Scientist discovers errors in global warming model

So... we go to a more tropical situation. How many countries in a wet tropical climate do well? Central Africa? No, not really. Brazil is doing okay, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar?

Some do okay.

The thing is that life can thrive in such conditions. I'm not saying they can't. Dinosaurs seemed to do well. But then they died out. Humans thrive in places between the cold and the hot jungle. If the whole world suddenly changes then for humanity things will change.

In the heat we use a lot of air conditioning. The hotter it gets, the more electricity we'll use, the more pollution we'll pump out and things will just keep getting worse.

Potentially things getting colder will be bad for humanity too. However this is natural. We know, more or less, the impact this will have on the world, we know it will change and go back.

The point I've made quite a few times is with change that isn't controllable, that isn't natural, that could do something that we can't predict, can't deal with.

More CO2 will not spell the end of humanity. Might get a little warmer and wetter, but humanity will survive. All the hysterical fear mongering is totally unnecessary.

Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.
what exactly are we ignoring? What is out of control? Do you know what will be out of control? You have a crystal ball then?

Nothing is out of control yet, hopefully.

However, if you go into an unknown situation, do you A) jump in enthusiastically and hope for the best or B) go in cautiously and do it carefully so you can pull back if something goes wrong?
So... we go to a more tropical situation. How many countries in a wet tropical climate do well? Central Africa? No, not really. Brazil is doing okay, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar?

Some do okay.

The thing is that life can thrive in such conditions. I'm not saying they can't. Dinosaurs seemed to do well. But then they died out. Humans thrive in places between the cold and the hot jungle. If the whole world suddenly changes then for humanity things will change.

In the heat we use a lot of air conditioning. The hotter it gets, the more electricity we'll use, the more pollution we'll pump out and things will just keep getting worse.

Potentially things getting colder will be bad for humanity too. However this is natural. We know, more or less, the impact this will have on the world, we know it will change and go back.

The point I've made quite a few times is with change that isn't controllable, that isn't natural, that could do something that we can't predict, can't deal with.

More CO2 will not spell the end of humanity. Might get a little warmer and wetter, but humanity will survive. All the hysterical fear mongering is totally unnecessary.

Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.

What's your solution to ending Climate Change? I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

I never said I wanted to end climate change.

What I said was that I want humans to stop polluting the Earth. To become closer to the planet we are on, rather than to be continually trying to make it worse.

How? Reduce our dependence on stuff produced by oil/coal etc etc.

Such as: Various places have put a price on plastic bags from supermarkets etc. Why do we even need plastic bags. We have way too much packaging for our own good. Why not change to a system of containers, where things come in renewable containers?

Having things like vehicles which are more energy efficient. How many people really need their car to be as gas guzzling as it is? Not many!

Using more renewable energy.

Some countries are doing this already, like Germany. The US has a certain amount of renewable energy but has the potential for more. Countries like India would probably benefit massively from the development of such technology. Without the leading countries developing this sort of thing, the poorer countries will be reliant on polluting energy.

So much stuff comes out of the right in the US about responsibility. Oh, if someone commits a crime, it's the criminal who is responsible. Someone said the take responsibility seriously.
Where does responsibility come into play when it concerns the environment and the state of the planet? Seemingly the right all of a sudden forget what responsibility means.

We have a responsibility to animals, nature, the planet itself. But it gets ignored.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.

Totally clueless..

CO2 is not a pollutant. If it is, why dont YOU stop emitting it as you place more CO2 into the area around you than we do globally.

You rant and rave about Government knows best, but you refuse to see the lies they are telling you and you refuse to look into the real science of the matter.

It appears your the real science denier..
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

You do know technically oil is a renewable energy...

Besides they have been saying that since the late 1800's

Running Out Of Oil - Science Questions, from the Naked Scientists

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?
More CO2 will not spell the end of humanity. Might get a little warmer and wetter, but humanity will survive. All the hysterical fear mongering is totally unnecessary.

Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.

What's your solution to ending Climate Change? I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
dude I've asked dozens of times and to date, no answer given. They don't even know what problem to solve, so having a solution to that is impossible. But the sky is falling in their worlds, that's all.

The problem to solve is the amount of pollution we pump out. Not just into the air, into the sea too. There's so much rubbish floating around in the sea it's ridiculous. It's destroying our eco systems. The creatures in the sea are dying out. We're damaging everything, changing everything, and we don't know the impact this will have.

If sea life dies, what impact will this have on the planet? Well, it might not take in CO2, if it doesn't take in CO2, then what? Well the air then takes the brunt of this. How much CO2 does the ocean take in? I don't know, but it could be a lot more CO2 than is in the air right now.
If temperatures change then many animals might die out, it might destroy the eco system on the land. If we can't fertilize our plants, we will struggle to grow food. No food will lead to starvation, war, all sorts of things.

This is one potential issue. It might happen. It might not happen. Are you willing to take that risk?
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

You do know technically oil is a renewable energy...

Besides they have been saying that since the late 1800's

Running Out Of Oil - Science Questions, from the Naked Scientists

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Technically it is. In reality it's not, because we're using it up faster than it's being produced.

At some point we'll probably run out. When the time comes we'll either be prepared for it, or not.

The intelligent way forwards would be that we're ready for it. Or we never care because we've replaced oil long before it runs out.

The reason why oil is still relevant is because the oil companies have done a fine job of trying to make themselves relevant, and stopping renewable energy being a legitimate source of power. And like most things in the US, if people throw enough money at advertising, then the people will believe what they're told to believe, and then go off shouting about how this is taking their liberty away and all this nonsense.
Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.

What's your solution to ending Climate Change? I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.
dude I've asked dozens of times and to date, no answer given. They don't even know what problem to solve, so having a solution to that is impossible. But the sky is falling in their worlds, that's all.

The problem to solve is the amount of pollution we pump out. Not just into the air, into the sea too. There's so much rubbish floating around in the sea it's ridiculous. It's destroying our eco systems. The creatures in the sea are dying out. We're damaging everything, changing everything, and we don't know the impact this will have.

If sea life dies, what impact will this have on the planet? Well, it might not take in CO2, if it doesn't take in CO2, then what? Well the air then takes the brunt of this. How much CO2 does the ocean take in? I don't know, but it could be a lot more CO2 than is in the air right now.
If temperatures change then many animals might die out, it might destroy the eco system on the land. If we can't fertilize our plants, we will struggle to grow food. No food will lead to starvation, war, all sorts of things.

This is one potential issue. It might happen. It might not happen. Are you willing to take that risk?

You dont know the difference between pollution and having gas... Basing your decision making process on "it might happen but we dont know how it will" is beyond STUPID! You really have soaked up too much kookaid.

You have no idea how the earths oceans uptake CO2 or how other systems uptake CO2, but we do know that higher levels of CO2 feed plants and increase not only plant size but lower water usage allowing plants to survive in more arid regions.

You have taken in a whole lot of left wing crap because you have no critical thinking skills.
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I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

You do know technically oil is a renewable energy...

Besides they have been saying that since the late 1800's

Running Out Of Oil - Science Questions, from the Naked Scientists

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Technically it is. In reality it's not, because we're using it up faster than it's being produced.

At some point we'll probably run out. When the time comes we'll either be prepared for it, or not.

The intelligent way forwards would be that we're ready for it. Or we never care because we've replaced oil long before it runs out.

The reason why oil is still relevant is because the oil companies have done a fine job of trying to make themselves relevant, and stopping renewable energy being a legitimate source of power. And like most things in the US, if people throw enough money at advertising, then the people will believe what they're told to believe, and then go off shouting about how this is taking their liberty away and all this nonsense.

I am going to have to look up your claim that oil companies are trying to stop renewables, I think they are more concerned with how low a barrel of oil is
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

You do know technically oil is a renewable energy...

Besides they have been saying that since the late 1800's

Running Out Of Oil - Science Questions, from the Naked Scientists

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Technically it is. In reality it's not, because we're using it up faster than it's being produced.

At some point we'll probably run out. When the time comes we'll either be prepared for it, or not.

The intelligent way forwards would be that we're ready for it. Or we never care because we've replaced oil long before it runs out.

The reason why oil is still relevant is because the oil companies have done a fine job of trying to make themselves relevant, and stopping renewable energy being a legitimate source of power. And like most things in the US, if people throw enough money at advertising, then the people will believe what they're told to believe, and then go off shouting about how this is taking their liberty away and all this nonsense.

I am going to have to look up your claim that oil companies are trying to stop renewables, I think they are more concerned with how low a barrel of oil is

Oil Companies are doing the research and pumping in billions of dollars. His rant is nothing more than left wing, low information voter rhetoric.
Wow I never knew this about BP


Margaret Thatcher had put climate change on the international political map with a landmark speech in 1988, the company was doing ground-breaking work into photovoltaic solar panels, wave power and domestic energy efficiency as part of a wider drive to understand how greenhouse gas emissions could be curbed.

Two houses on the site at Sunbury were used in experiments. One was retrofitted with special insulation, ground source heat pumps and other systems which have now become mainstream.

“All the reports that we produced were filed away and contain a huge mass of information. We had been researching alternative energies for years going back to the early 1980s,” said one senior scientist involved in the BP programme who did not want to be named.


BP pumped billions of pounds into low-carbon technology and green energy over a number of decades but gradually retired the programme to focus almost exclusively on its fossil fuel business, the Guardian has established.

At one stage the company, whoseannual general meeting is in London on Thursday, was spending in-house around $450m (£300m) a year on research alone - the equivalent of $830m today.
What's 'fucking up the planet?' What do you mean? And who are you to force others to go along with your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda? As i said, you can go ahead and live in fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman. I won't stop you. You make that decision. Just don't think you're gonna force more Government oppression on others. We're not all gonna go along with that. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Humans are fucking up this planet.

Who am I to force? I'm forcing people? No, I'm not. I'm on here trying to convince people.

But who are you to force your pollution, your increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases on me? You literally are forcing this. I breathe this shit.

You won't go along with it, well, unless of course the govt decides you're wrong. How is it oppression? You're oppressed because there's more renewable energy? Jeez, you sound like one of those guys who lives in the woods with his three wives who are his daughters waiting for the day the govt turns up so he can shoot them all.

OK Moron, How are we fucking up the planet with CO2?

Below are two rates of warming from the Hadcrut3 lower troposphere. One is from the period 1900 through 1950 and the the other is 1951 through 2000. Below each is the rate of warming.


The trend for the period 1900-1950 is 0.51 deg C or 0.103/decade

This trend occurred before CO2 became a rapidly increasing according to the IPCC and is near or is the Natural Variation rate.

The trend for 1951-2000 is 0.50 deg C or 0.100 deg C/decade.

This means that the two rates of warming are statistically insignificant DESPITE the rapid rise in CO2 and equal to NATURAL VARIATION..


So by simple observation we can see the problem with the hypothesis of runaway temp caused by CO2. During the time they claim runway rise it was nothing of the sort and even given the rise in CO2 there was no discernible increase in that natural rise. (Not to mention the last 19 years of no temp rise while CO2 continued showing absolutely no correlation or causation)

SO tell us how you ascertained that CO2 was was causing warming, or catastrophic warming... The empirical evidence calls you evidence deficient and one who has no empirical facts.
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Wow I never knew this about BP


Margaret Thatcher had put climate change on the international political map with a landmark speech in 1988, the company was doing ground-breaking work into photovoltaic solar panels, wave power and domestic energy efficiency as part of a wider drive to understand how greenhouse gas emissions could be curbed.

Two houses on the site at Sunbury were used in experiments. One was retrofitted with special insulation, ground source heat pumps and other systems which have now become mainstream.

“All the reports that we produced were filed away and contain a huge mass of information. We had been researching alternative energies for years going back to the early 1980s,” said one senior scientist involved in the BP programme who did not want to be named.


BP pumped billions of pounds into low-carbon technology and green energy over a number of decades but gradually retired the programme to focus almost exclusively on its fossil fuel business, the Guardian has established.

At one stage the company, whose annual general meeting is in London on Thursday, was spending in-house around $450m (£300m) a year on research alone - the equivalent of $830m today.

This is why we dont believe low information rhetoric voters. It took you all of 30 seconds and you used google... Information easily found and yet these misinformation and lies persist. Sad that so many are duped by these people.
I am going to have to look up your claim that oil companies are trying to stop renewables, I think they are more concerned with how low a barrel of oil is

To the contrary -- at one time-- not too long ago -- BP Petrol was the world's largest systems installer of large-scale solar. Chevron likewise had huge investments in wind/solar and Total (france) STILL has large stakes in solar companies. They've learned the limitations of wind/solar and are largely dropping back out..

Frigid needs to remember that oil companies DONT COMPETE directly with "renewables". Because hardly any oil is used to generate electricity. This is a MAJOR error in the thinking of a LOT of eco-nauts... They don't understand the make-up of the energy market. Or how things really work..
I've already asked the Global Warming zealots to spell out what their plan is to stop Climate Change. Still haven't gotten anything coherent out of em. But i'm patient, i'll give em another shot.

I don't plan on stopping climate change. Climate change has always happened.

What I would say is that we need to get closer to our planet. We need more renewable sources of energy.

From every perspective it makes sense. We rely on oil. It's not infinite, it'll run out, or prices go up and down and we get controlled by other people.
From the point of view of this is our home, it's like living in a house which is dirty. Beijing, right now, has a PM2.5 level of 400. I've been in places where it was 800 for a week. It's disgusting, causes higher levels of cancer, respiratory problems. People who live in this type of pollution want to get out. They use machines (more pollution) to clear the air etc.

7 billion people on the planet. Half don't use much electricity at all. So we're producing all this pollution with about 3.5 billion people making this.
In 2000 the world population was estimated to be 6.06 billion. Now it's estimated to be 7.3 billion. In 15 years we've increased by 1.3 billion. Another 15 years and that'll be more than 1.3 billion.

World population estimates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This estimates that it will be 8.3 billion in 1 years, but I think it'll be more than that.


If we had say, 11 billion people using the electricity of an average American, the planet is screwed.

You do know technically oil is a renewable energy...

Besides they have been saying that since the late 1800's

Running Out Of Oil - Science Questions, from the Naked Scientists

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Technically it is. In reality it's not, because we're using it up faster than it's being produced.

At some point we'll probably run out. When the time comes we'll either be prepared for it, or not.

The intelligent way forwards would be that we're ready for it. Or we never care because we've replaced oil long before it runs out.

The reason why oil is still relevant is because the oil companies have done a fine job of trying to make themselves relevant, and stopping renewable energy being a legitimate source of power. And like most things in the US, if people throw enough money at advertising, then the people will believe what they're told to believe, and then go off shouting about how this is taking their liberty away and all this nonsense.

Dude you are wrong Oil companies since the 80's were pouring billions into alternative energy, not trying to stop it, they are in the business to make a profit for Christ sake, what I could find so far they couldn't make a profit at it.


Wrong link

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'
Dude you are wrong Oil companies since the 80's were pouring billions into alternative energy, not trying to stop it, they are in the business to make a profit for Christ sake, what I could find so far they couldn't make a profit at it.


Wrong link

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'

Yeah, I've seen all that. It's pretty funny really. They used alternative energy as a sort of "hey guys, look, we're the nice guys", complete bull really.

Basically they aren't putting much money into it at all.

Big Oil's Big Lies About Alternative Energy | Rolling Stone

Big Oil's Big Lies About Alternative Energy"

Here's one such article that talks about the lies of the oil industry.

"In April, BP announced that it is selling off its entire $3.1 billion U.S. wind energy business – including 16 farms spread across nine states – as "part of a continuing effort to become a more focused oil and gas company," according to a company spokesperson. Indeed, though it famously rebranded itself "Beyond Petroleum" in 2000, BP also exited the solar energy business back in 2011. Today, its alternative energy investments are limited to biofuels and a lone wind farm in the Netherlands."

I read this article before, but didn't have time to respond.

I found it again through Forbes

Alternative Energy And Big Oil: Poor Returns Versus `Lies'

This article hits back, sort of.

"Many plowed millions of dollars into alternative energy programs during the past decade, but those investments have generated little, if any, return. "

Firstly, "many millions of dollars" equates to almost nothing of the company. These are companies that make billions. So, these investments have generated little, if any return. Sure, oil companies are about money. I understand. Having a part of a company that doesn't make money isn't necessarily good for business. So they've pulled back.

However the future is going to be renewables, but the largest polluting companies in the US and Europe are the ones who are pulling back from greener energy. Maybe one day green energy will be where the money is. These companies are, as with many in capitalism, thinking about share prices today and tomorrow. Not in 20 years time, 50 years time etc. This could be their downfall in the future.

But here's the thing. The oil companies have not only been pulling back from renewable resources.

Oil Giants Gassed Out On Renewable Energy |

Oil Giants Gassed Out On Renewable Energy"

The Price of Oil: Blocking Alternatives - Oil Change International

"In the United States and most industrialized countries, the federal government still strongly favors the oil industry with subsidiesthat block clean energy alternatives."

So, the US govt, the ones who make millions out of the oil industry, scratch the back of the oil industry that scratches their back.

"Estimates of the value of U.S. federal subsidies to the domestic oil industry alone (not coal) range from roughly $6 billion a year, to an amazing $39 billion annually. Internationally, subsidies are even more difficult to estimate but they are likely more than $775 billion annually (and perhaps as much as a trillion), of which at least $100 billion are production subsidies – going straight to fossil fuel corporations."

You have to ask why companies who make so much money are being given money. The right love the oil industry and cry foul when people get given hand outs, and yet the oil companies seem to escape from this outcry.

BP sabotage of green energy

"But almost all of the technology was sold off and much of the research locked away in a private corporate archive."

So, they did research, then.... didn't use it.... why?

BP pays United States anti-climate science senator

"Can there be any doubt in anyone’s mind that BP (British Petroleum) is currently at work on a new ad campaign to try and convince the public that they actually care about the environment and have a conscience about the environmental nightmare they let loose along the Gulf Coast?"

With an oil disaster, like the one BP were involved in, they spend millions (more than they spend on green energy) on advertising themselves to look good. It's all rubbish really, but in the US people are easily bought by good advertising as we all know.

"Jim Inhofe, a Republican senator from Oklahoma who has tirelessly campaigned against calls for a carbon tax and challenges the overwhelming consensus on climate change, received $10,000 (£6,700) from BP’s political action committee (PAC)."

Why are BP going around giving money to people who do their work for them? Most people who work for a company expect to be paid to do so. However should Congressmen really be paid to do the work of big oil companies to make sure people like denying man made climate change?

if they're sooooo interested in green energy, why would they do this?

Wow I never knew this about BP


Margaret Thatcher had put climate change on the international political map with a landmark speech in 1988, the company was doing ground-breaking work into photovoltaic solar panels, wave power and domestic energy efficiency as part of a wider drive to understand how greenhouse gas emissions could be curbed.

Two houses on the site at Sunbury were used in experiments. One was retrofitted with special insulation, ground source heat pumps and other systems which have now become mainstream.

“All the reports that we produced were filed away and contain a huge mass of information. We had been researching alternative energies for years going back to the early 1980s,” said one senior scientist involved in the BP programme who did not want to be named.


BP pumped billions of pounds into low-carbon technology and green energy over a number of decades but gradually retired the programme to focus almost exclusively on its fossil fuel business, the Guardian has established.

At one stage the company, whoseannual general meeting is in London on Thursday, was spending in-house around $450m (£300m) a year on research alone - the equivalent of $830m today.

How much of this money came from subsidies?
The nature of science is to constantly update as new discoveries roll in. Look at evolution. While the underlying theory remains unchanged, the facts are constantly changing. If Republicans didn't think science was a faith, they would know that.
More CO2 will not spell the end of humanity. Might get a little warmer and wetter, but humanity will survive. All the hysterical fear mongering is totally unnecessary.

Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.
what exactly are we ignoring? What is out of control? Do you know what will be out of control? You have a crystal ball then?

Nothing is out of control yet, hopefully.

However, if you go into an unknown situation, do you A) jump in enthusiastically and hope for the best or B) go in cautiously and do it carefully so you can pull back if something goes wrong?
you didn't answer what we as humans are ignoring. What are we ignoring. Since you have no crystal ball then you have zero ability to predict the future. You also have zero evidence to even walk near making that statement.
More CO2 will not spell the end of humanity. Might get a little warmer and wetter, but humanity will survive. All the hysterical fear mongering is totally unnecessary.

Will it?

Prove it.

We've already covered it. You guys dong all the fear mongering, haven't proven that life can't or doesn't survive during periods of high CO2 levels and warm climates. Your fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

You're using fear to push a particular political agenda. If you're gonna push your 'Global Warming Apocalypse' agenda, the burden's on you to show how it's fact. Relying on your word or having 'Faith', just isn't good enough.

Because no one is saying LIFE can't survive during this time. Whether humans can is a completely different matter.

You're ignoring the fact that when things go out of control, then there are problems.

What's your solution to ending Climate Change? I'm fair-minded, i'm willing to listen.

I never said I wanted to end climate change.

What I said was that I want humans to stop polluting the Earth. To become closer to the planet we are on, rather than to be continually trying to make it worse.

How? Reduce our dependence on stuff produced by oil/coal etc etc.

Such as: Various places have put a price on plastic bags from supermarkets etc. Why do we even need plastic bags. We have way too much packaging for our own good. Why not change to a system of containers, where things come in renewable containers?

Having things like vehicles which are more energy efficient. How many people really need their car to be as gas guzzling as it is? Not many!

Using more renewable energy.

Some countries are doing this already, like Germany. The US has a certain amount of renewable energy but has the potential for more. Countries like India would probably benefit massively from the development of such technology. Without the leading countries developing this sort of thing, the poorer countries will be reliant on polluting energy.

So much stuff comes out of the right in the US about responsibility. Oh, if someone commits a crime, it's the criminal who is responsible. Someone said the take responsibility seriously.
Where does responsibility come into play when it concerns the environment and the state of the planet? Seemingly the right all of a sudden forget what responsibility means.

We have a responsibility to animals, nature, the planet itself. But it gets ignored.
so polluting the earth is a completely different subject than climate change. you know this right? Please let me know that you know this, if you can't then you have lost even more respect in a climate discussion.

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