Schools propose: Let boys into girls locker rooms


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.

Don't think even the most progressive countries do this so not sure I'd get too worked up about it yet.
Not even sure it's really a thing. I never showered at school. Had them available but no one in my PE class ever made use of them.
Googling around Germany and Sweden are pretty co-ed. But those are both vastly different cultures than our's. Pushing American culture too far too fast can have negative outcomes like blowback. Forcing stuff like this onto a culture that simply isn't mature enough to handle it can result it violent resistance.

Can it be implemented? Probably. Should it be? No way.
Not even sure it's really a thing. I never showered at school. Had them available but no one in my PE class ever made use of them.

That's P.E. though. At my school, just about all of us who were in in Athletics used the school showers.

This one time, I got in trouble for knocking a snake into the showers, lmao.

It was TOTALLY worth it.

Technically it wasn't completely my fault... some other girl caught it outside and had it in a shoebox, and for some dumbass reason she brought it into the shower area to show us.

I put my towel back on, seized the oppurtunity and ran up and hit the box from underneath. The snake landed on the floor, right in the shower area. Some of the girls grabbed their towels and hauled ass out of there, leaping over the snake "to safety" and screaming, while a few of them didn't even bother grabbing their towels, they just ran straight into our locker room lmao.

The rest of us were next to the showers just dying of laughter.

But instead of running, this one girl, my friend Quiana, jumped onto the seat that was in one of the showers. She obviously wasn't wearing anything and was screaming for us to help her, but we all had tears from laughing so hard.

Then we turned off the lights and left her in the shower area alone LOL.

Then after maybe 20 seconds or so of hearing her yelling for help while we were laughing, we walked back in and turned lights back on, and the snake was raised up towards her and she was using the shower hose to spray water at it, screaming at it.


The snake was harmless but still, it was FUCKING HILARIOUS. I'm not sure if I'd ever laughed so hard in my life.

I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.
This is absolute insanity......Whomever proposed this should be checked into a mental institution....Permanently
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.
Biological boys cannot or should not be playing sports with girls. Especially sports where contact is either a part of the game or can occur.
The muscle and bione density advantage boys have over girls can be hazardous for girls.
Yes, there have been female kickers on boys football teams. Girls can play ice hockey with boys, but only up to a certain age.
The intimacy thing, showers, bathroom facilities...That is 100% out of bounds.
This entire transgender thing is just another cause invented by liberals with the goal of creating another politically correct protected class.
I will laugh my ass off the day I read a story about one of these girls on a boys body gets the living shit beat out of him by a bunch of angry girls because the boy intruded into the girl's restroom.....
I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.

So you were a nerd who didn't have a whole lot of friends. Shocking......
Not even sure it's really a thing. I never showered at school. Had them available but no one in my PE class ever made use of them.

That's P.E. though. At my school, just about all of us who were in in Athletics used the school showers.

This one time, I got in trouble for knocking a snake into the showers, lmao.

It was TOTALLY worth it.

Technically it wasn't completely my fault... some other girl caught it outside and had it in a shoebox, and for some dumbass reason she brought it into the shower area to show us.

I put my towel back on, seized the oppurtunity and ran up and hit the box from underneath. The snake landed on the floor, right in the shower area. Some of the girls grabbed their towels and hauled ass out of there, leaping over the snake "to safety" and screaming, while a few of them didn't even bother grabbing their towels, they just ran straight into our locker room lmao.

The rest of us were next to the showers just dying of laughter.

But instead of running, this one girl, my friend Quiana, jumped onto the seat that was in one of the showers. She obviously wasn't wearing anything and was screaming for us to help her, but we all had tears from laughing so hard.

Then we turned off the lights and left her in the shower area alone LOL.

Then after maybe 20 seconds or so of hearing her yelling for help while we were laughing, we walked back in and turned lights back on, and the snake was raised up towards her and she was using the shower hose to spray water at it, screaming at it.


The snake was harmless but still, it was FUCKING HILARIOUS. I'm not sure if I'd ever laughed so hard in my life.

Country girl would have grabbed that snake by the tail, and whipped your ass with it.
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.

I'm waiting for an opposite sex couple to sue a gym for discrimination when same sex married couples can shower together while opposite sex married couples cannot.
I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.

So you were a nerd who didn't have a whole lot of friends. Shocking......
I wasn't a nerd. I didn't have any friends in school because I beat up anyone who spoke to me. Shocking. I know.
I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.

Yeah right, that's complete BS.

Coaches would have never selected someone like that for the team.

Our girls would have straight up kicked your ass if you even attempted that. We'd have made your life Hell for the rest of your school years.

Texas takes sports way more seriously than alot of other states.
Not even sure it's really a thing. I never showered at school. Had them available but no one in my PE class ever made use of them.

That's P.E. though. At my school, just about all of us who were in in Athletics used the school showers.

This one time, I got in trouble for knocking a snake into the showers, lmao.

It was TOTALLY worth it.

Technically it wasn't completely my fault... some other girl caught it outside and had it in a shoebox, and for some dumbass reason she brought it into the shower area to show us.

I put my towel back on, seized the oppurtunity and ran up and hit the box from underneath. The snake landed on the floor, right in the shower area. Some of the girls grabbed their towels and hauled ass out of there, leaping over the snake "to safety" and screaming, while a few of them didn't even bother grabbing their towels, they just ran straight into our locker room lmao.

The rest of us were next to the showers just dying of laughter.

But instead of running, this one girl, my friend Quiana, jumped onto the seat that was in one of the showers. She obviously wasn't wearing anything and was screaming for us to help her, but we all had tears from laughing so hard.

Then we turned off the lights and left her in the shower area alone LOL.

Then after maybe 20 seconds or so of hearing her yelling for help while we were laughing, we walked back in and turned lights back on, and the snake was raised up towards her and she was using the shower hose to spray water at it, screaming at it.


The snake was harmless but still, it was FUCKING HILARIOUS. I'm not sure if I'd ever laughed so hard in my life.

Country girl would have grabbed that snake by the tail, and whipped your ass with it.

Aside from the fact that I'm a masochist and might have enjoyed that, all of us on our team were also friends outside of school so nobody got offended. Everyone just thought it was hilarious.

I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.

Yeah right, that's complete BS.

Coaches would have never selected someone like that for the team.

Our girls would have straight up kicked your ass if you even attempted that. We'd have made your life Hell for the rest of your school years.

Texas takes sports way more seriously than alot of other states.
I have to say that the girls did try to kick my ass and quite a few of the boys did too. They just couldn't. There was really nothing anyone could do to make my school years hell. I already refused to have anything to do with any of them.

In our school everyone played. It wasn't a matter of wanting to be on a team or not. Everyone was on the team of whatever sport was on their minds. We played softball or racing. There was no soccer.
If you live in Minnesota, your high-school daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a “transgender” policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month.
And beyond Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
The policy draft being considered is aimed at allowing “transgender” students – children who believe they were born in the body of the wrong biological sex – to participate on the sports team corresponding with their “perceived gender.”
So, if a boy believes he is a girl trapped in a male body, he should be allowed to play on the girls’ sports team under the proposed policy, regardless of the “gender assigned at birth.”
The policy draft also lays out a process for determining whether or not a transgender student qualifies to compete and play with the opposite biological sex in addition to an appeals process if permission is initially denied.

Schools propose Let boys into girls locker rooms

The world keeps spinning around and keeps getting crazy. After one of the schools allowed a transgender teen (who hasn’t had the surgery yet) to use girl’s toilet, now in Minnesota they consider a possibility of allowing transgenders to use the shower together with the sex they identify themselves.
And while boys might even welcome such changes, I’m not sure that girls or their parents would be extremely glad to see a boy in the girl’s locker.
Seriously, why some doubtful need of one or two people is prevailing over the needs and rights of other people? Give them their own locker, everybody would be happy.

The policy being considered is whether to allow boys on girls teams, or boys on girls teams. The crazies at WND are the only ones discussing showers. Well....them and the crazies that want to link to this as if it was a valid source.
Ohhh so boys on the girl's team will go to the boys locker room. That will work just fine.
I didn't shower because I didn't participate unless forced onto some loser of a team. I made sure my team lost. So badly that even the other team lost the will to play. Sometimes those girls would actually cry and beg that I not be put on their team. Those were the best days. Seeing those girls struggling to overcome my sabotage made it all worth while.

Can you imagine if a boy on a girl's team did that?

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