School's transgender policy trumped teacher's religious rights, US court rules

I think some people would feel convicted that it's participating in a lie. We all have our own "hill to die on". It would not be mine, but mine would be keeping secrets from parents. Nope. Never.
Isn't that what priest do when they hear confession? I suppose you want to outlaw that as well?
All this means is that their thought processes reflect the gender they wish to be. No surprise there.

But if you wish to talk science then let’s talk science at its basic level: Is a biological male a biological female or vice versa? No. Ergo, any claim that one’s gender is opposite their biological gender is subjective.
All this means is that their thought processes reflect the gender they wish to be. No surprise there.
You don't control your thought processes. If you think you do go ahead and try to think of nothing or try to turn your ears off so they dont hear any sound. Your thought process are what determine how your body functions not the other way around.
But if you wish to talk science then let’s talk science at its basic level: Is a biological male a biological female or vice versa? No. Ergo, any claim that one’s gender is opposite their biological gender is subjective.

That's not a talk or discussion that's lecture and a pretty ignorant one. Biological sex is just a category we assign different human traits to. Catageories are the domain of sociology, not biology. Nature and biology doesn't care what we call a human born with XX chromosones, a vagina and ovaries. Nor does it care if we call a human born with XX chromosones, a vagina and testes a female. Only human socieities care how we list other humans. If you want to talk strictly biology well human biology isn't so cut and dry. Besides XX and XY there are a whole host of sexual disorders that make determination of sex based on chromosome and sex organ development tricky. And even if there isn't the presentation of both male and female sex characteristics XX humans born with vaginas and ovaries could be missing their wombs, they could be unable to produce milk. Do these biological relaties make them less of a female?
Everything about transgenderism is just as subjective as religious beliefs. All this is is one set of subjectivism being favored over another subjectivism.

Name one religion that says it's ok to cross-dress or get buggered in the ass.
You don't control your thought processes. If you think you do go ahead and try to think of nothing or try to turn your ears off so they dont hear any sound. Your thought process are what determine how your body functions not the other way around.


I didn’t say anything about controlling thought processes.

I’ve no doubt that some transgender people genuinely feel that their gender is opposite their biological sex. The fact remains though that a biological male is a biological male.

But more important to the point of subjectivism, most people of faith will tell you that they genuinely feel that there is a God and that His spirit or essence inhabits their hearts and minds and informs their thought processes and actions, and that they couldn’t be any other way.
That's not a talk or discussion that's lecture and a pretty ignorant one. Biological sex is just a category we assign different human traits to.

What a load of woke pseudoscientific crap.

Biological sex is not a “category”, it is a physical and physiological manifestation of the number and type of chromosomes and the type of genitalia between your legs.
Catageories are the domain of sociology, not biology. Nature and biology doesn't care what we call a human born with XX chromosones, a vagina and ovaries. Nor does it care if we call a human born with XX chromosones, a vagina and testes a female. Only human socieities care how we list other humans. If you want to talk strictly biology well human biology isn't so cut and dry. Besides XX and XY there are a whole host of sexual disorders that make determination of sex based on chromosome and sex organ development tricky. And even if there isn't the presentation of both male and female sex characteristics XX humans born with vaginas and ovaries could be missing their wombs, they could be unable to produce milk. Do these biological relaties make them less of a female?

In other words, gender is subjective. Isn’t that basically what I said?
"An Indiana high school did not break the law by allegedly forcing a music teacher to quit after he refused on religious grounds to use transgender students' preferred names, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday."

Very good.

In fact, this has nothing to do with ‘religious rights’ – one’s subjective religious beliefs don’t ‘justify’ engaging in racism, bigotry, and hate directed at others.
If refusing to call a kid by their preferred name is a form of hate and bigotry, how do we label the act of murdering them? Also, if one person is allowed to get their preferences out there, so can the rest of the planet's population. Why should a teacher be punished because a child decides to be the one who makes the first move where such a matter is concerned? At the end of the day, if a person doesn't like what another person's preferences are, it is the first person's decision to not like them, therefore it is their own issue and no one else's.

God bless you and that teacher always!!!


P.S. To me, initials are not used enough anymore especially when they can stand for absolutely anything. :) :) :)
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I think some people would feel convicted that it's participating in a lie. We all have our own "hill to die on". It would not be mine, but mine would be keeping secrets from parents. Nope. Never.
i don’t think whatever nickname someone gives themselves or how they want to be called is a lie
I didn’t say anything about controlling thought processes.

I’ve no doubt that some transgender people genuinely feel that their gender is opposite their biological sex. The fact remains though that a biological male is a biological male.

But more important to the point of subjectivism, most people of faith will tell you that they genuinely feel that there is a God and that His spirit or essence inhabits their hearts and minds and informs their thought processes and actions, and that they couldn’t be any other way.

What a load of woke pseudoscientific crap.

Biological sex is not a “category”, it is a physical and physiological manifestation of the number and type of chromosomes and the type of genitalia between your legs.

In other words, gender is subjective. Isn’t that basically what I said?
So is how we define people biologically. Intersex individuals can go their most of their lives knowing there is anything different about them and then what? Are people born with XX chromosones, a vagina and testes males or females?
Funny, that's how the younger generation feels about you ignorant Simps who still believe in Sky Daddy. 😄
Who made you the spokescuck for the younger generation?

Are people born with XX chromosones, a vagina and testes males or females?

No such thing, unless you're talking about a chimera or mosaic, that has two or more different genetic patterns.

While other aspects of sexual dimorphism can go awry due to hormonal defects, the gonads are determined strictly by genetics. Mammalian gonads with an XX pattern will ALWAY develop as ovaries, and if they become function, they will produce eggs. If they are XY then they will always develop into testes, and if they become functional, then they will produce sperm.

Your XX with testes is neither male nor female, because no such creature exists.
I wonder why Reuters refers to the 7th Appeals (Chicago) court as a "U.S. Court"? Are they pandering to their foreign left wing base?
No such thing, unless you're talking about a chimera or mosaic, that has two or more different genetic patterns.

While other aspects of sexual dimorphism can go awry due to hormonal defects, the gonads are determined strictly by genetics. Mammalian gonads with an XX pattern will ALWAY develop as ovaries, and if they become function, they will produce eggs. If they are XY then they will always develop into testes, and if they become functional, then they will produce sperm.

Your XX with testes is neither male nor female, because no such creature exists.
Wrong you ignorant moron. 😂

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