School Staff JAILED for Not Reporting

Or do like most would do and bury it.

That is already kinda what happens on college and university campus. How is that working out?

Au contraire, the universities had tribunals and ruined many lives over it because women made false allegations and ruined young men's lives. Conservatives, of course, were up in arms about that, because it really was a law enforcement issue, not a kangaroo court issue.

Similarly, when there is not immediate danger and when the parents are not perpetrating the abuse, parents should report the crime. Lest the schools turn into tribunals.

At least you might think conservatives would think so.

So sometimes it's okay for schools to take steps without informing parents, even if:

1. Children are not in immediate danger AND
2. The parents/family are not perpetrating the danger

Okay. So now the area is quite grey.
This is not a political story about the gov of the state. It is more about what we SAY we expect of teachers and school personnel and what we really expect of them...which is very close to Jesus Christ status.

None of these people actually committed the sexual crime. They didn't report it, that's it--a crime that took place off school property and off school time.

It might not be correct, even--meaning, maybe they made the wrong call. My question to the board is: this this a jailable offense?

And if it is, who goes into teaching now?
At this point it's more dangerous than police work
At this point it's more dangerous than police work

Conservatives--dammit teachers! You're not a village! Just stand there and read the curriculum we went over with a fine tooth comb and say nothing else!

Also Conservatives--But be that village if you hear of teen-teen sexual assault, report to police in an exact time frame or go to jail! Don't worry about informing parents--the clink awaits!

Hey college kids--all this and 50K a year too! Oh, but subtract what you spend on pencils, notebooks and feeding your students, of course. The village disappears then--they'll return if they think you can go to jail.
Conservatives--dammit teachers! You're not a village! Just stand there and read the curriculum we went over with a fine tooth comb and say nothing else!

Also Conservatives--But be that village if you hear of teen-teen sexual assault, report to police in an exact time frame or go to jail! Don't worry about informing parents--the clink awaits!

Hey college kids--all this and 50K a year too! Oh, but subtract what you spend on pencils, notebooks and feeding your students, of course. The village disappears then--they'll return if they think you can go to jail.
Your fervent campaigning for not informing authorities of students sexual assaults, isn't a good look. And it's unlikely to age welll
Your fervent campaigning for not informing authorities of students sexual assaults, isn't a good look. And it's unlikely to age welll

On the contrary. I'm not advocating for "not information the authorities" AT ALL. I'm asking why this isn't the parents business, and if they don't follow through, THEY can go to jail.

What is your problem with that? You love the village if it lets parents off the hook, or what?

ETA: the shaming is also a weak diversionary tactic. "Shame on you, you don't care if teens are sexually assaulted, I'm outraged!"

Yeah, yeah, pipe down. Address your own contradictions.

But you can't. So more shaming.
I understand all of this.

I am asking the people on this board who harp on PARENTS RIGHTS all the livelong day:

Where is your stance on parents rights here? These same folks who want to know what's on every page in every book in the library are suddenly fine with the school reporting to POLICE what happened off school grounds and off school time, not having anything to do with abuse in the home. Without notifying the parents.

For parents rights folks, the above assumes that the parents are neglectful or abusive, see. From their POV, nope. Only teachers and school staff are that, for the most part.

They want it all ways--which has made our jobs impossible.
Conservatives--dammit teachers! You're not a village! Just stand there and read the curriculum we went over with a fine tooth comb and say nothing else!

Also Conservatives--But be that village if you hear of teen-teen sexual assault, report to police in an exact time frame or go to jail! Don't worry about informing parents--the clink awaits!

Hey college kids--all this and 50K a year too! Oh, but subtract what you spend on pencils, notebooks and feeding your students, of course. The village disappears then--they'll return if they think you can go to jail.

Stop bitching and moaning. Go find a job you don't hate.
This is in Florida, one of the states that is most openly fighting against that shit.

Good to know... However it's not always the state government that makes these decisions generally it's the county or the municipality.
Judging from the way Disney treats its own area I'm guessing there are a number of political islands in Florida that are very liberal.
The consistent, conservative stance here would be: this case had nothing to do with school. It didn't happen at school. It didn't involve school personnel. Therefore, when informed of the assault, the teacher/admin should have informed the parents and let it go. If the parents called the police, great. If not, THEY can be jailed.

Now you can explain to me how that's progressive.

On this matter, you are not speaking at all for any genuine conservatives.

I don't think you'll find a single other conservative that agrees with your position on this matter. I feel safe, in presuming to speak for most of my fellow conservatives, that most of us think you are about as wrong as it is possible for you to be.
Au contraire, the universities had tribunals and ruined many lives over it because women made false allegations and ruined young men's lives. Conservatives, of course, were up in arms about that, because it really was a law enforcement issue, not a kangaroo court issue.

Sorry, I can't take you or your claims at all seriously. Almost every single post you make you are lashing out at Conservatives.

This and you in reality seem to care nothing about this issue or anything else. It is just a way for you to pontificate endlessly about your own political beliefs.
Making up lies, attributing those lies to others, and then arguing against that and claiming any kind of victory, is certainly not an answer to anything.

No single conservative had an answer to anything I said here. You all want us to be the village when you want us to be the village, or we can go to jail.

All for 50K a year, just as I said.

Your only response is to downvote my every post...which is a great illustration of how public school teachers are treated. All this and public scorn, too.

Thanks Bob, for making my point for me so beautifully.
No, you are simply bouncing back and forth while screaming about Conservatives.

Not a single conservative in this thread had an answer as to why the school should not have informed parents of this with the expectation that THEY file the police report.

Not one.

That's because, of course, that's the logical outgrowth of their "parents rights" stance.
No single conservative had an answer to anything I said here. You all want us to be the village when you want us to be the village, or we can go to jail.
All for 50K a year, just as I said.
Your only response is to downvote my every post...which is a great illustration of how public school teachers are treated. All this and public scorn, too.
Thanks Bob, for making my point for me so beautifully.

You thought you had a point? That's cute.

That you refuse to acknowledge and accept the answers that I and other conservatives have offered to your lies and madness, does not mean that we had no answers.
Sorry, I can't take you or your claims at all seriously. Almost every single post you make you are lashing out at Conservatives.

This and you in reality seem to care nothing about this issue or anything else. It is just a way for you to pontificate endlessly about your own political beliefs.

This is not political beyond the fact that conservatives have unrealistic and conflicting expectations for teachers. That no one--teachers included--could possibly live up to.

Perhaps that's the point. But then, be careful what you wish for. Not that anyone gives a rip about that in the 21st century.

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