Science denialism: The problem that just won’t go away

Not really. That's like saying a historian understands physics because he wrote about the Michelson-Morley experiment.

If I were to take you into the field to an outcrop of Muldraugh limestone, what could you say about what it tells us about the climatic/environmental conditions at that locality at that particular time in Earth's geologic history? Anything at all? No? That's because you don't know anything about geology, how to read the rocks and fossils. I do. That is my expertize. Your expertize? Wasting everyone's time.
And has nothing to do with global or climate. What a tool.

Absolutely, it does. The Muldraugh limestine represents a middle Mississippian aged mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tempestite-dominated ramp environment. What does that mean? It means that this formation was deposited in a shallow tropical environment dominated by frequent massive gale-force storms. Today, the region in which we find this limestone is 38 degrees north of the equator. Limestone reefs can only form 20 degrees north or south of the equator. And so when this limestone was laid down, the region was within 20 degrees of the equator. And so we know from studying these rocks, and the fossils they contain, that there have been major climatic changes not only at the time the rocks were deposited, but in the interval of time since. And by studying the rocks that occur in the interval between then and now, we can fill in the gaps for what the climate was like. It has everything to do with climate.
What caused it? Was it that way in Russia or Australia ? Uh no

The same conditions existed at the time in Scotland and Belgium. You are missing the point, as usual. When you figure it out, come back and we will talk further.
Nope I get it, your term global isn't the whole earth. Got it!
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Back 50 years ago when the US ranked #1 in science education, such spurious dismissives as "denial" and "denialist" would never see light of day. Now that the left has turned our educational system into the illiterate cesspool it is, where we now rank at the bottom of the industrialized world in science education, these Medieval pitchfork & torchlight icons find ready sanctuary in the tiny pea brains of knuckle-draggers like Flopper and Pogo.

50 years ago, you didn't have right wing evangelical creationists and climate science deniers on school boards demanding that our schools "teach the controversy" and trying to get evolution and climate change removed from the curriculum.

The Scopes trial happened about 90 years ago, moron.

Wow, you don't get out much, do you?
If I were to take you into the field to an outcrop of Muldraugh limestone, what could you say about what it tells us about the climatic/environmental conditions at that locality at that particular time in Earth's geologic history? Anything at all? No? That's because you don't know anything about geology, how to read the rocks and fossils. I do. That is my expertize. Your expertize? Wasting everyone's time.
And has nothing to do with global or climate. What a tool.

Absolutely, it does. The Muldraugh limestine represents a middle Mississippian aged mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tempestite-dominated ramp environment. What does that mean? It means that this formation was deposited in a shallow tropical environment dominated by frequent massive gale-force storms. Today, the region in which we find this limestone is 38 degrees north of the equator. Limestone reefs can only form 20 degrees north or south of the equator. And so when this limestone was laid down, the region was within 20 degrees of the equator. And so we know from studying these rocks, and the fossils they contain, that there have been major climatic changes not only at the time the rocks were deposited, but in the interval of time since. And by studying the rocks that occur in the interval between then and now, we can fill in the gaps for what the climate was like. It has everything to do with climate.
What caused it? Was it that way in Russia or Australia ? Uh no

The same conditions existed at the time in Scotland and Belgium. You are missing the point, as usual. When you figure it out, come back and we will talk further.
Nope I get it, your term global isn't the whole earth. Got it!

Nope, you don't get it. When you do we'll talk again (or not).
And has nothing to do with global or climate. What a tool.

Absolutely, it does. The Muldraugh limestine represents a middle Mississippian aged mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tempestite-dominated ramp environment. What does that mean? It means that this formation was deposited in a shallow tropical environment dominated by frequent massive gale-force storms. Today, the region in which we find this limestone is 38 degrees north of the equator. Limestone reefs can only form 20 degrees north or south of the equator. And so when this limestone was laid down, the region was within 20 degrees of the equator. And so we know from studying these rocks, and the fossils they contain, that there have been major climatic changes not only at the time the rocks were deposited, but in the interval of time since. And by studying the rocks that occur in the interval between then and now, we can fill in the gaps for what the climate was like. It has everything to do with climate.
What caused it? Was it that way in Russia or Australia ? Uh no

The same conditions existed at the time in Scotland and Belgium. You are missing the point, as usual. When you figure it out, come back and we will talk further.
Nope I get it, your term global isn't the whole earth. Got it!

Nope, you don't get it. When you do we'll talk again (or not).
No, no I get it. You like lies and think you are deceptive, but you're merely a liar.
Absolutely, it does. The Muldraugh limestine represents a middle Mississippian aged mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tempestite-dominated ramp environment. What does that mean? It means that this formation was deposited in a shallow tropical environment dominated by frequent massive gale-force storms. Today, the region in which we find this limestone is 38 degrees north of the equator. Limestone reefs can only form 20 degrees north or south of the equator. And so when this limestone was laid down, the region was within 20 degrees of the equator. And so we know from studying these rocks, and the fossils they contain, that there have been major climatic changes not only at the time the rocks were deposited, but in the interval of time since. And by studying the rocks that occur in the interval between then and now, we can fill in the gaps for what the climate was like. It has everything to do with climate.
What caused it? Was it that way in Russia or Australia ? Uh no

The same conditions existed at the time in Scotland and Belgium. You are missing the point, as usual. When you figure it out, come back and we will talk further.
Nope I get it, your term global isn't the whole earth. Got it!

Nope, you don't get it. When you do we'll talk again (or not).
No, no I get it. You like lies and think you are deceptive, but you're merely a liar.

You clearly don't understand anything about Earth science. And so you resort to name calling like a child. Poor pitiful you.
Back 50 years ago when the US ranked #1 in science education, such spurious dismissives as "denial" and "denialist" would never see light of day. Now that the left has turned our educational system into the illiterate cesspool it is, where we now rank at the bottom of the industrialized world in science education, these Medieval pitchfork & torchlight icons find ready sanctuary in the tiny pea brains of knuckle-draggers like Flopper and Pogo.

This is why Japan and China do not embrace the CO2 monster created by the socialist control mongers. Their brightest minds know it is a fraud and they want nothing to do with it.
You clearly don't understand anything about Earth science. And so you resort to name calling like a child. Poor pitiful you.

Now this one is funny coming from a person who calls names if you dont believe like he want you too... Denier! or was that LIAR!

They all do, don't they? And then they whine like little puppies who haven't been fed if you give them similar treatment. That's why I love ridiculing liberals so much.
What caused it? Was it that way in Russia or Australia ? Uh no

The same conditions existed at the time in Scotland and Belgium. You are missing the point, as usual. When you figure it out, come back and we will talk further.
Nope I get it, your term global isn't the whole earth. Got it!

Nope, you don't get it. When you do we'll talk again (or not).
No, no I get it. You like lies and think you are deceptive, but you're merely a liar.

You clearly don't understand anything about Earth science. And so you resort to name calling like a child. Poor pitiful you.
No, I understand, you merely wish to lie. And what name did I call you? Liar? It is what you do so I supposed you like being a liar. So for you it is a compliment.
In case anybody missed it...................seamlessly connecting the dots ( still jaw dropping stuff:up: )

Most of the AGW crowd in here is frankly too naïve to realize they are getting their chains pulled daily, but there are a couple of AGW devotee's who know EXACTLY what has been going on.( the Plato whores):desk:
By the way........this whole "skeptics don't believe in science" and "Republicans are science stupid" crap is so fringe its laughable.

95%+ people aren't internet science geeks and are far more interested in the newest ghey app they can find for their iStoopidphones.:spinner:
Back 50 years ago when the US ranked #1 in science education, such spurious dismissives as "denial" and "denialist" would never see light of day. Now that the left has turned our educational system into the illiterate cesspool it is, where we now rank at the bottom of the industrialized world in science education, these Medieval pitchfork & torchlight icons find ready sanctuary in the tiny pea brains of knuckle-draggers like Flopper and Pogo.

50 years ago, you didn't have right wing evangelical creationists and climate science deniers on school boards demanding that our schools "teach the controversy" and trying to get evolution and climate change removed from the curriculum.

The Scopes trial happened about 90 years ago, moron.

90 years ago evolution wasn't in school curriculums. 50 years ago it was. Moron.
All of the denialist arguments (anti-evolution, anti-global warming, etc.=anti-science) have similar fallacious arguments, and all use the same arguments that were used by the tobacco industry to deny the fact that cigarette smoking causes disease. Coincidence?

Science denialism The problem that just won t go away EARTH Magazine

Often in our culture, science is rendered disposable if it stomps on a cherished claim; faith trumps reality. This attitude is internally inconsistent: Atomic theory is OK when we use it to X-ray our teeth or build a nuclear power station, but invalid when it comes to assessing the age of the planet. Evolutionary insight is OK when it guides the production of our annual flu shot, but deniers refuse to let it tell them from whence they came. Science is the way forward, but not for people who don’t want to go forward.

More at the link.

The problem with you left wing nut jobs, well one of many, is that you don't actually know shit about science, you just know that this particular science agrees with you. In fact you can't stand science when it conflicts with you, such as forensic science when it proves that a young black thug tried to kill a cop.

People like me love science AND history. When you love science, you know how science works and you know science's history. When you know both of these things you know right away that climate change is most likely garbage.

Here's a little tidbit for you; historically science has been more wrong than right. Chew on that for a while.

I am a published geologist with 20+ years of field experience. You?

You sound like old rocks
The title of this thread is grossly misleading. We are not science deniers because we deny AGW. There is no real science in AGW.

And that claim is why you are a science denier.

...You can't claim to be a scientifically literate just because you believe in AGW.

I agree. But claiming that there is no science in climate change science demonstrates your scientific illiteracy.
but cuz, we've been waiting for that there science evidence,and cuz, there ain't any. how do you explain that if it is based on science?
"hostility towards science and intellectualism is ingrained within much of the country — and now, with the Republican primaries heating up, a carnival of clownish windbags will be competing with each other to prove who is the most hostile towards science and education, and boy will it be close"

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