Scientifically, Race Does Not Exist

Show me one history book that proves Jews were enslaved in Egypt.
Now where is that Bible verse that mentions race? Come on, you can back up your claim!
Exodus is not a history book. Show me a history book.
Exodus is a history book. Just because you chose to remain ignorant, here is more to edjewcate you. And I'm still waiting for that Bible verse.

IBSS - Biblical Archaeology - Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt
No Exodus is part of the bible. There is not a shred of proof its true.
You said race was in Bible.
Why did you lie?
Cant find proof the Exodus occurred can you?
Why wouldnt the term be my argument? Now youre trying to tell me what what my argument is?
Still can't find that Bible verse.
Gee, I wonder why.
Still cant find a shred of proof Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Gee, I wonder why?
It is fact slaves were in Egypt during the 13-1200s BC. They were mostly POW and peasants of conquered lands. I wouldn't doubt those Egyptians conquering parts of Alexandria!
If its a fact show me the proof that Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Thats all I'm asking. I don't have a reason to believe you know what you are talking about based on earlier experiences with your unsubstantiated and erroneous claims.
Im just using logic...putting 2 and 2 together and consider the possibilities.
Keeping an open mind, if you will.
If you were using logic then you would be able to provide proof. Proof is logical. Even if they were enslaved in Egypt how does that prove this occured before whites enslaved each other in europe?
Still can't find that Bible verse.
Gee, I wonder why.
Still cant find a shred of proof Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Gee, I wonder why?
It is fact slaves were in Egypt during the 13-1200s BC. They were mostly POW and peasants of conquered lands. I wouldn't doubt those Egyptians conquering parts of Alexandria!
If its a fact show me the proof that Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Thats all I'm asking. I don't have a reason to believe you know what you are talking about based on earlier experiences with your unsubstantiated and erroneous claims.
Im just using logic...putting 2 and 2 together and consider the possibilities.
Keeping an open mind, if you will.
If you were using logic then you would be able to provide proof. Proof is logical. Even if they were enslaved in Egypt how does that prove this occured before whites enslaved each other in europe?
Slavery goes back even farther than that dummy!!
It is FACT slavery was around even before written accounts. When someone took over a land, they ENSLAVED the people. This is just stupid
Still cant find a shred of proof Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Gee, I wonder why?
It is fact slaves were in Egypt during the 13-1200s BC. They were mostly POW and peasants of conquered lands. I wouldn't doubt those Egyptians conquering parts of Alexandria!
If its a fact show me the proof that Jews were enslaved in Egypt. Thats all I'm asking. I don't have a reason to believe you know what you are talking about based on earlier experiences with your unsubstantiated and erroneous claims.
Im just using logic...putting 2 and 2 together and consider the possibilities.
Keeping an open mind, if you will.
If you were using logic then you would be able to provide proof. Proof is logical. Even if they were enslaved in Egypt how does that prove this occured before whites enslaved each other in europe?
Slavery goes back even farther than that dummy!!
It is FACT slavery was around even before written accounts. When someone took over a land, they ENSLAVED the people. This is just stupid
You avoided my question. We can argue about what constitutes a fact on something you cant prove. Are you claiming this only occurred in non white areas? Its a fact that europeans frequently ate each other in prehistoric europe. Using logical deduction one can then assume slavery was not too much of a stretch for them.
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I'm starting to wonder. The whites in europe that interbred with neanderthals could technically be considered bi-racial (for lack of a better word) since neanderthals were not homo sapiens.

Which would mean they are not bi-racial seeing as how homo neanderthalensis was a completely separate species.
I'm starting to wonder. The whites in europe that interbred with neanderthals could technically be considered bi-racial (for lack of a better word) since neanderthals were not homo sapiens.

Which would mean they are not bi-racial seeing as how homo neanderthalensis was a completely separate species.
Depends on what definition you are using.There doesnt appear to be a consensus.

Race (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In biological taxonomy, race (Latin: prōles, stirps[1]) is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level ofsubspecies; the term is recognized by some, but is no longer governed by any of the formal codes of biological nomenclature. It has been used as a higher rank than strain, with several strains making up one race.[2][3] Various definitions exist. Races may be genetically distinct phenotypicpopulations of interbreeding individuals within the same species,[4] or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically.[5]Genetic isolation between races is not complete, but genetic differences may have accumulated that are not (yet) sufficient to separate species.[6]"
Scientifically, Race Does Not Exist

Except that it does
He prefaced that with "scientifically"

Scientifically it exists. An anthropologist can look at a set of bones, without skin color or facial features available, and tell you the race of the person
No. They can only make an educated guess. Since there is no scientific acceptance of race, the best they can do is narrow it down region of the world the persons ancestors may have came from and even that is speculative.

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