Schumer, clapping for himself


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
As a Democrat, I stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way

Republicans are trying to dismantle our Democracy
You didn’t have any democracy you fucking idiot. The last time this whore was on the ballot you voted for her in such great numbers the bitch dropped out before the first vote was cast. And now you have had your primary, which she wasn’t even in, and think she’s your candidate and somehow that’s democracy.

Fuck off clown.
Who is this idiot trying to deceive? What grass? What roots? Harris didn’t even have any fucking dirt for grass to be planted in. And this moron is trying to convince you democrat idiots you actually voted for her.
I don’t want to hear anymore of your saving democracy bullshit.

I've yet to hear a single journalist in the news ask or say the obvious questions about Harris. It is all about the dance of self-deception now, as the cult of progressiveness now lies to itself what a gracious thing Joe did and what a great boon that Harris will be to their cause, when in fact, they painted themselves into a very dark corner with Joe, and that Harris was their only 11th hour choice in saving having any campaign at all.

Then laughingly, one by one, Hollywood signs on endorsing the bitch as if they had any other choice. Can you imagine if someone actually endorsed someone else? Meantime, not one leftist shitheel even mentions Tulsi Gabbard, Marianne Williamson, or Andrew Yang.

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