal to the Supreme Commander and Chief of State, because they had the only possibility of getting access to him. They were, after all, the highest bearers of responsibility in the theater of operations.

Q. Did you not try in Nikolaev to dissuade the Reich Leader SS from this order?

A. The situation in Nikolaev was especially depressing in a moral sense, because in agreement with the army, we had excluded a large number of Jews, the farmers, from the executions. When the Reich Leader SS was in Nikolaev on 4 or 5 October, I was reproached for this measure and he ordered that henceforth, even against the will of the army, the executions should take place as planned. When the Reich Leader SS arrived at my headquarters, I had assembled all available commanders of my Einsatzgruppe. The Reich Leader addressed these men and repeated the strict order to kill all those groups which I have designated. He added that he alone would carry the responsibility, as far as accounting to the Fuehrer was concerned. None of the men would bear any responsibility, but he demanded the execution of this order, even though he knew how harsh these measures were. Nevertheless, after supper, I spoke to the Reich Leader and I pointed out the inhuman burden which was being imposed on the men in killing all these civilians. I didn't even get an answer.

Q. Now, I cannot pronounce it correctly, the Karaims were another sect whom you encountered in the south of Russia, and this sect had no Jewish blood, but it did share the religious confessions of the Jews. Is that right?

A. Yes.

Q. You submitted to Berlin the question whether the Karaims should be killed, and I understood you to say that the order you got from Berlin was you shall not kill them for they have nothing in common with the Jews except the confession?

A. Yes.

Q. Will you explain to the Court, please, what difference there was between the Karaims and the Krimchaks, except Jewish blood ?

A. I understand your question completely in reference to the eastern Jews, in the case of the Jews who were found in the eastern campaign. These Jews were to be killed-according to the order-for the reason that they were considered carriers of bolshevism, and, therefore, considered as endangering the security of the German Reich. This concerned the Jews who were found in Russia, and it was not known to me that the Jews in all of Europe were being killed, but on the contrary I knew that down to my dismissal these Jews were not killed, but it was attempted at all costs to get them to emigrate. The fact that the Karaims were not killed showed that the charge of the prosecution that persons were persecuted for their religion is not correct, for the Karaims had that Jewish religion, but they could not be killed because they did not belong to the Jewish race.

Q. I think, Witness, you answered exactly what I had antici-

*Sect which refused the Talmud and adopted the Old Testament as sole source of faith.
**Turkish Jews of mixed Semitic and Tartaric blood.

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pated in the last sentence, "They did not belong to the JewishRace," is that right?

A. Yes, That is right.

Q. They were found in Russia?

A. Yes.

Q. But they participated in the Jewish confession in Russia?

A. The Karaims had the Jewish faith, yes.

Q. But your race authorities in Berlin could find no trace of Jewish blood in them?

A. Yes.

Q. So they came absolutely under the Fuehrer Decree or the Streckenbach Order to kill all Jews?

A. Yes.

Q. Because of blood?

A. Because they were of Jewish origin. For you must understand the Nazi ideology, as you call it. It was the opinion of the Fuehrer that in Russia and in bolshevism, the representatives of this blood showed themselves especially suitable for this idea, therefore, the carriers of this blood became especially suitable representatives of the bolshevism. That is not on account of their faith, or their religion, but because of their human make-up and character.

Q. And because of their blood, right?

A. I cannot express it any more definitely than I stated, from their nature and their characteristics. Their blood, of course, has something to do with it, according to National Socialist ideology.

Q. Let's see, if I can understand it; we've got a lot of time, I hope. What was the distinction except blood?

A. Between whom?

B. Between the Karaims and the Krimchaks?

A. The difference of the blood, yes.

Q. Only the difference in blood, is that so?

A. Yes.

Q. So the criterion and the test which you applied in your slaughter was blood?

A. The criteria which I used were the orders which I got, and it has not been doubted during the entire trial, that in this
Fuehrer Order the Jews were designated as the ones who belonged to that circle in Russia and who were to be killed.

Q. Tell us how orders that you operated under in 1941 in Russia differed from the order which controlled killing of Jews in Poland in 1939 ?

A. In Poland individual actions had been ordered, while in Russia, during the entire time of the commitment, the killing of all Jews had been ordered. Special actions in Poland had been ordered, whose contents I do not know in detail.

COL. AMEN: Were all victims, including the men, women, and children executed in the same manner?

OHLENDORF: Until the spring of 1942, yes. Then an order came from Himmler that in the future women and children were to be killed only in gas vans.

COL. AMEN: How had women and children been killed previously?

OHLENDORF: In the same was as the men - by shooting.

COL. POKROVSKY: You said that mostly women and children were executed in these vans. For what reason?

OHLENDORF: That was a special order from Himmler to the effect that women and children were not to be exposed to the mental strain of the executions; and thus the men of the kommandos, mostly married men, should not be compelled to aim at women and children.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): In your testimony you said that the Einsatz group had the object of annihilating the Jews and the commissars, is that correct?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): And in what category did you consider the children? For what reason were the children massacred?

OHLENDORF: The order was that the Jewish population should be totally exterminated.

THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Including the children?


THE TRIBUNAL (Gen. Niktchenko): Were all the Jewish children murdered?

The hanging of Nazi scumbags like Otto Ohlendorf ridded the world of their evil.


The point dipshit is that it had nothing to do with the Jewish ideology which is why non-ethnic Jews were not targeted but Jews were targeted specifically because of their blood.
Cuss, name-call, hate all you like. It's like water off a duck's back to me. OTOH, you're either a powder keg nutjob like Frazier Glenn Miller Jr

I'm not the one defending an anti-Semitic hate group, that would be you in your defense of Islam under which 90%+ of members are anti-Semitic and whose texts command the death of Jews and whose founder perpetrated genocide, ethnic cleansing, and enslavement of the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

Wrong in several ways. First, Christian theology is not about politics, and second, Christian theology has a lot to say about how Christians should support govts.; what most people fail to understand is the phrase 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' is not a condemnation, it's pointing out it's a two way street, and govt. should limit itself to the purposes it serves, and leave the rest alone. Christians have no problem with govts., it's always the other way around re some Christian tenets. Third, Christian theology has been influencing western political and legal tenets even before the Roman west fell, and gradually replaced the pagan brutalism and superstition to some extent in Europe, it was never the monolithic super-state the hysterical twits like Syriously keep sniveling about, but it had enough influence to moderate feudal rulers and eventually the 'middle class' and higher education.

The Protestant Reformation spread some better ideas, and some worse ones, but the overall effect over time has been largely positive, especially relative to the alternatives that the deviants and sociopaths with agendas pointedly ignore and pretend didn't exist, and of course it's decline has been overwhelmingly negative, but those are other topics. Christianity isn't remotely comparable to Islam, which is based on some bandit murder's Mein Kampf, and not an actual religion, it's a fanatical political ideology, and that is all it has ever been; just because the leaders call it a religion doesn't compel everybody else to pretend it is, any more than we're obligated to pretend Hitler's Reich Church was a real religion. Islam is a violent imperialist political ideology that makes the Nazi Party look like hippies.

Christianity isn't incompatible with our govt. or even most other forms, while Islam isn't at all, even within itself. It's an incoherent collection of rubbish.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

I'm already familiar with Jefferson's assorted public campaigns, and his what he said in his campaign for President, but thanks; what politicians say in public and to people they want support from are almost never what they really think; for that you have to know who their closest friends are and read those letters, at least the ones Jefferson didn't burn.

As a side note, when I use the word 'catholic' it is in the general sense, as distinct from 'Catholic' the denomination.
Wrong. You should watch the news more. Obviously Christianity is a very big part of RW politics and has been ever since Reagan let Jerry Falwell into the big tent. Remember Palin's comment about the Bible and law? Huckabee? The conniption some Republicans had over Trump's Biblical quote and pronunciation?
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; .

Just like Hitler believed there were no "German Jews".......

Your comparison of Muslims to Jews is false, .

My comparison is spot on- Hitler told the German people that German Jews were not Germans.

Picaro and his fellow travellers tell the American people that American Muslims are not Americans

Members of the Ummah are foreign invaders .
How very Hitlerian of you- you fascists love to piss on the Constitution.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.

The best solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, deporting those already here, and killing those who refuse to leave, not welcome get out.

What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

You can leave or you can die the choice is yours.

Je Suis Breivik!

How very Totalitarian of you- you fascists just love to piss on the constitution- and hope others will be brave enough for your own Krystalnacht against Muslims in America.

Your support of the Islamic Imperialist

Your support of the Fascist attempts to destroy America- and our Constitution- are duly noted.
Wrong. You should watch the news more. Obviously Christianity is a very big part of RW politics and has been ever since Reagan let Jerry Falwell into the big tent. Remember Palin's comment about the Bible and law? Huckabee? The conniption some Republicans had over Trump's Biblical quote and pronunciation?

You should stop watching the news, if that's what you're getting out that. And, it's also a big part of liberal and some left wing politics as well, so this isn't the point some think it is. Separation of church and state doesn't mean Christians can't say anything at all about politics, just the opposite in fact. Just because some mentally ill deviants formed some group and turned their fetish into a fake ridiculous political movement doesn't mean Christians are somehow now barred from speaking out about it, any more than if New York voters suddenly decided to vote for a law that legalized murder, or armed robbery, or any other activity related to their theology, and then claiming the Xians and churches aren't allowed to speak out against that. It's absurd logic. Christians have the same rights of free speech as everybody else. If the sick freaks on the left and right don't like it, tough.
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The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim you can join them along with your fellow traitors to western civilization like that whore Jo Cox, Je Suis Breivik watch your fucking back bitch.
Awesome. Thanks for the threat of violence. I look forward to seeing you in the news just like this fucking nutjob:

Jewish Site Killings: Jury Recommends Death for Frazier Glenn Miller Jr.

Who here thinks Glenn should have had the balls to blow his own head off after murdering three innocent Christians he thought were Jews? One was a woman, Terri LaManno, and the other was a child, Reat Griffin Underwood along with Reat's grandfather.


Actually I want him to rot in jail- suicide would have meant he would have gotten to be in control- I want assholes like him to rot away in obscurity.

Luckily- assholes like Chaosboy generally are hiding from the world in their mom's basement, hoping that they can incite someone else to violence- they are generally too cowardly to even let their mom know the crap that they are spouting.- let alone let anyone else in their high school know how they feel.
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim you can join them along with your fellow traitors to western civilization like that whore Jo Cox, Je Suis Breivik watch your fucking back bitch.
Awesome. Thanks for the threat of violence. I look forward to seeing you in the news just like this fucking nutjob:


Sorry you stupid fuck but "watch your back," written on an anonymous internet message board does not fall under the guidelines of terrorist threat statutes you ignorant faggot:

Terroristic threat - Wikipedia

Because of course- cowardly assholes like you are careful to only issues threats anonymously.......
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Yes, and the context in the text before and after are even more clear.
What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?

there are no 'American' Muslims; Muslims are only loyal to the Umma and the future 'Caliphate'. They aren't Muslims if they aren't. Thomas Jefferson, the libertarian and the founder of what became of the Democratic Party, expressed the proper way to handle fake 'citizens', native or immigrants, didn't matter to him either way ...

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

-Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

So, all real Democrats would be all for deporting fake 'citizens', and those who support Obama or Hillary and their criminal syndicate should be happy to leave on their own, if they truly had any principles of any kind.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

You have a point. However, christians grew with and helped shape this country. Christianity, (and to a lesser degree, catholicism), had a civilizational effect on the country and became recognized as it's major religion. Other religions and groups grew and coexisted with America. Mormons, Catholics, Amish etc. Some of these groups and religions were treated badly, such as the Japanese during ww2. But even then, after the war, the japanese took up where they left off before the war. They didn't try to get even. Islam is different. They come here with their 'our way or the highway' still stuck in the 7th century attitude, and Americans are saying assimilate or go somewhere else. We don't want to hear your call to prayer blasting several times a day, along with every now and then suffering massacres because you folks can't seem to accept the American way of life.

Okay lets look at what you said.

Christians did grow and helped shape this country- and some of that was good- and some of that was bad- more good than bad.

As different groups arrived in the United States- the Europeans who were here before them always considered them 'outsiders', different- and a threat.

This happened in particular with Catholics- which were thought to be controlled by the Pope- and never able to be fully American. Now I believe the majority of Supreme Court Justices are Catholic.

This also happened with Jews- who were of course the subject to antisemitism and blood libel- and subject to limitations on immigration.

And this also happened with Mormons- who were American born and raised- but driven out of America by Christians who murdered and assaulted them- there were massacres of Mormons by Christians- but few now call Mormons 'unassimilated'.

Now- about that 'call to prayer' that bothers you? I hear church bells every day in my city- even though I am no Christian- I don't whine about those 'calls to prayer'. In my neighborhood, I see Orthodox Jews on their way to temple- often dressed in a distinctive fashion, and maintaining the customs of the country their parents or grandparents came from. Likewise, I see Russian Orthodox Priests in their very distinctive outfits.

No one is telling Orthodox Jews or Russian Orthodox that they have to 'assimilate'- because they have assimilated- they just also have some religious practices that are different from Mainstream American Christians.

So which American Muslims are not 'assimilating'? In my daughter's school, one of the top students is a young lady who happens to be Muslim, wears a hijab, and participated in every level of student government- and was very popular with all the kids because she is a great kid who is smart and funny and just happens to be Muslim. She has accepted a full scholarship at- wait for it- a Catholic University.

Sure- not all first generation Muslims become fully American right away- but by second and third generation- they are like second and third generation Orthodox Jews- fully members of American society and as likely to be watching the NFL as anyone else.

Why do Muslims come to the United States? For the same reasons as most everyone else- fleeing violence, fleeing religious persecution, looking for economic opportunity and the American dream. In my neighborhood, the local 7/11 is owned and operated by a Muslim family who is friendly- and part of the neighborhood- living the American dream. Just like the Orthodox Jews, the Chinese, the Russians, and my family.
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