Science Backs Up The Bible Again

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20
Science Backs Up The Bible Again
God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20

The title of your post is a lie. At 4:18 the commentator says that determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Science did not back up the bible, the link only says that Bell proposed something like determinism.

Science Backs Up The Bible Again
God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20

The title of your post is a lie. At 4:18 the commentator says that determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Science did not back up the bible, the link only says that Bell proposed something like determinism.


You go prove that, n00b.

Even our friend who started to think God exists is wrong with the quantum entanglement business. We still have free will to make moral decisions.

Isn't that what the Bible also tells us?
Science Backs Up The Bible Again
God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20

The title of your post is a lie. At 4:18 the commentator says that determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Science did not back up the bible, the link only says that Bell proposed something like determinism.


You go prove that, n00b.

Prove what?
One scientist John Bell hypothesized determinism. Your link said determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Yet you said Science backs up the bible again.

If your OP title was John Bell backs up the bible, then you would not have been overreaching, or maybe lying.

Science Backs Up The Bible Again
God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20

The title of your post is a lie. At 4:18 the commentator says that determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Science did not back up the bible, the link only says that Bell proposed something like determinism.


You go prove that, n00b.

Prove what?
One scientist John Bell hypothesized determinism. Your link said determinism "is not not popular among scientists."

Yet you said Science backs up the bible again.

If your OP title was John Bell backs up the bible, then you would not have been overreaching, or maybe lying.


Ah, backing down now. I was saying show us your logic of my title being a lie..

It shows that John Bell has the best theory. Over that of Einstein's spooky action at a distance or other physicists' communications at a speed faster than light. No other hypothesis has been proposed. Thus, we have been able to apply this fact of life and now have quantum computers and communications faster than the speed of light -- Ask Ethan: Can We Use Quantum Entanglement To Communicate Faster-Than-Light?.

If Bell's theory is correct and out lives are predetermined, as stated in the Bible, i.e. by God, then some have come out and said that we are not responsible for our actions and moral decisions. Uh, not so fast. The Bible also states that we have to deal with moral issues such as Adam and Eve's decision whether to obey God or not.
God has predetermined the course of things.

"He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you." 1 Peter 1:20
We still have free will to make moral decisions.
Wrong, the course of your moral decisions is predetermined or predetermination does not exist as a universal rule created by God.
If Bell's theory is correct and out lives are predetermined, as stated in the Bible, i.e. by God, then some have come out and said that we are not responsible for our actions and moral decisions. Uh, not so fast. The Bible also states that we have to deal with moral issues such as Adam and Eve's decision whether to obey God or not.
You can't have it both ways.
Everything is predetermined or nothing is predetermined.
Wrong, the course of your "morality" is necessarily predetermined or there is no such thing predetermination!

No evidence of moral choices being predetermined. You believe in lies.

Quantum mechanics shows you are wrong about no such thing as predetermination.

Wrong, the course of your moral decisions is predetermined or predetermination does not exist as a universal rule created by God.

You're a broken stream. Repeating itself.

You can't have it both ways.
Everything is predetermined or nothing is predetermined.

The physical was predetermined, but your moral choices. If you were predestined to make a left turn, then you were going to make a left turn. If you're going to kill someone by deliberately hitting them with your car, the act was predetermined, but the choice to do it was on you.

Lucifer had free will and chose to go against God. With humans, we know A&E had free will and chose to go against God.

The above example is people who lie. His act has been predestined, but he chose to say what he did.
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Ah, backing down now. I was saying show us your logic of my title being a lie..

It shows that John Bell has the best theory. Over that of Einstein's spooky action at a distance or other physicists' communications at a speed faster than light.

I did show it was not true. I didn't back down. "Science" is not equivalent to "John Bell". You don't understand the physics involved.

Determinism has been investigated by many others nobody has found a mechanism for determinism in QM, therefore it remains an unfounded hypothesis. You can believe what you want, but it's not part of the science of physics.

Thus, we have been able to apply this fact of life and now have quantum computers and communications faster than the speed of light -- Ask Ethan: Can We Use Quantum Entanglement To Communicate Faster-Than-Light?.

Entanglement does not lead to communication faster than the speed of light. Your reference explains why.

If you were predestined to make a left turn, then you were going to make a left turn. If you're going to kill someone by deliberately hitting them with your car, the act was predetermined, but the choice to do it was on you.
And if your left turn kills someone with your car, then your killing them WAS predetermined since your left turn WAS predetermined and they were predetermined to be there when you made your predetermined left turn.

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