School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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You feed hundreds of kids a day, if they don't want a food they ask not to be given it. Maybe the mother should go to the school and eat with her daughter to make sure her daughter won't be violated.

All she is asking is that they don't put pork on her daughter's plate. Doesn't sound that complicated or unreasonable to me. If you had a kid allergic to peanuts, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask them not to put peanut butter cookies on his plate, would it?

300 students let's say, per day, you going to remember every child's dietary needs?

300 students let's say per day- and 5 kids have special dietary needs- how hard is it to remember those 5 kids?

Five are you sure? Because lots and lots of food allergies out there. How many cooks are there, of course maybe the teacher should handle it over the cooks. Let the teacher worry, they have more one on one time than cooks.

When I was in school I had allergies and brought a lunch. It was never a school issue it was my issue. Sounds like a lazy parent.
Do be aware that not all parents are like yours. There is a legal issue involved here. Schools are required to follow doctors' recommendations.

Where do you get this stupid assertion? If a doctor says she has to not eat pork, then her parents had best make sure she has a pork-free lunch!

We had a school with a significant Muslim population that would fix halal meals for the kids and we had to let them know how many we needed to take on our field trips. The little pains in the ass threw the halal food away and then cried because they couldn't eat the meals we had for the other kids.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.
What is unacceptable about this story if it is true is twofold:
1) The report is poorly written and it did not indicate to whom the mother issued a threat of a lawsuit. We are informed that the school district made the reply but no name or position is attached to the reply. Nevertheless, the tone of the letter is indeed "brutal" and unbecoming of an educational institution. It was wrong to write in such a hostile way and I am surprised that the district lawyer would let such a letter be sent to the mother.
2) Regardless of any religious motive the mother might have had, she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes. Consider a child who has an allergy which could prove serious if disregarded by the school. The school district is, without question, leaving itself open to a lawsuit.
Allergy? Pack a lunch, problem solved. Can't eat certain meats or foods because of religion? Pack a lunch.
Schools in the USA cannot discriminate by refusing food to children based on their medical conditions.

So sad! Keep crying! Poor poor children. This girl has a religious not a health reason.
You did not get your contradiction of the medical expert who knows the child from the article.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Yes, if they want kosher food, then they need to pack a lunch. I had allergies as a child, my mom packed my lunch. We didn't expect the school to make exceptions for what I could not eat. It wasn't a big deal, some people just can't take responsibility for their own lives.
Some American families home school. Then parents can provide food and lessons too.

Works for me, it's your kid, you do what you need to do.
School districts must follow the law.
Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

More or less, yes.
Private cafes have that choice since their customers have a choice.

Public institutions that have a forced captive audience should allow alternatives so people can eat and not violate their religious bliefs.

It is not as if Muslims and Jews have these weird dietary rules that no one has ever heard of.
You feed hundreds of kids a day, if they don't want a food they ask not to be given it. Maybe the mother should go to the school and eat with her daughter to make sure her daughter won't be violated.

All she is asking is that they don't put pork on her daughter's plate. Doesn't sound that complicated or unreasonable to me. If you had a kid allergic to peanuts, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask them not to put peanut butter cookies on his plate, would it?

300 students let's say, per day, you going to remember every child's dietary needs?

300 students let's say per day- and 5 kids have special dietary needs- how hard is it to remember those 5 kids?

Five are you sure? Because lots and lots of food allergies out there. How many cooks are there, of course maybe the teacher should handle it over the cooks. Let the teacher worry, they have more one on one time than cooks.

When I was in school I had allergies and brought a lunch. It was never a school issue it was my issue. Sounds like a lazy parent.
Do be aware that not all parents are like yours. There is a legal issue involved here. Schools are required to follow doctors' recommendations.

A doctors recommendation based on medical or religious?
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Yes, if they want kosher food, then they need to pack a lunch. I had allergies as a child, my mom packed my lunch. We didn't expect the school to make exceptions for what I could not eat. It wasn't a big deal, some people just can't take responsibility for their own lives.
Some American families home school. Then parents can provide food and lessons too.

Works for me, it's your kid, you do what you need to do.
School districts must follow the law.

Really? Captain Obvious.
Growing up Muslim I've dealt with some of the slick stuff people try to do to you when it comes to food.

I'm not accusing the school of intentionally feeding her daughter pork, but I have been in situations where I have accidentally eaten pork because people have failed to inform me there was pork in it ( even when I asked prior to eating ) and they knew damn well there was pork in it.

Yes you should inform your child of what to eat, she's a 2nd grader so she may not be sure of what is in every food.

When I was in the 4th and 5th grade, I had a lunch lady who was generous enough to let me if something had pork in it. But not every lunch lady is so generous.

However, I do think the mother should just send a packed lunch to school to be on the safe side. The mother should be glad her daughter attends a school where packed lunches are allowed because many schools nowadays do not allow lunch from home.
What is unacceptable about this story if it is true is twofold:
1) The report is poorly written and it did not indicate to whom the mother issued a threat of a lawsuit. We are informed that the school district made the reply but no name or position is attached to the reply. Nevertheless, the tone of the letter is indeed "brutal" and unbecoming of an educational institution. It was wrong to write in such a hostile way and I am surprised that the district lawyer would let such a letter be sent to the mother.
2) Regardless of any religious motive the mother might have had, she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes. Consider a child who has an allergy which could prove serious if disregarded by the school. The school district is, without question, leaving itself open to a lawsuit.
Allergy? Pack a lunch, problem solved. Can't eat certain meats or foods because of religion? Pack a lunch.
Schools in the USA cannot discriminate by refusing food to children based on their medical conditions.

So sad! Keep crying! Poor poor children. This girl has a religious not a health reason.
You did not get your contradiction of the medical expert who knows the child from the article.

So being Muslim is an illness and the prescription is refrain from pork? :dunno:
Okay. Let's review the key bits of information provided in the OP articles and try again since it's apparent some bleeding hearts missed some shit here:

1. “I want my religion to matter to you guys. My daughter shouldn’t have to go to school and be fearful of what’s she’s eating,” Nancy said.
Nope, public schools are not allowed to care about religion Nancy.
2. Back in September, as requested by the school, Nancy provided them with a doctor’s note explaining that their family is Muslim and her daughter cannot eat any pork.
AKA not a doctors note in my opinion.​

3. She said the school was accommodating. But then in December her daughter was served a bacon cheeseburger.
4. Lunch lady said just pull the bacon off. Nancy says it was in the hamburger. Nancy was frustrated but decided to let it go.
So they need to buy special hamburger for your kid?
6. Then just days ago, her daughter came home with a cereal bar she was given at school. The bar contains gelatin, which is a byproduct of pork.
Oh nooooesssss
7. “We told them we could send that – but at that same time she doesn’t want to have to be that different child,” said Nancy when asked why didn't she pack a lunch
Don't want your kid to be different so you won't send a sack lunch, but you want her to have a different meal specially made for her...
8. Nancy told Tucson News Now she’s hoping others will learn from this but says if it continues, she may file a civil lawsuit.
Teaching PC lessons and making threats, sounds like a regressive...
9. The Amphi school district posts their school lunch menus on-line in advance and parents can request the ingredient lists.
Mother has every opportunity to ensure their kid brings a lunch on days when pork or pork by-product is served.​

10. The district is not required to accommodate special dietary needs based solely on religious purposes
Bets Nancy knew this, knows this, and expects the district to cater to her religion because she's /special/?​
Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

More or less, yes.
Private cafes have that choice since their customers have a choice.

Public institutions that have a forced captive audience should allow alternatives so people can eat and not violate their religious bliefs.

It is not as if Muslims and Jews have these weird dietary rules that no one has ever heard of.

Good point, I had not thought of it that way. Simple but strong.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

More or less, yes.
Private cafes have that choice since their customers have a choice.

Public institutions that have a forced captive audience should allow alternatives so people can eat and not violate their religious bliefs.

It is not as if Muslims and Jews have these weird dietary rules that no one has ever heard of.

Good point, I had not thought of it that way. Simple but strong.

No, it's not. It's not the public's job to overly cater to people's beliefs (and thereby even put some stamp of approval on it). Nobody is making this bitch's kid eat pork.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.

And that's at play here; anti-Christian autocrats. We need to stop living in denial.
The bottom meme says it all for those who know this is America. Don't try and change our Country or our ways into your ways. If your ways are so great wth did you leave your country for.

So eating pork is the American way? If you ask me, all meats whether its pork or beef should be banned from schools. Its cancer causing and heart disease causing, but that's another topic for another day.

This mother wasn't asking for all students to be barred from eating pork. She was simply asking her own child not be fed it. The child is 7 years old. She still needs guidance on what to eat.

I agree the mother should just pack a lunch, but this notion that asking your not be fed pork is ridiculous.

Do you find it ridiculous when Jewish people ask for kosher options?

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims......

    • 185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
    • Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
    • Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules
    • Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered
    • Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers

Subway removes pork from stores after 'strong demand' from Muslims | Daily Mail Online

The US will be doing it too if not already.

You couldn't pay me to eat "halal" meat.

So I'm guessing you're not a Shawarma man?

You're talking about a style of cooking that isn't relevant to your religion's sick butchery.
All she is asking is that they don't put pork on her daughter's plate. Doesn't sound that complicated or unreasonable to me. If you had a kid allergic to peanuts, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask them not to put peanut butter cookies on his plate, would it?

300 students let's say, per day, you going to remember every child's dietary needs?

300 students let's say per day- and 5 kids have special dietary needs- how hard is it to remember those 5 kids?

Five are you sure? Because lots and lots of food allergies out there. How many cooks are there, of course maybe the teacher should handle it over the cooks. Let the teacher worry, they have more one on one time than cooks.

When I was in school I had allergies and brought a lunch. It was never a school issue it was my issue. Sounds like a lazy parent.
Do be aware that not all parents are like yours. There is a legal issue involved here. Schools are required to follow doctors' recommendations.

A doctors recommendation based on medical or religious?
Medical doctors have no authority to express opinions about theology.
What is unacceptable about this story if it is true is twofold:
1) The report is poorly written and it did not indicate to whom the mother issued a threat of a lawsuit. We are informed that the school district made the reply but no name or position is attached to the reply. Nevertheless, the tone of the letter is indeed "brutal" and unbecoming of an educational institution. It was wrong to write in such a hostile way and I am surprised that the district lawyer would let such a letter be sent to the mother.
2) Regardless of any religious motive the mother might have had, she did provide the school with a doctor's note stating that the child should not be given any pork or its products. Schools must honor medical notes. Consider a child who has an allergy which could prove serious if disregarded by the school. The school district is, without question, leaving itself open to a lawsuit.
Allergy? Pack a lunch, problem solved. Can't eat certain meats or foods because of religion? Pack a lunch.
Schools in the USA cannot discriminate by refusing food to children based on their medical conditions.

So sad! Keep crying! Poor poor children. This girl has a religious not a health reason.
You did not get your contradiction of the medical expert who knows the child from the article.

So being Muslim is an illness and the prescription is refrain from pork? :dunno:
You are not privy to the child's medical records.
2. Back in September, as requested by the school, Nancy provided them with a doctor’s note explaining that their family is Muslim and her daughter cannot eat any pork.
AKA not a doctors note in my opinion. ...​
Without a degree in medicine, your opinion is not expert.
Remember when liberals went apeshit about Christian kids praying at public school and went out of their way to ban anything religious at schools, citing "separation of church and state"? Apparently that only applies to Christianity. Islam on the other hand they want to be intergrated into schools and force everyone else to conform to its needs.
Nope...never happened, you know.

But if religion really doesn't matter at school....let's have school on Sundays.
2. Back in September, as requested by the school, Nancy provided them with a doctor’s note explaining that their family is Muslim and her daughter cannot eat any pork.
AKA not a doctors note in my opinion. ...​
Without a degree in medicine, your opinion is not expert.

and Muslim doctors, if that is indeed to wrote the "doctors note," are?

And Muslim doctors are about at my level frankly.

"Preventative healthcare strategies in Muslim experience include: personal hygiene, dietary measures such as the restriction in eating specific ingredients (such as pork and its byproducts, and drinking alcohol), and the avoidance of addictive habits such as smoking tobacco or over-consumption of food."

Religious healthcare. Lets /all/ shift over to Islamic medical practices. It'd be a fuck ton cheaper because it mostly consists of "don't do that" instead of the piles of expensive drugs and tests the US doctors push on everyone. And if they die, it's the will of Allah as they clearly fucked up.

I'm game.
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