School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims......

    • 185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
    • Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
    • Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules
    • Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered
    • Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers

Subway removes pork from stores after 'strong demand' from Muslims | Daily Mail Online

The US will be doing it too if not already.

You couldn't pay me to eat "halal" meat.

If you eat any meat, you eat halal.

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Unless it's a Ham & Cheese.
Or a BLT.

Or a Applewood pulled pork BBQ sandwich.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.
Why do people need to tell you the ingredients in their food? Why do you have to be picky about it?

When I was a kid I was raised to eat whatever a host serves you, even if you don't like it. It's called manners.

Actually manners would be respecting the dietary restrictions of people- like Jews and Muslims and many Christians.
Only complete fucking weirdos have dietary restrictions.
Are you a cannibal? If not, you have a dietary restriction. You fucking weirdo, you.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
And now conservatives want separation of church and state?
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

MindWars believes "the American way" is to ignore the US Constitution.

Recently saw an article about an asshole teacher who ripped off an 8yos hijab. The dumb racists would throw a fit if a child's cross necklace was ripped off.

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The constitution doesn't say anything having to allow terrorists in our country. Smoke on that.
I don't see what was so "brutal" about the school's reply. It seemed logical and to the point.
So what was the threat dumb ass, or is that just more stuff you made up like usual?
The threat is that they are muslims in this country.
From my understanding, she is just asking that her 7 yo daughter not be tricked or forced to eat pork. It's not like she is trying to interfere with your dick sucking.

Keep the phony "white muslim" (wink-wink) home reading the Koran. She is not even a legit ME muslim. Get out of school if you don't like the meat.

We got MS13 Crips and bloods to police. not to mention the illegals, druggies, fats, nazi, jew-haters..............don't add more pain to the daily shuffle.

I think this is more about attempts to bring down American institutions than lunch. Mommy using the kid to harrass the "system". Hey Mommy, borderline child abuse.

Remember how "they" (Marxist) operate. They wiggle into every hole and create cost, slowdown, annoyance...even close "it" down. They pumped homos' into the Catholic Church and it was greatly damaged (may never recover). "they" never let up. Give an inch, they will go for a mile. Bring down America......two classes...."elite and poor"....step 1. BarryPuppet did all he could but Beast could not ascend the throne. America is in trouble, Trump can slow the damage but with the Courts and GOVT infected? I don't know. I suppose I have to buy a Gun?
So you have to be from the Middle East to be a "legit Muslim?" Where do you have to be from in order to be a legit Christian?
Perhaps the school should provide vegan choices to those with religious or health dietary restrictions. At the very least, post notice of what is being served so that parents can provide an appropriate meal if they object to the school's meal. Of course, the parents can always just send a meal with their kid every day to be certain they are eating right.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
And now conservatives want separation of church and state?

No, we want separation of Islam from civilized society.
Head to toe with eye slits is a bad Halloween costume
Any true American has no regard for it, sorry libbies we are permitted to disdain it and removal of all of the robes of oppression is a good thing for anyone seeking harmony
Let's get our minds around this. Muslim Mom is fortunate enough for her family to not be living in a Middle Eastern hell hole and she is complaining about her brat's lunch?
Traitors Let Them In, Against the Will of the Majority. Blame the "Republic" for This.

This is a religion of human sacrifice, including turning young children into suicide bombers. But they spare pigs from being butchered?

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?
I've read about Jews in prison requesting kosher diets, but this is a situation in which they have no means of obtaining kosher foods on their own. So there is some justification for their petition. But these Muslim school kids have unobstructed access to any kind of foods their parents are willing to "brownbag" for them.

What I'd like to know is what is so "brutal" about the school official's response to the Muslim parent's audacious complaint? I think it is perfectly reasonable and quite politely presented.
Perhaps the school should provide vegan choices to those with religious or health dietary restrictions. At the very least, post notice of what is being served so that parents can provide an appropriate meal if they object to the school's meal. Of course, the parents can always just send a meal with their kid every day to be certain they are eating right.

Like this monthly menu? Food Service / Breakfast and Lunch Menus

If the parent is so concerned, why can't she look up what is for lunch like I did for the school?

Monday's menu looks terrible, pack a lunch!
Perhaps the school should provide vegan choices to those with religious or health dietary restrictions. At the very least, post notice of what is being served so that parents can provide an appropriate meal if they object to the school's meal. Of course, the parents can always just send a meal with their kid every day to be certain they are eating right.

Like this monthly menu? Food Service / Breakfast and Lunch Menus

If the parent is so concerned, why can't she look up what is for lunch like I did for the school?

Monday's menu looks terrible, pack a lunch!
Assuming the school posts the menu, sure. Seems reasonable to me.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?
I've read about Jews in prison requesting kosher diets, but this is a situation in which they have no means of obtaining kosher foods on their own. So there is some justification for their petition. But these Muslim school kids have unobstructed access to any kind of foods their parents are willing to "brownbag" for them.

What I'd like to know is what is so "brutal" about the school official's response to the Muslim parent's audacious complaint? I think it is perfectly reasonable and quite politely presented.

Brutal just makes for a better headline- no there was nothing 'brutal' in the school's response.

Remember- the mother didn't insist her child have halal food- only not to be fed pork.

That could be prevented with something as simple as a sign saying "Today's hamburger's contain pork"
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