Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.

What's your solution to ending Climate Change? I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

I never said I wanted to end climate change.

What I said was that I want humans to stop polluting the Earth. To become closer to the planet we are on, rather than to be continually trying to make it worse.

How? Reduce our dependence on stuff produced by oil/coal etc etc.

Such as: Various places have put a price on plastic bags from supermarkets etc. Why do we even need plastic bags. We have way too much packaging for our own good. Why not change to a system of containers, where things come in renewable containers?

Having things like vehicles which are more energy efficient. How many people really need their car to be as gas guzzling as it is? Not many!

Using more renewable energy.

Some countries are doing this already, like Germany. The US has a certain amount of renewable energy but has the potential for more. Countries like India would probably benefit massively from the development of such technology. Without the leading countries developing this sort of thing, the poorer countries will be reliant on polluting energy.

So much stuff comes out of the right in the US about responsibility. Oh, if someone commits a crime, it's the criminal who is responsible. Someone said the take responsibility seriously.
Where does responsibility come into play when it concerns the environment and the state of the planet? Seemingly the right all of a sudden forget what responsibility means.

We have a responsibility to animals, nature, the planet itself. But it gets ignored.

See where you're headed? More & more Government oppression and control. Where does it end? And we all wanna see less pollution, but that's not Climate Change.

Oppression and control. Er..... What? You sound like someone just shouting off words they know might hit a cord, even though people don't know.

It's like shouting Communist to try and nullify someone's argument. It's boring, not worthy of debate in the slightest.

Where will it end? Personally, i don't want Government in my life more than it already is. So like i said, i'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman rather than with you folks. I value my Freedom & Liberty far more than i fear a Global Warming Boogeyman.
you didn't answer what we as humans are ignoring. What are we ignoring. Since you have no crystal ball then you have zero ability to predict the future. You also have zero evidence to even walk near making that statement.

I clearly stated what we're ignoring. "You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems." See, I wrote it there.

So, if you don't have a crystal ball you can't predict the future? Are you nuts or something or have you been drinking?

You still haven't adequately articulated your solutions to Climate Change.

You're on to one liners here. I'm not debating with myself. I'll respond to proper posts.

You still haven't.


You provided nothing but vague sanctimonious platitudes as your 'solutions' to Climate Change. It is what it is.
You still haven't adequately articulated your solutions to Climate Change.

You're on to one liners here. I'm not debating with myself. I'll respond to proper posts.

You still haven't.


You provided nothing but vague sanctimonious platitudes as your 'solutions' to Climate Change. It is what it is.

You can stop now, you're just taking the piss and I'm not playing along.

Poor little libtard... How about you address the empirical evidence I posted? You know those pesky facts that you hate so much... Right here---> Scientist discovers errors in global warming model | Page 54 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Than you're an idiot and, in a democracy, a hazard to the rest of us. Ignorance is the enemy and you are filled with it.

Your ignorance and ideology is on display every day for us to behold.. Thanks for pointing out your own flaws and those of your like minded hive mentality..

The real danger to the US is environmentalism wacko's who push the Socialist agenda by using false claims and outright fabrications.

We see the hazard you and your ilk are, trust me we know!
Than you're an idiot and, in a democracy, a hazard to the rest of us. Ignorance is the enemy and you are filled with it.
Naw, we've been waiting on the evidence to support your claim and still nothing
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

CO2 is not pollution. Some of the other byproducts of combustion are pollutants but not CO2. It's plant food. You are confused by guilt by association.

CO2 levels through the next several doublings is well within the natural range of CO2 historically. Not a pollutant.
Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

CO2 is not pollution. Some of the other byproducts of combustion are pollutants but not CO2. It's plant food. You are confused by guilt by association.

CO2 levels through the next several doublings is well within the natural range of CO2 historically. Not a pollutant.

Well you must be one of the few people who think that CO2 isn't pollution. It is, by the way, you're just deluding yourself.

A plastic bag in a supermarket isn't pollution. But in the pacific ocean it is.

CO2 is in the air, in it's normal amounts it isn't pollution. When there's too much of it, it is pollution. It's a simple concept, one that high school kids are often able to pick up and understand. Maybe once you've graduated from high school you'll understand. Maybe.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

CO2 is not pollution. Some of the other byproducts of combustion are pollutants but not CO2. It's plant food. You are confused by guilt by association.

CO2 levels through the next several doublings is well within the natural range of CO2 historically. Not a pollutant.

Well you must be one of the few people who think that CO2 isn't pollution. It is, by the way, you're just deluding yourself.

A plastic bag in a supermarket isn't pollution. But in the pacific ocean it is.

CO2 is in the air, in it's normal amounts it isn't pollution. When there's too much of it, it is pollution. It's a simple concept, one that high school kids are often able to pick up and understand. Maybe once you've graduated from high school you'll understand. Maybe.
ok going with that, what is too much? Do you have any knowledge on how much is too much? Seems like you're off course captain. You should first learn how much is too much if you wish to make that claim. BTW, CO2 is not a pollutant. We exhale it. comprehende?
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

CO2 is not pollution. Some of the other byproducts of combustion are pollutants but not CO2. It's plant food. You are confused by guilt by association.

CO2 levels through the next several doublings is well within the natural range of CO2 historically. Not a pollutant.

Well you must be one of the few people who think that CO2 isn't pollution. It is, by the way, you're just deluding yourself.

A plastic bag in a supermarket isn't pollution. But in the pacific ocean it is.

CO2 is in the air, in it's normal amounts it isn't pollution. When there's too much of it, it is pollution. It's a simple concept, one that high school kids are often able to pick up and understand. Maybe once you've graduated from high school you'll understand. Maybe.

hahahahahaha. give some thought as to what the normal range of CO2 is. for different areas, different seasons, etc. the 120 ppm increase over the last coupla hundred years is nothing. but the plants sure like it.

graduate high school! hahahahahahaha
You're on to one liners here. I'm not debating with myself. I'll respond to proper posts.

You still haven't.


You provided nothing but vague sanctimonious platitudes as your 'solutions' to Climate Change. It is what it is.

You can stop now, you're just taking the piss and I'm not playing along.

Poor little libtard... How about you address the empirical evidence I posted? You know those pesky facts that you hate so much... Right here---> Scientist discovers errors in global warming model | Page 54 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

After 'Global Warming' it'll be the coming 'Ice Age', and so and so on...

Fear is an age-old tactic used to get the Sheeple in line. In this case, Climate Change supposedly spells the end of humanity. The World Government Globalists are just preying on human's natural fear of the end. Climate Change happens, and always will happen. The hysterical fear isn't necessary... unless you're pushing a particular agenda.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
And it's because at 100% CO2, there is zero oxygen. Guess what a human needs to survive? dah, Oxygen?
The 'Greenhouse Effect' itself, is nothing to fear. Even if the Warming zealots are 100% correct, animals and plants will survive higher CO2 levels and a warmer climate just fine. Their whole 'Global Warming Boogeyman' premise begins to crumble under closer examination.

And that's why they're beginning to distance themselves from the 'Global Warming' fear mongering. They've moved instead to 'Climate Change' fear mongering. Covering their butts now.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

CO2 is not pollution. Some of the other byproducts of combustion are pollutants but not CO2. It's plant food. You are confused by guilt by association.

CO2 levels through the next several doublings is well within the natural range of CO2 historically. Not a pollutant.

Well you must be one of the few people who think that CO2 isn't pollution. It is, by the way, you're just deluding yourself.

A plastic bag in a supermarket isn't pollution. But in the pacific ocean it is.

CO2 is in the air, in it's normal amounts it isn't pollution. When there's too much of it, it is pollution. It's a simple concept, one that high school kids are often able to pick up and understand. Maybe once you've graduated from high school you'll understand. Maybe.

How much is to much?

According to this article in the dino era Their was 2 times~5 times more C02 in the atmosphere then today

Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2

According to our New C02 satellite the hot spots for C02 is in the southern hemisphere

NASA Satellite Sends Back Most Detailed CO2 View Ever : DNews
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
And it's because at 100% CO2, there is zero oxygen. Guess what a human needs to survive? dah, Oxygen?

You know that. I know that. I truly doubt weirdo understands the concept. The whole notion that CO2 is a pollutant is laughable. The idiots pushing that narrative clearly have no clue of the can of worms that will be released if this classification is allowed to stand.
CO2 is bad? what the f are you saying? You have no clue to what you write. holy crap. Greater CO2 is great for the world, and there is evidence to that. Pollution is not CO2 so I still have no idea what you think you're discussing, pollution or climate? Can you clarify for all the kids in the class?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
And it's because at 100% CO2, there is zero oxygen. Guess what a human needs to survive? dah, Oxygen?

the computer scientist referred to in the O/P is not a climate scientist... and has already been debunked.

Australian scientist discovers ERRORS in Global Warming models that COMPLETELY undermine climate theory!!! » The Right Scoop -
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
And it's because at 100% CO2, there is zero oxygen. Guess what a human needs to survive? dah, Oxygen?

You know that. I know that. I truly doubt weirdo understands the concept. The whole notion that CO2 is a pollutant is laughable. The idiots pushing that narrative clearly have no clue of the can of worms that will be released if this classification is allowed to stand.
I actually posted it for his benefit, not yours. Your post was available for the reply button and I used that. and yes, you are factually correct as usual.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. We know the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.

You're saying CO2 is great for the world. Yeah, if your view is that without human beings the world is a better place.

CO2 is part of pollution.

The National Geographic says "Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. "

So, the National Geographic says CO2 is a pollutant, you say it isn't. Who would I believe......? Not difficult is it, really?

What we're talking about, this for those who are a little slow, is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by POLLUTION emitted from HUMAN ACTION. It's not that hard, is it?

Every group that hopes to profit either monetarily, or politically has claimed that CO2 is a "pollutant". What is not in question is that EVERY LIVING THING EXHALES CO2. What is also not in question is the fact that CO2 is the bottom of the food chain. All life on this planet ultimately derives from CO2 so the claim that it is a pollutant is absurd.

Listen, the Sun is great, without the sun most life on the Earth would not exist. Are you saying this is PROOF that the Sun doesn't cause skin cancer which can kill people?

I'm sorry, I'm not going to listen to crap arguments that claim because humans exhale CO2 that CO2 in excessive quantities isn't a bad thing for the atmosphere. This isn't grade one and I'm not an idiot.

No, you clearly ARE an idiot. If you go into a room that is 100% CO2 you will die of asphyxiation. However, we are talking about a concentration of CO2 that is so low that it takes incredibly sensitive machines to even detect its presence. What is also a certainty is the desperate attempts by the crap scientists you listen too to ascribe every single bad thing that occurs in the world to this essential gas.

There is ZERO evidence that anything they claim will occur. ZERO. There is ample evidence that supports the exact opposite of what they claim however. You need only open your eyes and read the history. But idiots don't do that. Do they...
And it's because at 100% CO2, there is zero oxygen. Guess what a human needs to survive? dah, Oxygen?

the computer scientist referred to in the O/P is not a climate scientist... and has already been debunked.

Australian scientist discovers ERRORS in Global Warming models that COMPLETELY undermine climate theory!!! » The Right Scoop -
what is he? Can you say mathematician? Do you know what they are good at? hmmmmmmmm?

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