Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

We do probably impact the climate a bit. And if you know the cause -- it MIGHT be preventable. CO2 has a diminishing effect on the GreenHouse. For every degree in temperature you get from increases in temperature -- you need TWICE as much CO2 to get the next degree. And water vapor is by far the LARGEST GHouse gas contributor. The GW theory states that man-made emissions are just the "trigger" to a runaway GH effect. That's the part of GW that is hotly debated and certainly not settled.

Well, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Within a few decades this will rise.

China has about 1.3 billion people, and rising, quickly. The one child policy is rocking because of social issues, the Chinese are getting richer, they're using three times more oil now than 15 years ago and this is with half the country still in relative poverty. India has the potential to get richer, as do many other countries, and with this comes more consumption of fuel and more pollution.

We don't really understand what's happening with CO2. Some suggest that the sea is taking in a lot of this CO2 mitigating the impact, but then what happens if the sea suddenly can't take it any more and all this CO2 suddenly increases by four, five, six fold or more?

Yes, water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas. But it's always been there. The Greenhouse effect exists for a reason and we've developed as a world within these parameters. But we're changing these parameters and we don't know what is going to happen. If something goes wrong, there is no turning back.

More AGW religious dogma..

But then again the magnetic field of the planet has more to with climate than the CO2 myth..

CO2 does not drove climate and it never has..

Please name the scientist or the study that claimed CO2 drives the climate.

It's IMPLIED by the statement "that man is (Solely, Largely, or Significantly) responsible for the observed 1deg rise in average global temperatures since about the Industrial revolution. Logic, reason and deduction are your friends when you live in a world of science..

So it would be unreasonable to say that CO2 drives earths climate? Kosh is the one who claims that is what those who believe in AWG is saying.

Kosh is quite right. Most of the scientific investigation into how the Earth's climate system works has been lasered focused on CO2 -- to the detriment of better understanding the complexity and the fundamentals. So MOST of AGW science is treating CO2 as the PRIMARY reason for every small blip in temperature that occurs.
It's reflected in their models and it's a main thesis of how the Earth will commit suicide if the temperature passes their "point of no return" ..
Well, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Within a few decades this will rise.

China has about 1.3 billion people, and rising, quickly. The one child policy is rocking because of social issues, the Chinese are getting richer, they're using three times more oil now than 15 years ago and this is with half the country still in relative poverty. India has the potential to get richer, as do many other countries, and with this comes more consumption of fuel and more pollution.

We don't really understand what's happening with CO2. Some suggest that the sea is taking in a lot of this CO2 mitigating the impact, but then what happens if the sea suddenly can't take it any more and all this CO2 suddenly increases by four, five, six fold or more?

Yes, water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas. But it's always been there. The Greenhouse effect exists for a reason and we've developed as a world within these parameters. But we're changing these parameters and we don't know what is going to happen. If something goes wrong, there is no turning back.

More AGW religious dogma..

But then again the magnetic field of the planet has more to with climate than the CO2 myth..

CO2 does not drove climate and it never has..

Please name the scientist or the study that claimed CO2 drives the climate.

It's IMPLIED by the statement "that man is (Solely, Largely, or Significantly) responsible for the observed 1deg rise in average global temperatures since about the Industrial revolution. Logic, reason and deduction are your friends when you live in a world of science..

So it would be unreasonable to say that CO2 drives earths climate? Kosh is the one who claims that is what those who believe in AWG is saying.

Kosh is quite right. Most of the scientific investigation into how the Earth's climate system works has been lasered focused on CO2 -- to the detriment of better understanding the complexity and the fundamentals. So MOST of AGW science is treating CO2 as the PRIMARY reason for every small blip in temperature that occurs.
It's reflected in their models and it's a main thesis of how the Earth will commit suicide if the temperature passes their "point of no return" ..

This "complexity" dynamic is of no interest to the religion. That's why you see prominent climate experts like Dr Judith Curry laughing at the level of bogus in the AGW package........all rigged all the time AND focused ONLY on CO2.

OK :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::gay:

Interested parties need to go and google MWP..........leaves every single AGW nutter standing there with their thumb planted solidly up the pooper!!!
Well, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Within a few decades this will rise.

China has about 1.3 billion people, and rising, quickly. The one child policy is rocking because of social issues, the Chinese are getting richer, they're using three times more oil now than 15 years ago and this is with half the country still in relative poverty. India has the potential to get richer, as do many other countries, and with this comes more consumption of fuel and more pollution.

We don't really understand what's happening with CO2. Some suggest that the sea is taking in a lot of this CO2 mitigating the impact, but then what happens if the sea suddenly can't take it any more and all this CO2 suddenly increases by four, five, six fold or more?

Yes, water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas. But it's always been there. The Greenhouse effect exists for a reason and we've developed as a world within these parameters. But we're changing these parameters and we don't know what is going to happen. If something goes wrong, there is no turning back.

More AGW religious dogma..

But then again the magnetic field of the planet has more to with climate than the CO2 myth..

CO2 does not drove climate and it never has..

Please name the scientist or the study that claimed CO2 drives the climate.

It's IMPLIED by the statement "that man is (Solely, Largely, or Significantly) responsible for the observed 1deg rise in average global temperatures since about the Industrial revolution. Logic, reason and deduction are your friends when you live in a world of science..

So it would be unreasonable to say that CO2 drives earths climate? Kosh is the one who claims that is what those who believe in AWG is saying.

Kosh is quite right. Most of the scientific investigation into how the Earth's climate system works has been lasered focused on CO2 -- to the detriment of better understanding the complexity and the fundamentals. So MOST of AGW science is treating CO2 as the PRIMARY reason for every small blip in temperature that occurs.
It's reflected in their models and it's a main thesis of how the Earth will commit suicide if the temperature passes their "point of no return" ..

Just because the increasing levels CO2 is the focus of scientist doesn't mean they believe it drives the climate, that's just stupid. They want to know what role it plays in the system but they don't actually know how the system works, hence the errors in their models predictions.
More AGW religious dogma..

But then again the magnetic field of the planet has more to with climate than the CO2 myth..

CO2 does not drove climate and it never has..

Please name the scientist or the study that claimed CO2 drives the climate.

It's IMPLIED by the statement "that man is (Solely, Largely, or Significantly) responsible for the observed 1deg rise in average global temperatures since about the Industrial revolution. Logic, reason and deduction are your friends when you live in a world of science..

So it would be unreasonable to say that CO2 drives earths climate? Kosh is the one who claims that is what those who believe in AWG is saying.

Kosh is quite right. Most of the scientific investigation into how the Earth's climate system works has been lasered focused on CO2 -- to the detriment of better understanding the complexity and the fundamentals. So MOST of AGW science is treating CO2 as the PRIMARY reason for every small blip in temperature that occurs.
It's reflected in their models and it's a main thesis of how the Earth will commit suicide if the temperature passes their "point of no return" ..

Just because the increasing levels CO2 is the focus of scientist doesn't mean they believe it drives the climate, that's just stupid. They want to know what role it plays in the system but they don't actually know how the system works, hence the errors in their models predictions.

I gave you the deductive logic here BlindBoo.. If the majority of scientists believe that our little temperature blip is LARGELY caused by man's emissions --- then by deduction --- they believe that increasing levels of CO2 are also the PRIMARY cause of the temperature rise. OBVIOUSLY in the short-term (within 20 or 30 years) that's not totally true, because there are several instances in the temp.. record where SOMETHING ELSE is swamping out the effect of CO2 warming..

Their models have failed BECAUSE They overestimate the effects of CO2 over other natural processes in the climate system..
More AGW religious dogma..

But then again the magnetic field of the planet has more to with climate than the CO2 myth..

CO2 does not drove climate and it never has..

Please name the scientist or the study that claimed CO2 drives the climate.

It's IMPLIED by the statement "that man is (Solely, Largely, or Significantly) responsible for the observed 1deg rise in average global temperatures since about the Industrial revolution. Logic, reason and deduction are your friends when you live in a world of science..

So it would be unreasonable to say that CO2 drives earths climate? Kosh is the one who claims that is what those who believe in AWG is saying.

Kosh is quite right. Most of the scientific investigation into how the Earth's climate system works has been lasered focused on CO2 -- to the detriment of better understanding the complexity and the fundamentals. So MOST of AGW science is treating CO2 as the PRIMARY reason for every small blip in temperature that occurs.
It's reflected in their models and it's a main thesis of how the Earth will commit suicide if the temperature passes their "point of no return" ..

Just because the increasing levels CO2 is the focus of scientist doesn't mean they believe it drives the climate, that's just stupid. They want to know what role it plays in the system but they don't actually know how the system works, hence the errors in their models predictions.

Lacis 2010 is a prime reason to believe they do. Real Climate and other warmer scientist blogs went out of their way to support it.
There is no scientific evidence supporting the belief a warmer climate will spell the end of humanity. All evidence available supports the opposite. Talk to me when you guys start pushing your 'Global Cooling' scam. The planet getting colder could be somewhat of a concern.

There is no scientific evidence. Does this mean it won't happen?

The evidence points to change in climate leads to extinction of different species. Perhaps humans could survive.

Plenty of possibilities. You just ignore each one of them and then sit back happy that you think you've won. The reality is that we don't know what will happen. Some people go into the unknown carefully because of potential problems, others jump in. Who's more likely to die?

We can impact, we just can't control.
you know those two pieces are contradicting correct?

What? Are you insane?

Do you know what the words "impact" and "control" are? If you don't, I suggest you look them up because they're NOT contradictory. And NO, I'm not going to teach you basic fucking English.
it's now obvious you don't.

Oh jeez, someone trying to take the high ground when they're clearly not aware of differences in words. Sorry, I'm not in the mood for this kind of crap right now.
not at all, someone explaining that you have no idea what the difference is. No moral high ground, just more factual information regarding how uneducated folks as yourself are with the environment. Funny stuff frank!!!!

Oh, God, you're going to make me show you what they mean, aren't you? You're going to fight and fight and defend an undefensible position.

impact: definition of impact in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


"The effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another:"

control: definition of control in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)


1.1) Maintain influence or authority over:

1.4) Regulate (a mechanical or scientific process):

Impact is when you influence something. I throw a ball into a crowd of people, I impact that crowd of people.

Control is when you do something and you retain the ability to impact at all times.

If you've thrown the ball into the crowd of people you no longer control the ball. You have had an impact on the crowd but you don't control the crowd or the ball, but the impact of your original decision is there.

Clearly they mean two different things.

If we put pollution into the air, you are having an impact. If you stop putting pollution into the air and it does exactly what you want it to do, then you control it. If you put pollution into the air and then you can no longer predict how things will work and everything gets out of control, you no longer have control, but you impacted the situation.

This wouldn't have been so difficult for you to look up. It's basic English.

It really annoys me when people fight over the meaning of basic English. I wonder what kind of person I'm dealing with who can't even grasp that sort of thing, especially with so many online dictionaries.

I found great synonyms for "impact" on the new!

Impact - the two best matches on the thesaurus are "brunt" and "shock"

Control there are many, authority, curb, discipline, domination, force, government, jurisdiction, management, oversight, regulation, restraint, restriction, rule, supervision.

Funny how a synonym of Impact isn't "control" and a synonym of control isn't "impact".
Actually, many currently believe the earth is about to enter a cooling cycle. But regardless, Global Warming/Global Cooling? We'll survive... Or we won't.

No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.

More CO2 will cause more moisture. So it wouldn't be an extreme dry desert heat. It would more likely be a lush tropical heat. The climate record proves that. So your CO2 Boogeyman isn't quite the Boogeyman you guys make it out to be. The historical climate record shows that animal and plant life thrive in those climates.

Some believe the earth getting colder may have actually contributed to humans experiencing the Dark Ages. They may have experienced a 'Mini-Ice Age. So if you are inclined to live in fear over climate change, the planet getting colder should be more of a concern.

So... we go to a more tropical situation. How many countries in a wet tropical climate do well? Central Africa? No, not really. Brazil is doing okay, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar?

Some do okay.

The thing is that life can thrive in such conditions. I'm not saying they can't. Dinosaurs seemed to do well. But then they died out. Humans thrive in places between the cold and the hot jungle. If the whole world suddenly changes then for humanity things will change.

In the heat we use a lot of air conditioning. The hotter it gets, the more electricity we'll use, the more pollution we'll pump out and things will just keep getting worse.

Potentially things getting colder will be bad for humanity too. However this is natural. We know, more or less, the impact this will have on the world, we know it will change and go back.

The point I've made quite a few times is with change that isn't controllable, that isn't natural, that could do something that we can't predict, can't deal with.
No not really. Most believe we have just started the interglacial period which will last for thousands of years.

Adapt or die.

Check your smart-watch. This interglacial is already longer than 2 of the previous three.. Time's a'wasting.
Good news is -- spewing A LOT of CO2 might just help a few people in the higher latitudes survive the next glacial period..

Animal and plant life have always thrived during times of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Lush tropical climates are perfect for life. It's only when climates turn cold & dry, that life struggles to survive. 'Global Warming' will not spell the end of humanity. In fact, humanity will likely thrive.

Actually if you look at say, the great empires, what we see is a decline when things get too hot.

The Egyptians were followed by the Greeks and then the Romans. As things changed so too did the areas able to sustain great empires.

Are equatorial countries at the top of the GDP pile? No, in fact it is mostly countries in milder climates, Europe, China, Japan, North America, etc.
Excellent point, a number of civilizations have collapsed due to climate change. None of which were triggered by mankind.

Spot On. And obviously, different parts of the earth experience different climates and weather. That's always been the case, and always will be the case. But if they're gonna continue to push the CO2 Boogeyman, the historical climate record shows during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates, life on earth thrives.

So if you remove the politics and fear, it becomes obvious that mankind is not doomed because of CO2. Their scam is beginning to crumble.

But again, what life thrives?

Let's bring the dinosaurs back and see how long we survive.
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.
There is no scientific evidence supporting the belief a warmer climate will spell the end of humanity. All evidence available supports the opposite. Talk to me when you guys start pushing your 'Global Cooling' scam. The planet getting colder could be somewhat of a concern.

There is no scientific evidence. Does this mean it won't happen?

The evidence points to change in climate leads to extinction of different species. Perhaps humans could survive.

Plenty of possibilities. You just ignore each one of them and then sit back happy that you think you've won. The reality is that we don't know what will happen. Some people go into the unknown carefully because of potential problems, others jump in. Who's more likely to die?


You left wing zealots are very predictable. You would rather cause wide spread death and destruction now when we have no empirical evidence that what we are doing will cause any problems whatsoever.

Your cure for a nonexistent problem is like taking chemotherapy for a cold. Just so you can feel good.

That the problem with you left wits, you dont use logic and think things through..
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

Wrong again...

Use your brain.. We could very easily accommodate that if we used all of our resources wisely. That includes nuclear which makes all of your green enviro wacko shit useless.
There is no scientific evidence supporting the belief a warmer climate will spell the end of humanity. All evidence available supports the opposite. Talk to me when you guys start pushing your 'Global Cooling' scam. The planet getting colder could be somewhat of a concern.

There is no scientific evidence. Does this mean it won't happen?

The evidence points to change in climate leads to extinction of different species. Perhaps humans could survive.

Plenty of possibilities. You just ignore each one of them and then sit back happy that you think you've won. The reality is that we don't know what will happen. Some people go into the unknown carefully because of potential problems, others jump in. Who's more likely to die?


You left wing zealots are very predictable. You would rather cause wide spread death and destruction now when we have no empirical evidence that what we are doing will cause any problems whatsoever.

Your cure for a nonexistent problem is like taking chemotherapy for a cold. Just so you can feel good.

That the problem with you left wits, you dont use logic and think things through..

Er..... no, not at all. But hey, you just go on the attack.

If you were to walk into a dark room and someone said, well, there could be a giant hole in the middle, or a watch worth $1 million, what would do? Just run in and take the watch?
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

Wrong again...

Use your brain.. We could very easily accommodate that if we used all of our resources wisely. That includes nuclear which makes all of your green enviro wacko shit useless.

Fukushima, Chernobyl and all the others Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia see here.

Nuclear is clean but causes potential problems that go beyond bad.

I'm not necessarily opposed to nuclear, however it's not the solution to all our problems. Renewable energy is the only way forwards.
There is no scientific evidence supporting the belief a warmer climate will spell the end of humanity. All evidence available supports the opposite. Talk to me when you guys start pushing your 'Global Cooling' scam. The planet getting colder could be somewhat of a concern.

There is no scientific evidence. Does this mean it won't happen?

The evidence points to change in climate leads to extinction of different species. Perhaps humans could survive.

Plenty of possibilities. You just ignore each one of them and then sit back happy that you think you've won. The reality is that we don't know what will happen. Some people go into the unknown carefully because of potential problems, others jump in. Who's more likely to die?


You left wing zealots are very predictable. You would rather cause wide spread death and destruction now when we have no empirical evidence that what we are doing will cause any problems whatsoever.

Your cure for a nonexistent problem is like taking chemotherapy for a cold. Just so you can feel good.

That the problem with you left wits, you dont use logic and think things through..

Er..... no, not at all. But hey, you just go on the attack.

If you were to walk into a dark room and someone said, well, there could be a giant hole in the middle, or a watch worth $1 million, what would do? Just run in and take the watch?

Too Funny..

As a scientist I would light a match to see what was there. I would use empirical evidence to determine what course of action to take. Climate Alarmists would just seal up the door even if it meant they would starve to death. they would believe it wasn't worth the risk without any evidence to support their belief. This is where climate science is today, they dont know yet they want to kill millions by doing something stupid.

We've already played this game with DDT, Fluorocarbons (the ozone hole that they have now confirmed is regulated by the solar magnetic waves hitting the earth), and other things that liberals banned outright without a shred of proof. How many millions died because of the DDT ban?

It is you folks who jump the shark every time..
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

Wrong again...

Use your brain.. We could very easily accommodate that if we used all of our resources wisely. That includes nuclear which makes all of your green enviro wacko shit useless.

Fukushima, Chernobyl and all the others Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia see here.

Nuclear is clean but causes potential problems that go beyond bad.

I'm not necessarily opposed to nuclear, however it's not the solution to all our problems. Renewable energy is the only way forwards.

Proper placement, proper construction, Proper recycling of the waste (over 93% is recyclable in newer constructed plants), and basic smarts in the use were not present in those disasters. The latest generation plants have internal fail safes which scram the plants without the need for outside power to cool them. Its called redundancy.

Why do you fear science and leaps forward?
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

As the size of families in China and India decrease and incomes increase -- this will moderate itself. Pollution is a totally different issue. And if the Chinese have to chose right now between the abject poverty that USED to prevail there a couple decades ago and an increase in particulates -- you know which path is gonna get chosen.

But all that is another topic..
Just because the increasing levels CO2 is the focus of scientist doesn't mean they believe it drives the climate, that's just stupid. They want to know what role it plays in the system but they don't actually know how the system works, hence the errors in their models predictions.

Lacis 2010 is a prime reason to believe they do. Real Climate and other warmer scientist blogs went out of their way to support it.

Atmospheric CO2: Principal Control Knob
Governing Earth’s Temperature
Andrew A. Lacis,* Gavin A. Schmidt, David Rind, Reto A. Ruedy
Ample physical evidence shows that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the single most important
climate-relevant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere. This is because CO2, like ozone, N2O, CH4,
and chlorofluorocarbons, does not condense and precipitate from the atmosphere at current
climate temperatures, whereas water vapor can and does. Noncondensing greenhouse gases,
which account for 25% of the total terrestrial greenhouse effect, thus serve to provide the stable
temperature structure that sustains the current levels of atmospheric water vapor and clouds via
feedback processes that account for the remaining 75% of the greenhouse effect. Without the
radiative forcing supplied by CO2 and the other noncondensing greenhouse gases, the terrestrial
greenhouse would collapse, plunging the global climate into an icebound Earth state.

straight from the NASA boys in the journal Science. I would say it is pretty obvious that they do indeed think CO2 drives the climate.

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