Schumer and Pelosi economic Jihadists crushing US economy

Fauci is a bill gates shill. Pump that vaccine ID2020 implant. He and gates are worthless. No thanks you new world nutjobs.
What the fuck are you idiots even talking about?

At issue is $500 billion in additional funding for Americans, businesses and hospitals amid the pandemic.

Small businesses, hospitals, frontline workers and state and local governments across the country are struggling to keep up with this national crisis. They need more help from the federal government and they need it fast – our nurses, doctors and health care workers need it as much as anyone else,” they said, while saying “it’s clear” that the more than $2 trillion allocated as part of the already-passed CARES Act stimulus “will not be enough to cover the tremendous need.”

Do you or do you not support that? Because just a week ago rightwingers were complaining that Pahlousy is against helping small bussiness,

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