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Schumer threatens GOVT SHUTDOWN if GOP tries to carry out what HE - Schumer - wanted to do in 2006

Yeah this is how dems work. They craft a problem, then blame the other side.

In Oregon, we.are.facing a lot of consequences for.taking federal money, and not using it the way we are supposed to. Now we are.scrambling to adhere to the programs, and blaming trump for the.fallout.

For example...the state is out of compliance, criminally so, in the area of education and entitlement programs. Our state is currently facing lawsuits and censure over child welfare practices which are illegal and have.resulted in dead and lost children (can you say child trafficking?) The answer? Hire MORE cretinous child traffickers, and lobby for.money to pay full time attorneys to push back against the poor and desperate families who.dare to complain about the kidnapping, abuse and.murder of their children.

Our governor has repeatedly announced that we will continue to protect criminal illegals. The feds threaten to pull fed funding. The cure? Eliminate the state drug task force. Blame trump when drug lords kill faggots and children on our streets.

Thatr the way dems.work. We need to eliminate them They're a disease.
You said Mexico would pay for the wall. Americans are. You are the douchebag of the millennium!
How long has Trump been in office...2 months? He has already done more in 2 months and had a bigger positive impact on the country in 2 months than Obama had/did in at least his 1st year, if not more.

You assume that there will not be cuts to foreign aide to Mexico, tariffs, etc - money that would be going to Mexico that they will not lose which will pay for the wall.

I suggest a little patience before being too eager to attack Trump...so far that hasn't worked for Snowflakes as he has made them look foolish.

Then again, it might not happen, and we may end up paying for the wall. I would not mind paying to secure our nation and protect it's people. Why do you have a problem doing so?

In Obama's failed Stimulus Plan he and Democrats doled out millions to study why a homosexual Argentinian man's sex life was better than a heterosexual American man's was, on how to teach Chinese alcoholic prostitutes how to drink less while on duty, etc... I would much rather my money be spent on building a wall to keep Mexican Drug cartels, illegals, and potential terrorists out of the country, thereby protecting American citizens.

Seems like you would rather give our money to homosexual foreigners and foreign alcoholic hookers....
Obama! Obama!
Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.
Obama! Obama! Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.


Save it, Snowflake - Obama and his snowflakes stuck to that routine of blaming bush and everyone else for 8 years. Trump's only been in office for 2 months. Besides, if Obama would just go the hell away we could forget about him, but he has decided to stick around and engage in subversive action to undermine the newly elected govt. As long as he remains hanging around doing so, he is 'fair game' thanks to his own actions.
Obama! Obama! Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.

View attachment 117146

Save it, Snowflake - Obama and his snowflakes stuck to that routine of blaming bush and everyone else for 8 years. Trump's only been in office for 2 months. Besides, if Obama would just go the hell away we could forget about him, but he has decided to stick around and engage in subversive action to undermine the newly elected govt. As long as he remains hanging around doing so, he is 'fair game' thanks to his own actions.
So you are a "snowflake" yourself blaming Obama. Typical conservative:scream about responsibility then blame it on others when they have full control.
Sadly we are going to be saddled with big republican spending like the stupid wall while they cut taxes and explode the deficit.
In 2006, along with 25 other hypocritical Democrats, Chief Hypocrite Chucky Schumer 'voted for President George W. Bush’s Secure Fence Act, which built 700 miles (1,000 km) of a protective barrier between the United States-Mexico border.'

NOW, in 2017, Chucky and several other Democrats sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) threatening to perpetrate a government shutdown if the Republicans attempt to keep Americans safe by funding the wall he wanted in 2006.

Suddenly it's no longer 'cool' / 'hip' for Democrats to value our national security and protecting American citizens more than defending and aiding illegals and potential threats / terrorists from coming into the country.

This week's 'Snowflake Hypocrite Of the Week' goes to D-Chucky Schumer.

Fence or wall.
No difference?
Their purpose is physical barrier, is it too hard to understand? They may look different but serve the same purpose.

So if there's already a barrier to be constructed, then why do we need to plan a new one?
In 2006, along with 25 other hypocritical Democrats, Chief Hypocrite Chucky Schumer 'voted for President George W. Bush’s Secure Fence Act, which built 700 miles (1,000 km) of a protective barrier between the United States-Mexico border.'

NOW, in 2017, Chucky and several other Democrats sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) threatening to perpetrate a government shutdown if the Republicans attempt to keep Americans safe by funding the wall he wanted in 2006.

Suddenly it's no longer 'cool' / 'hip' for Democrats to value our national security and protecting American citizens more than defending and aiding illegals and potential threats / terrorists from coming into the country.

This week's 'Snowflake Hypocrite Of the Week' goes to D-Chucky Schumer.

Government shut down?


Now he can resign and go home.

Thanks Chucky. Unfortunately, we know you are FOS
Obama! Obama! Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.

View attachment 117146

Save it, Snowflake - Obama and his snowflakes stuck to that routine of blaming bush and everyone else for 8 years. Trump's only been in office for 2 months. Besides, if Obama would just go the hell away we could forget about him, but he has decided to stick around and engage in subversive action to undermine the newly elected govt. As long as he remains hanging around doing so, he is 'fair game' thanks to his own actions.
So you are a "snowflake" yourself blaming Obama. Typical conservative:scream about responsibility then blame it on others when they have full control.
Obama Paid Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before Hawaii Judge Rules Against Trump Temporary Refugee Ban (Updated)
The funny thing about Govt 'SHUTDOWNS' is THIS:

The US Govt already 'shuts down' several times a year for specific events - these are called 'Federal Holidays'. Democrats attempt to make 'un-scheduled' govt shutdowns sound as ominous and damaging as a 'CAT 5' Hurricanes...and the last time we had one Obama TRIED to make it as painful as possible for Americans while trying to blame the GOP for the shut down. (He and Democrats went out of their way - as their exposed e-mail showed - to make it more painful as necessary. Obama even tried to shut down historic sites the federal govt did not even own / control!)

During a shutdown all critical govt functions are manned and continue to function. No one loses any salary - it's like a paid vacation. The worst, long-lasting damage caused by a govt shutdown is the negative perception / image damage inflicted on the party blamed for the shutdown by those actually causing the shut down.

In the past the Liberals have been the one not only willing to shut down the govt but have also been the one willing to intentionally inflict as much pain on the American people in order to escalate the anger against the GOP, who they blame for the shut down...and this has worked in the past as they have gotten Americans to believe it was the GOP's doing.

In this latest case Schumer is openly declaring he is willing to shut the govt down - hold Americans hostage in order to get what he / Liberals want...and you can bet if the Democrats do affect a govt shutdown their narrative will be that it is the GOP who is doing it.

NOW, in 2017, Chucky and several other Democrats sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) threatening to perpetrate a government shutdown if the Republicans attempt to keep Americans safe by funding the wall he wanted in 2006.

Well I guess I was wrong about Chuck Schumer, et al being nothing but a bunch of useless douche bags, apparently it's possible that he and his gang of apparatchiks could in fact be useful for something.

Shut 'er down Chuck, you've got my full support for that, just don't go all weak knee'd like your fellow criminals on the Republican side of the aisle and re-open it.
True conservatives are with Chuck on this. Fakes like easyt will cheer on republican spending.
You could be right, dunno since I have no idea what "true" conservatives want anymore since:

a.) I'm not a conservative and thus don't keep up with the latest fashion trends in that philosophical space
b.) the definition of American Conservatism changes more often than Cher's hair style.

Heck, I'm seeing self identified conservatives claim that Donald "I love eminent domain, government spending and government run universal health care" Trump is a conservative, so who the fuck knows what it means anymore. :(

"I am a conservative. Quite possibly I am on the losing side; often I think so. Yet, out of a curious perversity I had rather lose with Socrates, let us say, than win with Lenin." -- Russell Kirk
Obama! Obama! Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.

View attachment 117146

Save it, Snowflake - Obama and his snowflakes stuck to that routine of blaming bush and everyone else for 8 years. Trump's only been in office for 2 months. Besides, if Obama would just go the hell away we could forget about him, but he has decided to stick around and engage in subversive action to undermine the newly elected govt. As long as he remains hanging around doing so, he is 'fair game' thanks to his own actions.
So you are a "snowflake" yourself blaming Obama. Typical conservative:scream about responsibility then blame it on others when they have full control.
No, snowflake. 'Snowflake' is a Democratic Party term adopted to describe DEMOCRATS.... fail.
The funny thing about Govt 'SHUTDOWNS' is THIS:

The US Govt already 'shuts down' several times a year for specific events - these are called 'Federal Holidays'. Democrats attempt to make 'un-scheduled' govt shutdowns sound as ominous and damaging as a 'CAT 5' Hurricanes...and the last time we had one Obama TRIED to make it as painful as possible for Americans while trying to blame the GOP for the shut down. (He and Democrats went out of their way - as their exposed e-mail showed - to make it more painful as necessary. Obama even tried to shut down historic sites the federal govt did not even own / control!)

During a shutdown all critical govt functions are manned and continue to function. No one loses any salary - it's like a paid vacation. The worst, long-lasting damage caused by a govt shutdown is the negative perception / image damage inflicted on the party blamed for the shutdown by those actually causing the shut down.

In the past the Liberals have been the one not only willing to shut down the govt but have also been the one willing to intentionally inflict as much pain on the American people in order to escalate the anger against the GOP, who they blame for the shut down...and this has worked in the past as they have gotten Americans to believe it was the GOP's doing.

In this latest case Schumer is openly declaring he is willing to shut the govt down - hold Americans hostage in order to get what he / Liberals want...and you can bet if the Democrats do affect a govt shutdown their narrative will be that it is the GOP who is doing it.
So suddenly you aren't for smaller govt. via govt. shutdowns ala "lyin ted" Cruz when the other party is threatening it. It's unfortunate the republican party is full of fake conservatives like this.
Sadly we are going to be saddled with big republican spending like the stupid wall while they cut taxes and explode the deficit.
Unlike Obama who added more debt than every US President combined, Trump is actually balancing out spending - not just adding spending - he's making cuts as he goes as well. Didja miss that during your rant?
So suddenly you aren't for smaller govt. via govt. shutdowns ala "lyin ted" Cruz when the other party is threatening it. It's unfortunate the republican party is full of fake conservatives like this.
1. YOU said it. I didn't.
2. Through his cuts, Trump is bringing about smaller govt. BRAVO!
3. I've never mentioned anything about Ted Cruz and govt shutdowns. I am not a big fan, by the way..but if that is required to keep professional politicians from continuing to add debt without cutting spending I am open to at least listening to the idea.
Obama! Obama! Repubs are in control, stop blaming Obama for republican ineptitude.

View attachment 117146

Save it, Snowflake - Obama and his snowflakes stuck to that routine of blaming bush and everyone else for 8 years. Trump's only been in office for 2 months. Besides, if Obama would just go the hell away we could forget about him, but he has decided to stick around and engage in subversive action to undermine the newly elected govt. As long as he remains hanging around doing so, he is 'fair game' thanks to his own actions.
So you are a "snowflake" yourself blaming Obama. Typical conservative:scream about responsibility then blame it on others when they have full control.
No, snowflake. 'Snowflake' is a Democratic Party term adopted to describe DEMOCRATS.... fail.
Typical still no responsibility. The repubs have the house and senate and the presidency and still you whine about Obama. How about getting something done besides a half ass piece of shit that is worse than Obamacare.
Sadly we are going to be saddled with big republican spending like the stupid wall while they cut taxes and explode the deficit.
Unlike Obama who added more debt than every US President combined, Trump is actually balancing out spending - not just adding spending - he's making cuts as he goes as well. Didja miss that during your rant?

Er..umm... Obama and the other douche bag that came before him are about tied with respect to adding to the cumulative operating deficits (around $8 Trillion each) and Trump hasn't done anything to "balance out spending", in fact it looks like he's ready to add just as much (or more) to the cumulative deficits as the two dickweeds that came before him.
Schumer and the rest of the Democrats need to stop the republicans big govt Trumpcare plan. Trumpcare has death panels. Spread the word folks and stop this big govt intrusion on our rights!
Typical still no responsibility. The repubs have the house and senate and the presidency and still you whine about Obama.
Thank you for your continued demonstration of unparalleled hypocrisy. Again, you are whining about the name Obama being mentioned - when he refuses to go away and seditiously just traveled to Hawaii to influence a judge into blocking Trump's Travel Delay / Ban EO - and Trump has been in office for 2 months...

...YET, after Bush was gracious to Obama on the way out before disappearing so as not to interfere with Obama's Presidency Obama still blamed Bush...and anyone else he could...for the next 8 years.


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