School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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No. The public is under no such obligation. The public does so in many instances for the general populous. It'd be another thing if the institution was violating the the participant's rights. It is doing no such thing.


It is as obvious as the nose on your face that if we have, say prisoners, you could not feed them food without accommodation for their religious diets if they have one.

The courts have ruled on it and I think it is federali law.

Why do you persist with this nonsense?

Here the dietary needs of handicapped kids are met under federali law.

Are students prisoners who must be served food? WTF

As for the second link, I'm not going to search 36 pages for whatever point you're trying to make that apparently doesn't counter mine.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.

What Constitutional right is being denied by the school for this child?
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.
Liberals play a BAD game. Religion is a dicey thing. Liberals usually bash most religions as hoodoo, but they will stand by Islam. The religion that crashed planes into the towers. Chop heads off and slaughters non believers. Yeah, THAT "religion".
It baffles me why liberals do this. Islam is the penultimate in every sin against liberalism you can name. Homophobic, intolerant, misogynist, exclusive, you name it. What am I missing? Why do liberals defend it? It's a game to them. Liberals are children playing games, and when they grow up, they become responsible conservatives.
...My point still stands though- the very same things were being done in the name of Christianity as are being done now in the name of Islam- at the same relevant ages.....
Yes, and my point still stands that genocide in the 20th, and even the 21st Centuries, according to your logic, is okay as long as it's done by Third World nations AKA "at the same relevant ages".

My point is - don't blame the Holy Book- blame the people- and countries that do the deeds. Because if you blame the book- then almost every religion can be indited
Great. Since I never did nor do I attack Muslims as a group, I'm curious why you think it's necessary to make that point.

Because there are others here who are attacking Muslims as a group- and my point was to everyone.
Trying to get away from your false equivalency comparing events 700 years ago to today?

Since you addressed the point to me instead of "everyone", it seemed inappropriate.
I didn't read all the posts, but couldn't kids just take their own lunch if the cafeteria is not giving them what they want? Many of us just carried lunches anyway, being on a budget and all. Cafeteria eating was for the more well to do. This was the 50's though.
Demands for speciality and not equality and demands that their offendedness be mollified
...My point still stands though- the very same things were being done in the name of Christianity as are being done now in the name of Islam- at the same relevant ages.....
Yes, and my point still stands that genocide in the 20th, and even the 21st Centuries, according to your logic, is okay as long as it's done by Third World nations AKA "at the same relevant ages".

My point is - don't blame the Holy Book- blame the people- and countries that do the deeds. Because if you blame the book- then almost every religion can be indited
Great. Since I never did nor do I attack Muslims as a group, I'm curious why you think it's necessary to make that point.

Because there are others here who are attacking Muslims as a group- and my point was to everyone.
Trying to get away from your false equivalency comparing events 700 years ago to today?

Since you addressed the point to me instead of "everyone", it seemed inappropriate.

Because that was the point of my post that you were responding to.

And no- its not a 'false equivalency'- it is a valid equivalency- but you made a very good point and put that equivalency into perspective.

I am tempted to start a thread titled "The Religion of Peace?"- from a Jewish perspective in the 14th century.

Because it brings me back to my basic point that people throughout history have abused the teachings of their 'books' for the purpose of murder, genocide, and personal gain.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.
Liberals play a BAD game.

Because we point out your lies and falsehoods......
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.

What Constitutional right is being denied by the school for this child?

When did I say one was being denied?
islam is not a real religion. It is a political movement. If you don't use the Bible you don't count IMVHO. We need to eliminate or beat back this enemy.

Well, we have not had a good muzzlim murder attack in a while. Most recently they have been hitting Europe civilians most often. They invited them in. Now they bite the hand that feeds them like rabid dog.

Last few times I have mentioned muzzies have not struck in while......they struck and struck big soon after. sorry.

The muzzlim goal is to kill or convert all non-muzzlim. They have never deviated from that goal. Wak-a-mole
Swarm of Mosques

Terrorism worked in France, or at least it didn't help Le Pen. So they must think it will work here if they try it again.

You do realize that the Terrorism was intended to try to provoke a "Le Pen" style government? ISIS wants a war between all of Islam and all of the West- that is what ISIS wants and they murder Muslims and Christians in order to try to provoke that war.

Terrorism in France hasn't worked. Nor has it worked here, despite the efforts of the Islamophobes to aid ISIS.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.

What Constitutional right is being denied by the school for this child?

When did I say one was being denied?

Okay, you mentioned that Conservatives "are ready to toss the Constitution away." How does that apply to this incident?
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.

The best solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, deporting those already here, and killing those who refuse to leave, not welcome get out.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

If you ask me all pedophile worshipping Muslim swine should be banned from the west, get out while you still have the legs to carry you, you are not welcome here.
islam is not a real religion. It is a political movement. If you don't use the Bible you don't count IMVHO. We need to eliminate or beat back this enemy.

Well, we have not had a good muzzlim murder attack in a while. Most recently they have been hitting Europe civilians most often. They invited them in. Now they bite the hand that feeds them like rabid dog.

Last few times I have mentioned muzzies have not struck in while......they struck and struck big soon after. sorry.

The muzzlim goal is to kill or convert all non-muzzlim. They have never deviated from that goal. Wak-a-mole
Swarm of Mosques

Terrorism worked in France, or at least it didn't help Le Pen. So they must think it will work here if they try it again.

You do realize that the Terrorism was intended to try to provoke a "Le Pen" style government? ISIS wants a war between all of Islam and all of the West- that is what ISIS wants and they murder Muslims and Christians in order to try to provoke that war.

Terrorism in France hasn't worked. Nor has it worked here, despite the efforts of the Islamophobes to aid ISIS.

Yes ISIS hates the Muslim invasion of the west and just loves when anti-Muslim immigrant politicians win. Somebody really needs to bash you over the head with a tack hammer because you are a fucking retard.
...And no- its not a 'false equivalency'- it is a valid equivalency- but you made a very good point and put that equivalency into perspective.

I am tempted to start a thread titled "The Religion of Peace?"- from a Jewish perspective in the 14th century.

Because it brings me back to my basic point that people throughout history have abused the teachings of their 'books' for the purpose of murder, genocide, and personal gain.
Agreed with your "basic point" about the misuse of religion. Agreed on the "Religion of Peace" per a 14th Century perspective be it Jews or any other non-Catholic.

Not to belabor the point about the 700 year difference in maturity between Christianity and Islam, I used to look at it in the same manner you did, but, later, came to realize the point we are discussing; how modernity "floats all boats" so to speak. That said, I completely agree that the vast majority of the world's 1.6+ Billion Muslims aren't a problem. It's the world's second largest religion and the fastest growing, mainly because it's growing in the poorer nations of the planet. Understanding why it's the fastest growing religion is a step to understanding why some followers become radicalized.
....Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2015 and 2060 and, in the second half of this century, will likely surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group....

World’s Muslim population more widespread than you might think
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.

The best solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, deporting those already here, and killing those who refuse to leave, not welcome get out. be done by Christian Death Squads who have sworn fealty to President Trump, not the Constitution. After all the Muslims are killed, they will start deporting and/or executing all Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and anyone else who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their savior. Evangelicalism will become the Religion of the Land. Any Christians who deviate from that version of Christianity will be sent to "Christian indoctrination camps". Those who fail to successfully accept Evangelism will be sent to the "Religious Neutralization Camps" like the Muslims, Jews, Hindus and other blasphemers.

You'll live up to your username while simultaneously destroy the Constitution of the United States of America.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.

What Constitutional right is being denied by the school for this child?

When did I say one was being denied?

Okay, you mentioned that Conservatives "are ready to toss the Constitution away." How does that apply to this incident?

It was sarcasm- I was responding to the hyperbolic, hyperpartisan post of MaryL.

Only a few Conservatives like Mary are ready to piss on the Constitution in order to discriminate against Muslims.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.

The best solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, deporting those already here, and killing those who refuse to leave, not welcome get out.

Papa- like this Conservatives post.
islam is not a real religion. It is a political movement. If you don't use the Bible you don't count IMVHO. We need to eliminate or beat back this enemy.

Well, we have not had a good muzzlim murder attack in a while. Most recently they have been hitting Europe civilians most often. They invited them in. Now they bite the hand that feeds them like rabid dog.

Last few times I have mentioned muzzies have not struck in while......they struck and struck big soon after. sorry.

The muzzlim goal is to kill or convert all non-muzzlim. They have never deviated from that goal. Wak-a-mole
Swarm of Mosques

Terrorism worked in France, or at least it didn't help Le Pen. So they must think it will work here if they try it again.

You do realize that the Terrorism was intended to try to provoke a "Le Pen" style government? ISIS wants a war between all of Islam and all of the West- that is what ISIS wants and they murder Muslims and Christians in order to try to provoke that war.

Terrorism in France hasn't worked. Nor has it worked here, despite the efforts of the Islamophobes to aid ISIS.

Yes ISIS hates the Muslim invasion of the west and just loves when anti-Muslim immigrant politicians win. Somebody really needs to bash you over the head with a tack hammer because you are a fucking retard.

Always informative to hear from another Conservative Trump voter.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.

The best solution is to ban Muslims from entering the country, deporting those already here, and killing those who refuse to leave, not welcome get out.

What would you do with the American Muslims like myself?
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