Schumer Vows To Fight Any Attempt To Change / Replace the ACA


Repeal the ACA & you repeal the funding generation. You people are way beyond stupid.

You are confused. We need to stop giving welfare and subsidies to everybody. It ain't rocket science.

Nobody should be entitled to have their bills by somebody else simply because they are alive, don't you agree?

You Libtards are simply too damn stupid to know that we can do away with this fitly ass welfare state and everybody would be off.

Doing away with the entitlements of free or subsidized insurance is a good step,don't you think?

When it gets around to everyone including Wall Street and corporate entitlements and free or subsidized assistance we may be able to have a real conversation.
Surreal Dave, are you suggesting that 3 million illegals took Barry up on his offer to vote in US elections and the 1st time they cast a vote in the US they voted for the man who promised to deport them, build a wall to keep them out, and put them in jail and / or deport them if they broke the law?



You can go live in a third world country where people are starving in the streets.

Better yet, we should not hope that one day, you don't lose your job because of a severe illness that forces you to sell everything you own so I can drive by your cardboard box & laugh at you as you sit on front holding a sign begging for money.

I like a safety net for people.

If you want to fight welfare, fight corporate welfare where you will save far more money & quit voting for Republicans.

I want to live in a free country where the greedy welfare queens don't have the ability to take away the money that I earned. It is called Liberty.

If you want to live in a country elected by the welfare queens then go check out Venezuela and see how it worked out for everybody.

I am quite capable of paying my own bills thank you very much. That is called personal responsibility and is a concept you Moon Bats have never really understood. You need to stop being a greedy little asshole and take care of your own bills.

When it gets around to everyone including Wall Street and corporate entitlements and free or subsidized assistance we may be able to have a real conversation.

That asshole Obama gave billions to Wall Street and to corporations and Crooked Hillary took millions from them so I don't think you really have strong convictions on stopping bailouts or subsidies.

I want to stop ALL government transfer payments. That is ALL welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts. It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money from a person that earned it and give it away to somebody that didn't earn, don't you agree?

That also includes foreign welfare like foreign aid and fighting other people's wars for them.

We don't have Liberty when the filthy ass government has the ability to take our labor and give it to somebody else. In fact there is word for that. Slavery.

When it gets around to everyone including Wall Street and corporate entitlements and free or subsidized assistance we may be able to have a real conversation.

That asshole Obama gave billions to Wall Street and to corporations and Crooked Hillary took millions from them so I don't think you really have strong convictions on stopping bailouts or subsidies.

I want to stop ALL government transfer payments. That is ALL welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts. It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money from a person that earned it and give it away to somebody that didn't earn, don't you agree?

That also includes foreign welfare like foreign aid and fighting other people's wars for them.

We don't have Liberty when the filthy ass government has the ability to take our labor and give it to somebody else. In fact there is word for that. Slavery.

About those bailouts. Initiated under a "conservative" administration, and seamlessly continued by a "liberal" administration - with the same economic advisement team aboard.

And you still think loyalty to one of these parties will get you where you want to go.

Phuggin' phenomenal.

About those bailouts. Initiated under a "conservative" administration, and seamlessly continued by a "liberal" administration - with the same economic advisement team aboard.

And you still think loyalty to one of these parties will get you where you want to go.

Phuggin' phenomenal.

Anybody that calls themselves a Conservative that says they are for bailouts is not a real Conservative. They lied to you and anybody that voted for them.

Bush was wrong to give bailouts and so was Obama.

Instead of being a partisan asshole that is hypocritical why don't you join me to advocate the elimination of all bailouts and condemn the ones that Obama did like with the banks and GM? That way you will have a lot more credibility.
Surreal Dave, are you suggesting that 3 million illegals took Barry up on his offer to vote in US elections and the 1st time they cast a vote in the US they voted for the man who promised to deport them, build a wall to keep them out, and put them in jail and / or deport them if they broke the law?


You are a prime example of how easily the Breitbarts & Limbaughs dupe the feeble minded in America.

Obama never invited illegals to vote as he clearly said citizens. My God, just how stupid are you?

The idea that a person hiding from government would provide all their information to a government entity just to vote is really really stupid.

About those bailouts. Initiated under a "conservative" administration, and seamlessly continued by a "liberal" administration - with the same economic advisement team aboard.

And you still think loyalty to one of these parties will get you where you want to go.

Phuggin' phenomenal.

Anybody that calls themselves a Conservative that says they are for bailouts is not a real Conservative. They lied to you and anybody that voted for them.

Bush was wrong to give bailouts and so was Obama.

Instead of being a partisan asshole that is hypocritical why don't you join me to advocate the elimination of all bailouts and condemn the ones that Obama did like with the banks and GM? That way you will have a lot more credibility.
So, you were all for the USA suffering a complete financial meltdown?

When it gets around to everyone including Wall Street and corporate entitlements and free or subsidized assistance we may be able to have a real conversation.

That asshole Obama gave billions to Wall Street and to corporations and Crooked Hillary took millions from them so I don't think you really have strong convictions on stopping bailouts or subsidies.

I want to stop ALL government transfer payments. That is ALL welfare, subsidizes, entitlements and bailouts. It is absolutely wrong for the government to take money from a person that earned it and give it away to somebody that didn't earn, don't you agree?

That also includes foreign welfare like foreign aid and fighting other people's wars for them.

We don't have Liberty when the filthy ass government has the ability to take our labor and give it to somebody else. In fact there is word for that. Slavery.
So, you don;t want to pay taxes. You sound like the typical jackass wanting to live in this country but not helping pay for it. The government has spent billions on roads & bridges that I will never use - OMG OMG OMG those evil bastards!!!!

You are so ridiculous & immature.

So, you were all for the USA suffering a complete financial meltdown?

I think everything would have worked out in time. We now owe those billions used for the bailouts to China so is that going to work out?

You have to also remember that it was the fucking government that created the problem that led to the meltdown by putting pressure on the lenders to give credit to those dipshits that had neither the means or the inclination to ever pay back the money. You know, for social justice reasons.

The filthy ass government needs to stay out of trying to run our lives, don't you agree?

About those bailouts. Initiated under a "conservative" administration, and seamlessly continued by a "liberal" administration - with the same economic advisement team aboard.

And you still think loyalty to one of these parties will get you where you want to go.

Phuggin' phenomenal.

Bush ran as a Conservative and governed as a Liberal. You are the one putting a Conservative label on a Liberal.

If it was wrong for Bush to do it (and it was) then it was also wrong for that jackass Obama to do it, wasn't it?

You have no convictions on anything, do you? You don't know right from wrong. All you have is partisan pig hate of anybody not having a "D' by their name.
Surreal Dave, are you suggesting that 3 million illegals took Barry up on his offer to vote in US elections and the 1st time they cast a vote in the US they voted for the man who promised to deport them, build a wall to keep them out, and put them in jail and / or deport them if they broke the law?


You are a prime example of how easily the Breitbarts & Limbaughs dupe the feeble minded in America.

Obama never invited illegals to vote as he clearly said citizens. My God, just how stupid are you?

The idea that a person hiding from government would provide all their information to a government entity just to vote is really really stupid.
Nice dodge, Dave, but millions of Americans watched Barry reassure illegals that if they voted in the election there would be no repercussions. Quite an odd thing to broadcast al lover America...if you don't want illegals to vote, don't you think?!'re a liberal / Obama supporter - of course you don't think. You believe as you are told.
So, you don;t want to pay taxes. You sound like the typical jackass wanting to live in this country but not helping pay for it. The government has spent billions on roads & bridges that I will never use - OMG OMG OMG those evil bastards!!!!

You are so ridiculous & immature.

You are confused but don't worry because I will set you straight so you won't continue to post foolish things.

There is a place for limited government. Defense, police, courts etc. I don't mind paying for the minimal necessary government functions providing the money is spent wisely.

I don't mind paying for roads through some kind of user fee because they are necessary and there ain't no such thing a s free lunch.

However, (take notes now because I am going to quiz you later) I don't want the government taking my money and giving it to somebody else. No welfare, no subsidizes, no entitlements and no damn bailouts. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

I know you are an uneducated low information Moon Bat but do you even understand the difference between minimal necessary government functions and government transfer payments?

If you want to give your money away to other people then have fun Sport. However, leave me out of it when you use the force of government to steal my money. How come you are so much against the concept of freedom and personal responsibility? Are you stupid or greedy or what?
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About those bailouts. Initiated under a "conservative" administration, and seamlessly continued by a "liberal" administration - with the same economic advisement team aboard.

And you still think loyalty to one of these parties will get you where you want to go.

Phuggin' phenomenal.

Bush ran as a Conservative and governed as a Liberal. You are the one putting a Conservative label on a Liberal.

If it was wrong for Bush to do it (and it was) then it was also wrong for that jackass Obama to do it, wasn't it?

You have no convictions on anything, do you? You don't know right from wrong. All you have is partisan pig hate of anybody not having a "D' by their name.

Oh horse shit pard, reivisionist labeling. Neither of these parties serves any but the aristocracy. You'll be stuck here till ya figure that out, at least.

Oh horse shit pard, reivisionist labeling. Neither of these parties serves any but the aristocracy. You'll be stuck here till ya figure that out, at least.

Then you agree with me that we need to take the ability of the politicians to sell influence and serve the aristocracy by defunding the filthy ass Federal government down to the minimal necessary functions.

I stopped being a Republican a long time ago when I figured that they were the party of Progressive big government that served special interest groups.

When are you going to stop being a Democrat for the same reason?

Oh horse shit pard, reivisionist labeling. Neither of these parties serves any but the aristocracy. You'll be stuck here till ya figure that out, at least.

Then you agree with me that we need to take the ability of the politicians to sell influence and serve the aristocracy by defunding the filthy ass Federal government down to the minimal necessary functions.

I stopped being a Republican a long time ago when I figured that they were the party of Progressive big government that served special interest groups.

When are you going to stop being a Democrat for the same reason?

There are a number of things that will be required along with constant vigilance, but no, groveling to unfettered corporate power by erasing govt will accelerate the decline. Corporations are special interests too my friend.

I have never supported either party.

There are a number of things that will be required along with constant vigilance, but no, groveling to unfettered corporate power by erasing govt will accelerate the decline. Corporations are special interests too my friend.

Where where you worrying about corporate power when your Boy Obama was bailing out GM and Chrysler and giving Wall Street hundreds of billion of dollars? How about bitching about Crooked Hillary being bought by foreign governments and Wall Street?

You are just like all hypocritical Liberals. You are OK with crony capitalism as long as the Democrats are doing it. You hate Republican wars and you tolerate Democrat Wars. You hate Republican debt but justify Democrat debt.

How about pulling you head out your partisan pig ass and supporting principles instead of partisan bullshit?
Schumer hints of compromise with Trump, but not on ObamaCare

The ACA is literally collapsing under the weight of its own lies, false promises, and massively rising premiums...

...but mindless liberal DNC party/Obama defender Chuck Schumer stands poised, like the Black Knight in Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail', ready to repel anyone who seeks to 'pass'.

If I were Trump I would be temped to do nothing - except use an EO to erase the tax for not purchasing ACA insurance (Presidents can change / modify on their own how laws are enforced...a tactic used a LOT by Barry) and simply let the ACA crash and burn on it's own

The only problem with that is that many Americans wiuld suffer needlessly because Schumer / liberals want to protect Barry's legacy so badly!

Most Americans don't want the ACA repealed so the Democrats are on the right side of the issue to fight this every step of the way.
huh? I'm sorry, but who won the election for president? Who owns all three houses of government? Huh? Dude you a bit confused!

Hillary won the People's vote by over a million and a half. I'll take that as the referendum on whether or not to repeal Obamacare.
Too bad it doesn't mean anything.
Schumer hints of compromise with Trump, but not on ObamaCare

The ACA is literally collapsing under the weight of its own lies, false promises, and massively rising premiums...

...but mindless liberal DNC party/Obama defender Chuck Schumer stands poised, like the Black Knight in Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail', ready to repel anyone who seeks to 'pass'.

If I were Trump I would be temped to do nothing - except use an EO to erase the tax for not purchasing ACA insurance (Presidents can change / modify on their own how laws are enforced...a tactic used a LOT by Barry) and simply let the ACA crash and burn on it's own

The only problem with that is that many Americans wiuld suffer needlessly because Schumer / liberals want to protect Barry's legacy so badly!

Too bad Dems went nuclear on Republican Senate, they fucked themselves out of having a real say
I predicted at the time that it would come back to haunt them. I anticipate much wailing and angst from the same people who gleefully supported Reid's actions.
So, you don;t want to pay taxes. You sound like the typical jackass wanting to live in this country but not helping pay for it. The government has spent billions on roads & bridges that I will never use - OMG OMG OMG those evil bastards!!!!

You are so ridiculous & immature.

You are confused but don't worry because I will set you straight so you won't continue to post foolish things.

There is a place for limited government. Defense, police, courts etc. I don't mind paying for the minimal necessary government functions providing the money is spent wisely.

I don't mind paying for roads through some kind of user fee because they are necessary and there ain't no such thing a s free lunch.

However, (take notes now because I am going to quiz you later) I don't want the government taking my money and giving it to somebody else. No welfare, no subsidizes, no entitlements and no damn bailouts. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

I know you are an uneducated low information Moon Bat but do you even understand the difference between minimal necessary government functions and government transfer payments?

If you want to give your money away to other people then have fun Sport. However, leave me out of it when you use the force of government to steal my money. How come you are so much against the concept of freedom and personal responsibility? Are you stupid or greedy or what?
I get it. You think it is OK to fund the stuff you want & use. When you get old, you will refuse no medicare & SS? I guarantee you'll be signing up & some body will be paying for your old fat lazy ass.

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