School Staff JAILED for Not Reporting

"Once leadership failed to act responsibility for reporting and protecting the child came back to the teacher."

Prerrty sure that's what I said.
Maybe she trusted that her supervisors would do the right thing. I don't know. The teacher did something that didn't pass muster with a jury or a judge if it was a bench trial. I haven't seen the trial record.
Maybe she trusted that her supervisors would do the right thing. I don't know. The teacher did something that didn't pass muster with a jury or a judge if it was a bench trial. I haven't seen the trial record.
Again, the teacher may claim mitigation based on initial reporting but in Florida the duty is not just to report but to act to protect the child.

This duties falls on all professions working with children.
Parents band together, go to the school board, read statements about how terrible the teachers are, and then the yahoos on the internet chat sites pass it all over.

Then your reputation and career are ruined.

Sign up to teach, everyone!
Well, looks like there are two groups of mostly moms in the U.S. that does this shit and moms for liberty happens to be one. Both groups are either pro trump or pro desantis. I suspect if you were not a teacher you would be in one of these groups.
Why is it the school's responsibility to report to authorities and not the parents?

If the abuse is not happening in the home....

and from YOUR worldview?

Aren't you all up in arms when schools talk about "our" kids? Aren't we big into parents rights?
Again, that is a strawman.
Pointless because it is two different things.
I have said enough. You just keep repeating the same strawman.
Anyone who has responsibility over minors, on receiving a credible report of a minor being abused, should contact the proper authorities with that information.

What is so difficult to understand about that?

Why not the parents?
There is no inconsistency here, in our position.

An obligation to refrain from abusing children does not negate any obligation to report to appropriate authorities any abuse of which one becomes aware.

Parental rights. Isn't that your gong to bang all day long?

You all want to be notified when a child changes pronouns. Fair, btw. And that should be then handled by the parent.

Why then are the parents cut out of the process for something as serious as peer-to-peer sexual abuse?
So are you the sort that wants teachers involved in teens' sex lives or no?

Why do you not support the choir teacher just telling the student, "Tell her to tell her parents"?

No one has answered that yet.
that is not what happens when teachers REPORT information of a criminal nature given to them and that you think it is is a big problem with you not us.
I didn't say the teachers shouldn't tell parents in that situation, but that doesn't absolve them from the legal requirement to tell authorities. They can do both (as long as it is clear that the abuse is not happening at home)

Okay, Florida is a big parental rights state.

If the parents are notified, this should be noted by the school. And then if the PARENTS don't file a report, THEY can be jailed.

This is just a case of conservatives wanting it all ways from teachers, and that's the point of this thread. Not that teachers should or should not report. But that by conservatives' standards, peer to peer abuse should be in the parents' wheelhouse, ESP if it takes place off school property and time.
I understand this. I have also seen great parenting, good parenting, adequate parenting, and parenting that makes me cry when I get home from school.

I am asking the Parent's Rights folks why they suddenly endorse bypassing parents--because in their quest to vilify teachers, they often make parents out to be universally great.

Notice it's radio silence.
look you retard whether the teacher advised the person to tell the parents or not does not alleviate their need to REPORT it dumb ass.
Why shouldn't everyone who has good reason to suspect that such a crime has taken place, report it to proper authorities?

You parents' rights folks want everything to go through parents...yes?

And honestly, for a crime between students that takes place off school grounds and time?

I say:

If abuse happens on school grounds and during school time, the school reports it.

If the child is being abused at home, the school reports it.

Otherwise, you parents rights folks can have it your way. You got it. It's yours.

(TO BE CLEAR: this is not necessarily my position. I'm showing you what your position should be, were you consistent)
look you retard whether the teacher advised the person to tell the parents or not does not alleviate their need to REPORT it dumb ass.

Are you an advocate for parents rights or are you not?

In this case, then, why should the school not report to parents and the parents report it? And if they do not, THEY can be jailed?
Are you an advocate for parents rights or are you not?

In this case, then, why should the school not report to parents and the parents report it? And if they do not, THEY can be jailed?
fucking moron, of course tell the parents but that does not remove the need to report the potential crime yourself and that you think it does is you being stupid and petty.
fucking moron, of course tell the parents but that does not remove the need to report the potential crime yourself and that you think it does is you being stupid and petty.

I'm not making a case for or against that. I'm asking why parental rights advocates wouldn't want this removed from the schools entirely, especially when:

1. The abuse is off school time, off school property, and peer-to-peer AND
2. Does not involve abuse in the home
you are stupid if you think what you just wrote makes sense.

It makes perfect sense which is why you have no counter to it.

Schools should notify parents in writing, certified mail. Then follow up with police in like, 48 hours. If a report is not filed, then THE PARENTS can be thrown in the clink.

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