School Staff JAILED for Not Reporting

Okay, so in some cases, cut the parents out completely, even when the parents are not abusive or neglectful.

Interesting spin.

Tell me anywhere and in any case where a parent needs to be notified if a crime is being committed.

You really have gone off on a really strange tangent here, and one that makes absolutely no sense. If somebody sees a person attack a child on the street, should they try to get ahold of the parents before calling the cops? If a shooter goes into a school, should they call the parents and notify them before the police?

I used to arrest children for stealing. And trust me, a great many times I contacted the police before I tried to contact the parents. If I knew the minor I arrested was being turned over to the police, I did not even have to contact the parents at all, that was always at my discretion.
Why then are the parents cut out of the process

Schools should notify parents in writing, certified mail

No one has an answer.

Where are the PARENTS?

Where is your stance on parents rights here?

Yes the law says we should report

You're in favor of schools filing police reports on teenagers for situations that happened outside of school time and off school property without notifying parents.
Sanctuary state laws are the problem Sue

They shield the child from the parent

Granting school officials this responsibility is not going well for them

Interesting spin.

Tell me anywhere and in any case where a parent needs to be notified if a crime is being committed.

You really have gone off on a really strange tangent here, and one that makes absolutely no sense. If somebody sees a person attack a child on the street, should they try to get ahold of the parents before calling the cops? If a shooter goes into a school, should they call the parents and notify them before the police?

I used to arrest children for stealing. And trust me, a great many times I contacted the police before I tried to contact the parents. If I knew the minor I arrested was being turned over to the police, I did not even have to contact the parents at all, that was always at my discretion.

Crime in progress vs. a crime that is not in progress

That's first.

Second, since the formerly-conservative parents here have decided to conscript us into law enforcement even before or separate from parental notification, I guess we too can call the police when there is larceny and other crimes, even those we get wind of that happen off school time and off school property. Do you know how many secondary teachers hear about, say, Minors in Possession?

Again. This does not seem like a conservative viewpoint to me, but hey.
Sanctuary state laws are the problem Sue

They shield the child from the parent

Granting school officials this responsibility is not going well for them


Thank you.

ONE person gets it.

The inconsistent so-called conservative parents here love to see teachers jailed when they do not report a crime committed off school time and off school property. But also---stick to the three Rs! They're not your kids!

It's a joke
Second, since the formerly-conservative parents here have decided to conscript us

Funny, why are you fighting so hard to make this a political issue? This is not the first time I have seen you say things like this, and once again it makes absolutely no sense. What should either Conservative or Liberal have to do with the reporting of a crime?

Do you think that the crime should not be reported at all? That we should just do away with all mandatory reporting laws?
Crime in progress vs. a crime that is not in progress

That's first.

Second, since the formerly-conservative parents here have decided to conscript us into law enforcement even before or separate from parental notification, I guess we too can call the police when there is larceny and other crimes, even those we get wind of that happen off school time and off school property. Do you know how many secondary teachers hear about, say, Minors in Possession?

Again. This does not seem like a conservative viewpoint to me, but hey.
Keep lying we all said notify the parents.
No. The most they should do is inform the school. Just as a doctor who learns of such should inform the hospital.

But under mandatory reporting, they are to report such crimes to Law Enforcement. Telling somebody else is not a "get out of jail free" card.

And if you are in the medical field, you could get in trouble the same way if you do not report it to the required government agencies. Simply notifying your superiors is not enough.

To me, each school should have an established protocol for reporting suspected child abuse.
A teacher should not be calling the cops but report the details to a trained individual who will document the claim and take action.
Funny, why are you fighting so hard to make this a political issue? This is not the first time I have seen you say things like this, and once again it makes absolutely no sense. What should either Conservative or Liberal have to do with the reporting of a crime?

Do you think that the crime should not be reported at all? That we should just do away with all mandatory reporting laws?

I have already said. The school should be responsible for reporting the crime if:

1. The crime happens on school property and/or on school time or
2. The abuse (crime) happens in the child's home and so the safe adult IS the school

Otherwise, it's not our business. This is what the public is telling us all the time. Not our business.
To me, each school should have an established protocol for reporting suspected child abuse.
A teacher should not be calling the cops but report the details to a trained individual who will document the claim and take action.

You realize this was not "child abuse". We don't typically consider teen-to-teen assault as "child abuse".
Keep lying we all said notify the parents.

Why are they not then responsible for reporting the crime, at penalty of jail time for not reporting?

What other crimes should teachers be responsible for reporting, when they hear of it?

Petty larceny?
Minor in Possession?
Driving without a license/Suspended license?

You'd be shocked at what secondary teachers hear about. Boy, this could get interesting. Don't you think conservative parents would love our new role as law enforcement?
To me, each school should have an established protocol for reporting suspected child abuse.
A teacher should not be calling the cops but report the details to a trained individual who will document the claim and take action.
depends on the source of abuse ,and what is considered abuse ~S~
Shouldn’t matter

well to be fair, you are at least a Leftist, so you love the big nanny state making all the rules. That is at least consistent.

Conservatives here have told teachers to butt out of everything, but are cheering on the fact that they didn't report a crime that happened outside of school and off school time--and went to jail for it.

(They eventually did report it, but too late apparently)
depends on the source of abuse ,and what is considered abuse ~S~

Well see now, RW says it doesn't matter. So now those overheard conversations like "Hayden grabbed my boob in the hall!" are gonna be an auto-crime report. Sexual assault and harassment.

No one complain when no actual teaching occurs.

See how impossible this all is?'s suppose to be an educational facility.......not some penal system.....~S~

Especially when this case could have EASILY been passed to the parents.

Why is this the school's wheelhouse in the first place? Teen to teen. Outside of school.

No conservatives can really answer that.'s suppose to be an educational facility.......not some penal system.....~S~

And now that I think on it, this would be one way for Florida teachers to really get the message across.

Every single time they hear of these things at school, file a police report.

Start doing it on the same day. It would bust up the entire system. But it would surely show exactly what parents seem to want. But don't want. Geez.
well to be fair, you are at least a Leftist, so you love the big nanny state making all the rules. That is at least consistent.

Conservatives here have told teachers to butt out of everything, but are cheering on the fact that they didn't report a crime that happened outside of school and off school time--and went to jail for it.

(They eventually did report it, but too late apparently)

What a stupid distinction

Very little child abuse happens on school grounds

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