Science denialism: The problem that just won’t go away


90 years ago evolution wasn't in school curriculums. 50 years ago it was. Moron.
These are the same morons of the Scopes Monkey trial....these are neo confederate losers.......
hahahahahaahahahahahahaha, and yet no science provided. Zip nadda! Call me a denier all you like, but it is the warmer with the lies.
The title of this thread is grossly misleading. We are not science deniers because we deny AGW. There is no real science in AGW.

And that claim is why you are a science denier.

...You can't claim to be a scientifically literate just because you believe in AGW.

I agree. But claiming that there is no science in climate change science demonstrates your scientific illiteracy.
but cuz, we've been waiting for that there science evidence,and cuz, there ain't any. how do you explain that if it is based on science?

Easy. You are a denier. End of story.
Other than 97 percent Scientific consensus about Global warming there is no science to Global warming

"Einstein denied Newtons Law of Gravity" said no real scientist ever

"Newtonian Gravity was peer reviewed and has Consensus" said no real scientist ever
"we keep trotting out the debunked 97% of scientists believe in Global Warming, because, what did you want us to do, show an experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can do any of the things we allege?" said the AGWCult
"we keep trotting out the debunked 97% of scientists believe in Global Warming, because, what did you want us to do, show an experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can do any of the things we allege?" said the AGWCult
Sure sure sure...its in the Bible...The Heartland Institute ?
A revealing interview with top contrarian climate scientists Dana Nuccitelli Environment The Guardian
As for the American Meteorological Society (AMS) survey,only 13% of participants described climate science as their field of expertise. The Heartland Institute – the source of the story linked in the above quote by Christy – misrepresented the associated study so badly that the AMS executive director took the unusual step ofissuing a public reprimand against their behavior. Studies of climate science experts have again and again found a 97% consensus on human-caused global warming...................................
Conspiracies and Biases
When asked about data from government agencies contradicting their contrarian beliefs about the dangers associated with climate change, Christy said,

NASA, NOAA, EPA, DOE, those are agencies. Agency leaders are appointed by the government, by the current administration. They do not represent objective independent scientific organizations. They can’t. They are appointed by the head. They try. People who come out with different views in their organizations are found to be squashed. There is an agenda in those agencies ... There are skeptics in NASA and NOAA, a good number. But they are quiet. They know in this administration, they don’t speak out.

This is an ironic answer given the recent revelations that scientists in Florida have beenbarred from using phrases like “climate change” and “global warming.”Similarly, the George W. Bush administration was accused ofcensoring government reports about climate change. It’s contrarians who have tried to squash inconvenient scientific research, not those who accept the scientific consensus on human-caused global warming.
why don't you post up the total number of scientist that were in that survey. and what the questions were? Come now, let's just see what it is those folks who voted agreed on
hahahahahaahahahahahahaha, and yet no science provided. Zip nadda! Call me a denier all you like, but it is the warmer with the lies.
its in the Bible.....
and yet, still no scientific research provided. Funny, my definition of science and yours are truly two different things. Mine science states hypothesis are tested and conclusions reached, yet still no experiment that shows what 120 PPM of CO2 does to temperatures.

Wow, you know how to move around on the internet and post up funny pictures. Still isn't science pal!!!! If you're going to talk the talk, walk the walk.

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