School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Hmm.Really? Pork is the most affordable thing I have had, I don't like being told what to eat, or what to think by death suicidal cultist haters. It strikes me as rather odd about Muslims. Hater death cultist advise people what TO DO. I am really gonna follow their advice?
It's in the Bible.
It's the Koran , that beautiful collection of myths and legends that drives people to crash panes and slaughter innocent people, slice off women's clitorises, not the bible so much. The Koran and it's myths, that is the problem here.
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
"Brutal" is the new media buzzword. Liberals also apply it to normal situations they want make look worse.
You do realize that "Brutal" was the word used by the Conservative wingnut who started this thread- not any liberal


You do realize The OP quoted the headline from his link in the Tucson News Now, so blame them not the OP.

I thought Contards were about personal responsibility?
Do you really think that a poster is not responsible when they quote crap headlines from crap right wing nut job 'media' sites.

That quote is not from the Tucson News Now- its from ths wingnut site

Mad World News is firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the liberal media.

Just saw that, my apologies.

No problems- the author of the thread fairly purposely didn't mention who the source of that headline was
Hmm.Really? Pork is the most affordable thing I have had, I don't like being told what to eat, or what to think by death suicidal cultist haters. It strikes me as rather odd about Muslims. Hater death cultist advise people what TO DO. I am really gonna follow their advice?
It's in the Bible.
It's the Koran , that beautiful collection of myths and legends that drives people to crash panes and slaughter innocent people, slice off women's clitorises, not the bible so much. The Koran and it's myths, that is the problem here.
The New Testament is 600 years older than the Koran.

600 years ago the Bible was telling people to slaughter innocent people and draw and quarter men, and behead those who didn't believe in the 'right' interpretation of the Bible.

And by the way- FGM is not in the Koran.
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
And now conservatives want separation of church and state?

No, we want separation of Islam from civilized society.

Yep- you want to piss on the First Amendment of Americans whose religion you don't approve of.

The people pissing on the Constitution are Muslims. They want to replace it with Sharia Law. In order to protect the First Amendment as well as every other one, we should treat those who wish to destroy it as our enemies. They forfeit their constitutional rights when they trample on others' rights or plan to overthrow the US government and destroy the Constitution.
Are you a cannibal? If not, you have a dietary restriction. You fucking weirdo, you.
^ Worst comparison ever. :laugh:
I bet there's lots of things you wouldn't eat. You just want to crap on religion.
I work with a lot of asians who make some weird food. I literally ate cow bile today because, im open to trying all kinds of cultural foods. Sure there are things i wouldnt eat, plenty of which you can find on episodes of Fear Factor, but i sure as fuck dont have a problem with basic foods.
And I am not sure why you felt you needed to point that out again- but yes- the school didn't actually say no- there was no 'brutal reply' and there was no real threat.
1) Because you claimed the school did say no then, when caught in a lie, you waffled about it.

2) The "brutal reply" was from Mad World News.

3) She threatened to sue. That's a threat.
The New Testament is 600 years older than the Koran.

600 years ago the Bible was telling people to slaughter innocent people and draw and quarter men, and behead those who didn't believe in the 'right' interpretation of the Bible.

And by the way- FGM is not in the Koran.
True about the relative age of the religions but this is the 21st Century, not the 7th. By your logic, the Rwandan genocide was okay because that's what we did to Native Americans 150 years ago.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?
It depends on the city like opening an Outback steakhouse in New Delhi.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.
I wonder how muslims would react if a million Christians moved into their city somewhere in the ME and insisted on setting up 'pulled-pork' food trucks?

Probably not well.

So you would like Americans to react like Middle Easterners?

That is the society you want?
Do liberals support female circumcision? Do liberals support sharia law, stoning to death,... Liberals play a good game. No, they don't support Muslims, it's just a game for liberals.

Do Conservatives actually believe in the Constitution?

Conservatives play a good game- pretending to believe in the Constitution- until they get scared of a religion- and then they are ready to toss the Constitution away.
The New Testament is 600 years older than the Koran.

600 years ago the Bible was telling people to slaughter innocent people and draw and quarter men, and behead those who didn't believe in the 'right' interpretation of the Bible.

And by the way- FGM is not in the Koran.
True about the relative age of the religions but this is the 21st Century, not the 7th. By your logic, the Rwandan genocide was okay because that's what we did to Native Americans 150 years ago.

Well you do raise a good point.

This is the 21st century- not the 14th century or the 6th century.

My point still stands though- the very same things were being done in the name of Christianity as are being done now in the name of Islam- at the same relevant ages.

It does not excuse the atrocities committed by Muslims- any more than it 'excuses' the atrocities committed by Christians- both equally abhorrent.

My point is - don't blame the Holy Book- blame the people- and countries that do the deeds. Because if you blame the book- then almost every religion can be indited
...My point still stands though- the very same things were being done in the name of Christianity as are being done now in the name of Islam- at the same relevant ages.....
Yes, and my point still stands that genocide in the 20th, and even the 21st Centuries, according to your logic, is okay as long as it's done by Third World nations AKA "at the same relevant ages".

My point is - don't blame the Holy Book- blame the people- and countries that do the deeds. Because if you blame the book- then almost every religion can be indited
Great. Since I never did nor do I attack Muslims as a group, I'm curious why you think it's necessary to make that point.
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The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Bacon is pork, so let's give up bacon to appease I think not.
Pork Chops are an American meal , give it up because it offends I think not.
This isn't the only case of PORK offending a Muslim, and whoever, or whatever bends over and takes it up the ass to appease who the Muslim.

People are getting sick of this bs, of course you won't see it in MSM saying that.

and keep something in Mind I didn't write the article (s )

Jewish people haven't gone around telling other American to get rid of their food of choice
Jewish people haven't said get rid of your food to appease our food of choice.

These schools are kicking American's to the back seat while bending over to kiss the Muslim asses shoving America.
That's all this saying, Stop forcing these schools to Give up their pork, stop telling them they can't pray while in the same breath have a prayer room for's not just happening in schools.

The woman didn't ask that American children not be fed pork, she asked that her daughter not be fed pork. That's not a difficult request, in the grand scheme of things.

Jews have always excluded pork from their diets and offering them alternatives hasn't been an issue, but anything to trash Muslims.
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...My point still stands though- the very same things were being done in the name of Christianity as are being done now in the name of Islam- at the same relevant ages.....
Yes, and my point still stands that genocide in the 20th, and even the 21st Centuries, according to your logic, is okay as long as it's done by Third World nations AKA "at the same relevant ages".

My point is - don't blame the Holy Book- blame the people- and countries that do the deeds. Because if you blame the book- then almost every religion can be indited
Great. Since I never did nor do I attack Muslims as a group, I'm curious why you think it's necessary to make that point.

Because there are others here who are attacking Muslims as a group- and my point was to everyone.
Ever heard of a school lunch calendar? They have them, you know.
And the calendar should have some nonpork items on it for those who cannot eat it. I think it is reasonable to accomodate vegetarians and people with food allergies.

For some schools this is simply not feasible.

I don't know how taking pork of the menu would not be 'feasible'- pork is a choice.

But simply notifying parents of the items containing pork in the menu should be sufficient.
islam is not a real religion. It is a political movement. If you don't use the Bible you don't count IMVHO. We need to eliminate or beat back this enemy.

Well, we have not had a good muzzlim murder attack in a while. Most recently they have been hitting Europe civilians most often. They invited them in. Now they bite the hand that feeds them like rabid dog.

Last few times I have mentioned muzzies have not struck in while......they struck and struck big soon after. sorry.

The muzzlim goal is to kill or convert all non-muzzlim. They have never deviated from that goal. Wak-a-mole
Swarm of Mosques

Terrorism worked in France, or at least it didn't help Le Pen. So they must think it will work here if they try it again.
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