Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Trump's statement was that they should recuse themselves in certain things involving him. he didn't propose any action to force them to recuse, or any action he would take if they didn't recuse.

Schumer implied action on his or his sides part if K&G decided the current case in a way they didn't like.
trump has been going after judges for 3 years... don’t give me that crap

Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.

Grow up, a viable threat is specific statement to cause death or harm to another. "Pay the price" is not a viable threat to do physical harm to anyone and does not meet the elements of a Criminal Threat.

You and the others who keep pushing this as a crime seem to forget all of the trash talk at trump's rallies; one major character flaw in trump defenders is hypocrisy.

Yes it was an obvious and blatant threat.

No, you're one of the most dishonest members of this message board. I do wonder, what or who made you into the flawed character you have become?

You're constantly defending trump, and I wonder why, when the list of his Personality Disorders are so obvious in this man-child? I suppose that both you and he have these in common, not a lick of empathy and not an iota of common sense.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Trump's statement was that they should recuse themselves in certain things involving him. he didn't propose any action to force them to recuse, or any action he would take if they didn't recuse.

Schumer implied action on his or his sides part if K&G decided the current case in a way they didn't like.
trump has been going after judges for 3 years... don’t give me that crap

Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.
its all in the same
Ballpark of disgusting rhetoric. Don’t be a drama queen and pretend that was a real threat. You’re playing politics
i'm against abortion, if i have a say in the matter. however, my views are not binding to the world. we all tend to forget that and continue to work to create a world for ourselves, not all of us. our differences become at first talking points and then if it lingers, the divide we see today.

simply put, there is no answer that will make everyone happy.
Fair enough so if we must error either way I vote we error on the side of those whose voices are so small and sweet their mamas can't hear 'em say "hey bitch … how 'bout you give me the same shot at life your Mama gave you."
Congress should be held to HIGHER standards of behavior...not lower.

No one is above the law

-Chuck Schumer
Trump's statement was that they should recuse themselves in certain things involving him. he didn't propose any action to force them to recuse, or any action he would take if they didn't recuse.

Schumer implied action on his or his sides part if K&G decided the current case in a way they didn't like.
trump has been going after judges for 3 years... don’t give me that crap

Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.

Grow up, a viable threat is specific statement to cause death or harm to another. "Pay the price" is not a viable threat to do physical harm to anyone and does not meet the elements of a Criminal Threat.

You and the others who keep pushing this as a crime seem to forget all of the trash talk at trump's rallies; one major character flaw in trump defenders is hypocrisy.

Yes it was an obvious and blatant threat.

No, you're one of the most dishonest members of this message board. I do wonder, what or who made you into the flawed character you have become?

You're constantly defending trump, and I wonder why, when the list of his Personality Disorders are so obvious in this man-child? I suppose that both you and he have these in common, not a lick of empathy and not an iota of common sense.

When faced with the fact this was an obvious threat, all you can do is post that whinefest of incoherent drivel?
Ballpark of disgusting rhetoric. Don’t be a drama queen and pretend that was a real threat. You’re playing politics

1. Schumer called out the 2 USSC Justices by name and declared 'You will pay a price', 'You will never see it coming'

2. He knew he was wrong to do so, and instead of apologizing he LIED, claiming he was taking to / about the President and his Senate GOP colleagues. Again, he called Gorsuch and Kavanaugh BY NAME.

3. The last time the Democrats callously, recklessly, criminally engaged in such violent rhetoric they incited an attempted public assassination of GOP politicians in a public park, leaving 5 people shot, to include his Senate GOP colleague D-Scalise. He can't seriously, honestly say he has forgotten about that when he sees Scalise in Senate chambers all the time.

His actions are definitely worthy of Senate Censure.

AFTER Democrat rhetoric resulted in several Republicans being physically stalked, attacked in public places, physically attacked, and 5 people to have been shot, for Schumer to have such a 'lapse in judgment' now is unacceptable and is inexcusable.
Chuck is the ultimate hypocrite as well. A month ago he was calling on Chief Justice Roberts to rebuke Trump for merely suggesting a biased judge should recuse herself.
Schumer’s Recent Tweet About Trump Comes Back To Bite Him After Threat Against Justices
they are equal hypocrites.
Who are equal hypocrites?
any leftist.
You're right, I can't think of one who actually practices what he or she preaches. In fact, most of them do the opposite of what they insist everyone else do.
Considering the last time Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric it resulted in the attempted assassination of GOP politicians - to include fellow SENATOR R-Steve Scalise, did Schumer even think the SECOND (2nd) time when he lied by saying when he said 'You will pay a will never see it coming' he was talking about his fellow GOP Senators?


Wasn't once enough for Schumer?
There is no JUSTICE as long as there is two tiered political JUST US....!
It's time to make those in Congress responsible for their actions and rhetoric...!!!
trump has been going after judges for 3 years... don’t give me that crap

Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.

Grow up, a viable threat is specific statement to cause death or harm to another. "Pay the price" is not a viable threat to do physical harm to anyone and does not meet the elements of a Criminal Threat.

You and the others who keep pushing this as a crime seem to forget all of the trash talk at trump's rallies; one major character flaw in trump defenders is hypocrisy.

Yes it was an obvious and blatant threat.

No, you're one of the most dishonest members of this message board. I do wonder, what or who made you into the flawed character you have become?

You're constantly defending trump, and I wonder why, when the list of his Personality Disorders are so obvious in this man-child? I suppose that both you and he have these in common, not a lick of empathy and not an iota of common sense.

When faced with the fact this was an obvious threat, all you can do is post that whinefest of incoherent drivel?

You didn't respond to my question, instead, you choose to ad an ad hominem. That is not unexpected, but the facts are there is no criminal threat, nothing but politics to suggest harm or death was in the mind of Schumer. Mens rea was clear in trump's threats, no proof that the Minority Leader had the means or intent which clowns like you claim, nothing more than a BIG LIE.
Inciting violence against individuals is punishable and against the law. In Chuckie Schumer's case as usual this is not the case, It's called "Just Us". The PMS/DSA Democrat hypocritical two tiered system of Justice again reigns. WE the simple people of America would have been arrested, and sent to jail for the actions Schumer has done by openly threatening members of SCOTUS.

My Words Led to Violence. Now Trump's Are Too

Then someone on the fringe of my movement shot and killed Barnett Slepian, an OB/GYN in Buffalo, N.Y., whom I called out by name in demonstrations and clinic blockades. Slepian wasn’t the last person to die or be gravely injured by individuals who may have taken literally what I thought of at the time as harmless rhetoric. I now live with great sorrow and regret that it took me so long to learn incendiary speechifying can too often turn deadly.

President Donald Trump has called Mexicans rapists and killers. He’s warned that people coming across the southern border are “bringing drugs.” He has claimed that Mexican officials are “cunning, and they send bad ones over because they don’t want to pay for them.” And he has tweeted, “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our country.” By saying these things, Trump dehumanizes and vilifies his subjects and leaves them fair game for a depraved mass shooter like the one in El Paso who killed 22 people, injured even more and traumatized an entire community.

LOL but saying "you will pay the price" and "you wont know what hit you" is inciting violence.
There is no JUSTICE as long as there is two tiered political JUST US....!
It's time to make those in Congress responsible for their actions and rhetoric...!!!

The People decided in 2018; time will tell if those members of the Senate, who took an oath and violated it, will pay the price at the polls.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.

Trump's statement was that they should recuse themselves in certain things involving him. he didn't propose any action to force them to recuse, or any action he would take if they didn't recuse.

Schumer implied action on his or his sides part if K&G decided the current case in a way they didn't like.
trump has been going after judges for 3 years... don’t give me that crap

Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.
its all in the same
Ballpark of disgusting rhetoric. Don’t be a drama queen and pretend that was a real threat. You’re playing politics
no, it was a threat. no need to apologize then if it wasn't.
We the average American citizen should be demanding that our representatives in Congress prosecute the Schumer issue and at least censure him, if not impeach the S.O.B.

Specifically what, in your imagination, is the price that they will pay according to Chuckie? Any thoughts on why they wont know what hit them?
Trump has called out Judges, he hasn't threatened them in the manner Schumer did.

Grow up, a viable threat is specific statement to cause death or harm to another. "Pay the price" is not a viable threat to do physical harm to anyone and does not meet the elements of a Criminal Threat.

You and the others who keep pushing this as a crime seem to forget all of the trash talk at trump's rallies; one major character flaw in trump defenders is hypocrisy.

Yes it was an obvious and blatant threat.

No, you're one of the most dishonest members of this message board. I do wonder, what or who made you into the flawed character you have become?

You're constantly defending trump, and I wonder why, when the list of his Personality Disorders are so obvious in this man-child? I suppose that both you and he have these in common, not a lick of empathy and not an iota of common sense.

When faced with the fact this was an obvious threat, all you can do is post that whinefest of incoherent drivel?

You didn't respond to my question, instead, you choose to ad an ad hominem. That is not unexpected, but the facts are there is no criminal threat, nothing but politics to suggest harm or death was in the mind of Schumer. Mens rea was clear in trump's threats, no proof that the Minority Leader had the means or intent which clowns like you claim, nothing more than a BIG LIE.
You never asked me a question. What you did was put a few question marks after dumbass statements.

Man, you really are a moron.
Chuck is the ultimate hypocrite as well. A month ago he was calling on Chief Justice Roberts to rebuke Trump for merely suggesting a biased judge should recuse herself.
Schumer’s Recent Tweet About Trump Comes Back To Bite Him After Threat Against Justices
they are equal hypocrites.
Who are equal hypocrites?
any leftist.
You're right, I can't think of one who actually practices what he or she preaches. In fact, most of them do the opposite of what they insist everyone else do.
they are the party of the klan!!! that's all you need to know. they never reconciled that. the plantations are well advertised, and the jim crowisms show you they are.
The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

You well know that the state law was being used to limit a doctors access to give abortions. There no mystery about what’s going on here.

No it's about patient safety, and a doctor having the ability to admit a patient to a hospital and continue care, if complications arise from the procedure. The feds have no authority in licensing requirements for doctors within a State, that's the States job. I didn't think you were a big government guy and you believed in federalism. This is what federalism looks like.


I’m not a big Gov guy but when it comes to human rights I fall on the women’s side of this issue and since the issue has been settled in the Supreme Court I don’t think a state should have the right to infringe it through loophole laws like this

The court is not a legislative body, they can't just pull rights out of a unicorns ass. Also States have every right to regulate medical professionals they license.

Agreed. I’m not claiming they are doing anything with unicorn buttholes. The court interprets laws. And through their interpretations and rulings they set precedent which in this case applies to a woman’s right to decide to have an abortion under legal constraints.

The right was invented by the court, it never existed the first 190 years this country existed. And what constraints are you talking about when the commies are demanding care be withheld after a child is born alive?


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