Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered


Jun 29, 2014
Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

The Pacific Justice Institute reports the following: “A scientist was terminated from his job at a California State University after discovering soft tissue on a triceratops fossil, and then publishing his findings. . . . While at a dig at Hell Creek formation in Montana, the scientist, Mark Armitage, came upon the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site. When examining the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Armitage was fascinated to see the soft tissue. The discovery stunned members of the scientific community because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”

The Pacific Justice Institute is suing CSUN for religious discrimination. If Armitage, a published scientist for more 30 years whose micrographs have appeared on the covers of eleven scientific journals, was only making religious claims, that’s one thing, but if his analysis was questioning the science behind evolution, well, that’s what’s science is all about.

Armitage’s problem is that he is critical of the entire Darwinian paradigm. It’s one thing to question bits and pieces of evolutionary science; it’s another thing to call the entire scheme into question. There are evolutionary scientists who admit that some of evolutionary science is very week, but they remain evolutionists. That’s acceptable to the guild.

Read more at Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered
You should see what they did to the guy that found the Unicorn skeleton :eek:

and the Cyclop's far as the guy getting fired we have not seen the university's policy on release of info and who gets to use it.. some have gag rules about school programs, research and opinions..
You should see what they did to the guy that found the Unicorn skeleton :eek:

and the Cyclop's far as the guy getting fired we have not seen the university's policy on release of info and who gets to use it.. some have gag rules about school programs, research and opinions..

Well Mr. Moonglow I'd shocked if there were any penis that WASN'T a cyclops!!! :eek:
Not the first time soft tissue's been discovered on dinosaur fossils, one dated at 68 million years was found as well on a T-Rex,
Soft tissue found on T. Rex explained - CBS News

Soft tissue aside, firing someone for religious beliefs is illegal. If it turns out his being a known Creationist and his discovery pushing that belief is why he was fired, whoever did it should be fired, Armitage should be reinstated, his record purged and vindicated, and the university should pay millions.

I don't believe in Creationism, young earth theory, or that dinosaurs existed just thousands of years ago. But I don't believe in academic terrorism threatening scientists with job termination for unpopular views or hypothesis either. Without such people and their beliefs we wouldn't even have science. Einstein's claims were met with opposition too, but we all know who he is.
Soft tissues in Triceratops horn

Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus

Soft tissues in a highly vascular horn, exposed to water, mud and plant roots, and who knows how many billions of microbes does NOT stay soft and stretchy for 65 million years.

Face it folks - the earth is young and evolution is a fairy tale for grownups.

Mark H. Armitage, M.S., Ed.S
[email protected]

Looks like he chose to go head on and claim that the preserved tissue provided proof for a young Earth. I would not care to have someone that would make that unequivicle statement teaching in a university that I attend.
Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

The Pacific Justice Institute reports the following: “A scientist was terminated from his job at a California State University after discovering soft tissue on a triceratops fossil, and then publishing his findings. . . . While at a dig at Hell Creek formation in Montana, the scientist, Mark Armitage, came upon the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site. When examining the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Armitage was fascinated to see the soft tissue. The discovery stunned members of the scientific community because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”

The Pacific Justice Institute is suing CSUN for religious discrimination. If Armitage, a published scientist for more 30 years whose micrographs have appeared on the covers of eleven scientific journals, was only making religious claims, that’s one thing, but if his analysis was questioning the science behind evolution, well, that’s what’s science is all about.

Armitage’s problem is that he is critical of the entire Darwinian paradigm. It’s one thing to question bits and pieces of evolutionary science; it’s another thing to call the entire scheme into question. There are evolutionary scientists who admit that some of evolutionary science is very week, but they remain evolutionists. That’s acceptable to the guild.

Read more at Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

Bits and pieces of data have been surfacing periodically to indicate that many creatures science believes to have been extinct for millons of years may have actually survived in limited numbers well into recorded history .

an image of a stegosuarus carved by Human Hands - we weren't supposed to have co-existed


Dinosaurs In Literature, History and Art: Dinosaurs in the Temple; The Angkor Wat Stegosaur; the Bi-Pedal Dinosaur and Giant Creature at Umm El-Kanatir and Others ...Page 87


Well what do you think the ancient Greeks were writing about when they battled strange creatures?
Humans have depicted dragons as well. Doesn't mean dragons are real (as depicted at any rate.)

Many species believed extinct have indeed been found in the oceans. Coelacanths for example, even some larger species like whales as the pygmy right whale mentioned in the fictional documentary about the megalodon shark mentioned. But land animals showing up unexpectedly are few and far between and nothing as grand as a larger dinosaur.

Everywhere in the world dinosuars could conceivably hide, the locals know what a dinosaur is, and what stumbling upon one could mean. If larger dinosaurs still existed, we'd know it and have them on ice somewhere. Might find a wooly mammoth well-preserved in ice somewhere, but a dinosaur from tens of millions of years ago is all but impossible.

The process of how soft tissues might be preserved is much MORE likely than the unsubstantiated assertion dinosaurs must have been around only 4,000 years ago. If that were the case we'd know about it (Jews) because our religion based itself on the preextant Babylonian one the Epic of Gilgamesh is found in, and from whence Genesis came. Nothing about dinosaurs or equivilent terms in the Gilgamesh legend. So what, dinosaurs like stegosaurs were walking around everywhere but no one thought to include it? C'mon guys geez.
Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

The Pacific Justice Institute reports the following: “A scientist was terminated from his job at a California State University after discovering soft tissue on a triceratops fossil, and then publishing his findings. . . . While at a dig at Hell Creek formation in Montana, the scientist, Mark Armitage, came upon the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site. When examining the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Armitage was fascinated to see the soft tissue. The discovery stunned members of the scientific community because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”

The Pacific Justice Institute is suing CSUN for religious discrimination. If Armitage, a published scientist for more 30 years whose micrographs have appeared on the covers of eleven scientific journals, was only making religious claims, that’s one thing, but if his analysis was questioning the science behind evolution, well, that’s what’s science is all about.

Armitage’s problem is that he is critical of the entire Darwinian paradigm. It’s one thing to question bits and pieces of evolutionary science; it’s another thing to call the entire scheme into question. There are evolutionary scientists who admit that some of evolutionary science is very week, but they remain evolutionists. That’s acceptable to the guild.

Read more at Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

Does he have any actual proof of this?
So, we now have proof that dino's roamed the earth a mere few thousand years ago?

They must have been killed during the now provable "great flood."

Noah forgot to bring a Little Trees air freshener and decided to "accidentally" leave the Dino gate open....
Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

The Pacific Justice Institute reports the following: “A scientist was terminated from his job at a California State University after discovering soft tissue on a triceratops fossil, and then publishing his findings. . . . While at a dig at Hell Creek formation in Montana, the scientist, Mark Armitage, came upon the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site. When examining the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Armitage was fascinated to see the soft tissue. The discovery stunned members of the scientific community because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”

The Pacific Justice Institute is suing CSUN for religious discrimination. If Armitage, a published scientist for more 30 years whose micrographs have appeared on the covers of eleven scientific journals, was only making religious claims, that’s one thing, but if his analysis was questioning the science behind evolution, well, that’s what’s science is all about.

Armitage’s problem is that he is critical of the entire Darwinian paradigm. It’s one thing to question bits and pieces of evolutionary science; it’s another thing to call the entire scheme into question. There are evolutionary scientists who admit that some of evolutionary science is very week, but they remain evolutionists. That’s acceptable to the guild.

Read more at Scientist Fired for Discovering Something and Publishing What He Discovered

Does he have any actual proof of this?

What do you think?
So what, dinosaurs like stegosaurs were walking around everywhere but no one thought to include it? C'mon guys geez.

Noah and friends forgot to mention kangaroos, panda bears, moose, and the platypus, so it stands to reason that they didn't mention dinosaurs. :cuckoo:

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