School Staff JAILED for Not Reporting

No, they are in jail because they did not do the right thing.

Mandatory reporting laws are very clear. When they learn of things like abuse (physical or sexual), they are to report it to the police.


Did the teacher report it to the police? This is quite simple, yes or no.

If the teacher did not inform the police, then she is in violation of the law and should be arrested.

Okay, so in some cases, cut the parents out completely, even when the parents are not abusive or neglectful.

Completely inconsistent as ever...but okay.
Does the teacher reporting it to administration get her off the hook? I mean, she *did* report it….

Or, in education, is it required for teachers to also report the allegation to the authorities?

In nursing, if I were told of an allegation of abuse, I would report it to a manager who would in turn alert the State, and I’d document that I told the director/whoever. (Of course, I’d also be responsible to immediately intervene to stop the abuse if it were happening currently)

If they failed to report it, why would *I* be in trouble?

If a child told me that he/she were being abused or neglected at home, I immediately tell my admin and they help me file a report to CPS. But I must file a report. I understand this and have no problem with it.

So the teacher did the right thing and perhaps wasn't properly instructed on how to follow through OR, because AGAIN--the assault happened off school time, off school property, and between peers---it wasn't clear if this was a CPS case in the first place. This seems like a police report to me, and that would be purely admin.

Again my thing here is: 75% of this board screeches all the livelong day about parents rights, but the parents here were not notified and everyone shrugs. Not notified, btw, that their daughter was being sexually abused. Not a single poster here can tell me why in this case it was the schools' job to file this police report and not the parents.

Some of these people are just happy to see teachers thrown in jail no matter how inconsistent it makes their view.
Mandatory reporting laws.


I'm required to report to CPS as far as I know. I do not think CPS investigates teen-to-teen sexual assaults. That's police. I'm not advocating doing NOTHING, nor am I saying it's not a big deal. I'm not saying any of that. I'm saying the folks on this board who screech all the livelong day about parents rights are suddenly just peachy that all these school staff were jailed simply for reporting TOO LATE while no one said, "Tell her to tell the parents". Why were the parents not responsible for filing a police report? This incident had nothing to do with school.
There are things you "stay out of" and things you don't.

And sure enough, if the school would have intervened and the girl made up the whole thing, or the parents weren't informed soon enough and got flamed up about THAT, you all would have howled down the moon about how this was none of the school's business, and the parents should have been informed.

That is my whole point in this thread: the schools cannot win.

Wait til you get the teaching D team in there, which no one deserves more than our society right now.
I understand all of this.

I am asking the people on this board who harp on PARENTS RIGHTS all the livelong day:

Where is your stance on parents rights here? These same folks who want to know what's on every page in every book in the library are suddenly fine with the school reporting to POLICE what happened off school grounds and off school time, not having anything to do with abuse in the home. Without notifying the parents.

For parents rights folks, the above assumes that the parents are neglectful or abusive, see. From their POV, nope. Only teachers and school staff are that, for the most part.

They want it all ways--which has made our jobs impossible.
Keep lying it suits your change from conservative to progressive stance.
Nice soundbite.

Why should it be up to the school to report this crime that had nothing at all to do with school?

Where are the PARENTS?

Ummmm, the alleged perp is the son of a school staffer.

You were saying?
Keep lying it suits your change from conservative to progressive stance.

The consistent, conservative stance here would be: this case had nothing to do with school. It didn't happen at school. It didn't involve school personnel. Therefore, when informed of the assault, the teacher/admin should have informed the parents and let it go. If the parents called the police, great. If not, THEY can be jailed.

Now you can explain to me how that's progressive.
The consistent, conservative stance here would be: this case had nothing to do with school. It didn't happen at school. It didn't involve school personnel. Therefore, when informed of the assault, the teacher/admin should have informed the parents and let it go. If the parents called the police, great. If not, THEY can be jailed.

Now you can explain to me how that's progressive.

It involved the son of a school staffer.

Why do you insist on ignoring that?
The consistent, conservative stance here would be: this case had nothing to do with school. It didn't happen at school. It didn't involve school personnel. Therefore, when informed of the assault, the teacher/admin should have informed the parents and let it go. If the parents called the police, great. If not, THEY can be jailed.

Now you can explain to me how that's progressive.
LOL keep digging yourself in deeper.
Ummmm, the alleged perp is the son of a school staffer.

You were saying?

So the school should or should not report it because the teen is related to a school staff member?

See what I just posted to Sgt. This is a police report at any rate, not a report to CPS. Why is this report not filed by parents? Why are conservatives suddenly on fire to have the school report this?
So you are in favor of schools filing police reports for situations they hear about without notifying parents. As happened in this case.

Cool, good to know.

But also, so much for those "parental notification" laws.
look retard we already went over this tell the parents but report the CRIME. Why do you want to PROTECT the teachers, ohh that's right you are one and must be worried about who might find out you all aren't the best.
LOL keep digging yourself in deeper.

You saying that does not make it true.

You're in favor of schools filing police reports on teenagers for situations that happened outside of school time and off school property without notifying parents.

That is NOT conservative. THAT is progressive.
look retard we already went over this tell the parents but report the CRIME. Why do you want to PROTECT the teachers, ohh that's right you are one and must be worried about who might find out you all aren't the best.

If the parents don't then report the crime, THEY should be jailed. Right? Aren't you always banging on about how they're YOUR kids and not ours?


Take responsibility.
keep on ignoring what was said while you dig your hole deeper. Why did you ignore repeatedly that we all said tell the parents but report the CRIME?

Okay, that's the Official Conservative Stance.

Good to know. Man the high schools are gonna be busy in the fall.
I understand all of this.

I am asking the people on this board who harp on PARENTS RIGHTS all the livelong day:

Where is your stance on parents rights here? These same folks who want to know what's on every page in every book in the library are suddenly fine with the school reporting to POLICE what happened off school grounds and off school time, not having anything to do with abuse in the home. Without notifying the parents.

For parents rights folks, the above assumes that the parents are neglectful or abusive, see. From their POV, nope. Only teachers and school staff are that, for the most part.

They want it all ways--which has made our jobs impossible.
I agree that the parents should have been notified. No excuse for that not to have happened.

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