School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Let's get our minds around this. Muslim Mom is fortunate enough for her family to not be living in a Middle Eastern hell hole and she is complaining about her brat's lunch?
Traitors Let Them In, Against the Will of the Majority. Blame the "Republic" for This.

This is a religion of human sacrifice, including turning young children into suicide bombers. But they spare pigs from being butchered?

yes- blame the "republic' including our Constitution- for Americans being able to choose to be Muslims or Christians or Jews.

There are always bigots who hate that.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
And now conservatives want separation of church and state?

No, we want separation of Islam from civilized society.

Yep- you want to piss on the First Amendment of Americans whose religion you don't approve of.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims......

    • 185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
    • Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
    • Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules
    • Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered
    • Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers

Subway removes pork from stores after 'strong demand' from Muslims | Daily Mail Online

The US will be doing it too if not already.

You couldn't pay me to eat "halal" meat.

If you eat any meat, you eat halal.

Sent from my iPad using

That's a load of shit.
she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes.
Then she can bring her own damn lunch. What's so hard about that?
Schools cannot disregard medical notes. If they serve lunch then the child must be provided meals consistent with the medical prescription.
The school's legal obligations are laid out in the article. FWIW, anything touched by pork must be "cleansed", which brings up a very costly and time-consuming procedure for the school. You can't just "pick off the bacon".
So bring a pb&j sandwich on pork day then. Problem solved (only that solution doesn't force the infidels to submit to their demands).
The oddity here is that, even at 1.9%, there are twice as many Jewish Americans than there are Muslim Americans. Both have the same dietary restrictions yet how many times have we heard from Jewish parents complaining about BBQ pork day at school?

Religious Landscape Study

How many times have we heard about Muslims complaining about BBQ pork day at school? Never of course.

However both Jews and Muslims have asked for food that fits their dietary restrictions

Jews and Muslims rally for kosher, halal food in NYC schools

Muslim and Jewish students rallied with lawmakers in support of a bill that would provide kosher and halal food options in New York City public schools.

“The cost is limited compared to having a healthy meal, allowing students to eat and to be able to perform,” said State Assemblyman David Weprin, a Queens Democrat, at the Tuesday rally in front of City Hall, according to CBS New York.

Dartmouth Orthodox Students Want Stricter Kosher Rules
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
"Brutal" is the new media buzzword. Liberals also apply it to normal situations they want make look worse.
You do realize that "Brutal" was the word used by the Conservative wingnut who started this thread- not any liberal

I realize that the word "brutal" was in the headline. This kind of crap right here is why most people despise libs.

The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Jew, muslim, vegetarian, if you have some bullshit dietary bug up your ass, it is on your to deal with it. Don't bother the rest of US with your issues of your own making.
Perhaps the school should provide vegan choices to those with religious or health dietary restrictions. At the very least, post notice of what is being served so that parents can provide an appropriate meal if they object to the school's meal. Of course, the parents can always just send a meal with their kid every day to be certain they are eating right.

Like this monthly menu? Food Service / Breakfast and Lunch Menus

If the parent is so concerned, why can't she look up what is for lunch like I did for the school?

Monday's menu looks terrible, pack a lunch!

they used to publish ours in the local newspapers, and they also handed out flyers to take home every Friday with next weeks menu on it. It was kind of funny because it was nearly always the same menu on the same days. lol

And, nobody died from it.
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
"Brutal" is the new media buzzword. Liberals also apply it to normal situations they want make look worse.
You do realize that "Brutal" was the word used by the Conservative wingnut who started this thread- not any liberal

I realize that the word "brutal" was in the headline. This kind of crap right here is why most people despise libs.]

And by 'crap' you mean you hate libs because we are pointing out the Conservative lies....

Yep- the Conservative wingnut OP used the word "Brutal" in the OP- but of course being the no nothing contard that you are- you claimed that 'Brutal' is being used by liberals.

Of course you hate liberals- because you fear the truth.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Jew, muslim, vegetarian, if you have some bullshit dietary bug up your ass, it is on your to deal with it. Don't bother the rest of US with your issues of your own making.

No one was bothering you at all- why do you have a bug up your ass about this?

The mom asked the school not to feed her kid pork.

The school said no.

And contards acted like you were being screwed in the ass.
View attachment 126220

Tucson Muslim family claims school is serving their child pork

View attachment 126221

View attachment 126219

School Has Brutal Reply After Muslim Issues Threat Over Daughter's Lunch


The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.
Muslims way is to change America's way. If an infidel nation doesn't acquiesce to Muslim demands, the Muslims claim that they are "oppressed." The concept of Muslim oppression is that because you don't obey their religious ideology and rules, you are an oppressor. Anyway, as far the lunches are concerned, the Muslims can send their kid to a private Islamic school that adheres to their religion and practices the teachings of Muhammad to hate and kill non-Muslims.
So what "Liberal" used the headline "Brutal" LOL?

Mad World News is firmly devoted to bringing you the truth and the stories that the mainstream media ignores. Together we can restore our constitutional republic to what the founding fathers envisioned and fight back against the liberal media.

The CONTARD stream media- the CSM- LOL

Breitbard, WND- Mad World News- Canada Free Press- all providing you with 'alternative' facts that the Mainstream Media is too scared to print.

Like this schools 'brutal reply'

What idiots.
View attachment 126220

Tucson Muslim family claims school is serving their child pork

View attachment 126221

View attachment 126219

School Has Brutal Reply After Muslim Issues Threat Over Daughter's Lunch


The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.
Muslims way is to change America's way. If an infidel nation doesn't acquiesce to Muslim demands, the Muslims claim that they are "oppressed." The concept of Muslim oppression is that because you don't obey their religious ideology and rules, you are an oppressor. Anyway, as far the lunches are concerned, the Muslims can send their kid to a private Islamic school that adheres to their religion and practices the teachings of Muhammad to hate and kill non-Muslims.

LOL- apparently the Muslim conspiracy against America is a mom asking the school not to feed her kid pork.

Because of course- Pork is the American way....
islam is not a real religion. It is a political movement. If you don't use the Bible you don't count IMVHO. We need to eliminate or beat back this enemy.

Well, we have not had a good muzzlim murder attack in a while. Most recently they have been hitting Europe civilians most often. They invited them in. Now they bite the hand that feeds them like rabid dog.

Last few times I have mentioned muzzies have not struck in while......they struck and struck big soon after. sorry.

The muzzlim goal is to kill or convert all non-muzzlim. They have never deviated from that goal. Wak-a-mole
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Then she can bring her own damn lunch. What's so hard about that?
Schools cannot disregard medical notes. If they serve lunch then the child must be provided meals consistent with the medical prescription.
The school's legal obligations are laid out in the article. FWIW, anything touched by pork must be "cleansed", which brings up a very costly and time-consuming procedure for the school. You can't just "pick off the bacon".
So bring a pb&j sandwich on pork day then. Problem solved (only that solution doesn't force the infidels to submit to their demands).
The oddity here is that, even at 1.9%, there are twice as many Jewish Americans than there are Muslim Americans. Both have the same dietary restrictions yet how many times have we heard from Jewish parents complaining about BBQ pork day at school?

Religious Landscape Study

How many times have we heard about Muslims complaining about BBQ pork day at school? Never of course.

However both Jews and Muslims have asked for food that fits their dietary restrictions

Jews and Muslims rally for kosher, halal food in NYC schools

Muslim and Jewish students rallied with lawmakers in support of a bill that would provide kosher and halal food options in New York City public schools.

“The cost is limited compared to having a healthy meal, allowing students to eat and to be able to perform,” said State Assemblyman David Weprin, a Queens Democrat, at the Tuesday rally in front of City Hall, according to CBS New York.

Dartmouth Orthodox Students Want Stricter Kosher Rules
Sure, New York, not Tucson, AZ.
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
"Brutal" is the new media buzzword. Liberals also apply it to normal situations they want make look worse.
You do realize that "Brutal" was the word used by the Conservative wingnut who started this thread- not any liberal

I realize that the word "brutal" was in the headline. This kind of crap right here is why most people despise libs.]

And by 'crap' you mean you hate libs because we are pointing out the Conservative lies....

Yep- the Conservative wingnut OP used the word "Brutal" in the OP- but of course being the no nothing contard that you are- you claimed that 'Brutal' is being used by liberals.

Of course you hate liberals- because you fear the truth.
Lyuing doesn't suit you since it's right in the OP in black and white.
Perhaps the school should provide vegan choices to those with religious or health dietary restrictions. At the very least, post notice of what is being served so that parents can provide an appropriate meal if they object to the school's meal. Of course, the parents can always just send a meal with their kid every day to be certain they are eating right.

Ever heard of a school lunch calendar? They have them, you know.
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
"Brutal" is the new media buzzword. Liberals also apply it to normal situations they want make look worse.
You do realize that "Brutal" was the word used by the Conservative wingnut who started this thread- not any liberal

I realize that the word "brutal" was in the headline. This kind of crap right here is why most people despise libs.

View attachment 126499
Ummm, Mad World News is a RW "news" site and, sometimes fake news website. Didn't you read the link?

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School Has Brutal Reply After Muslim Issues Threat Over Daughter's Lunch

Mad World News
.....The mom asked the school not to feed her kid pork.

The school said no.

And contards acted like you were being screwed in the ass.
That's incorrect. Read it again.

Here is an official school statement:
“Even though the district is not required to accommodate special dietary needs based solely on religious purposes, our district nutritionist and food services staff plan menus that are compliant and meet the various nutritional guidelines, as well as include food options that are the best fit for the food preferences of the school. We encourage families with children with any special dietary needs to make sure they are educating their children about what to look for so they know what is acceptable and what they should avoid. Our menus are always posted online and you can request the ingredient list for any food item you are unsure about. In situations where there are special food requirements or restrictions, we encourage you to meet with our district nutritionist to discuss the best options for your family. The best way to ensure a meal meets any special dietary needs is to send a meal from home that you have prepared. Every child is different and we do our best to ensure a healthy, accommodating environment for all of our students.”
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