Scientists Admit to AGW Pause, lol

My work isn't fabricated. it is the result of sweat of brow.

AWG takes the sweat of the brow of man and turns that sweat to profit.

For heat has its own cottage industry.
My work isn't fabricated. it is the result of sweat of brow.

AWG takes the sweat of the brow of man and turns that sweat to profit.

For heat has its own cottage industry.

Yeah, these days we have too much heat and not enough light.
This sudden revelation that the "heat is hiding" kills all those previous assertions that the ocean's ability to sequester MORE CO2 would quit as the surface grew hotter. Evidently, this stuff is beginning to look more like science and less like an award winning documentary..
YOU!!! Just wait till Godzilla gets a hold of all of you!
[ame=]Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla - YouTube[/ame]
If someone had bothered to set up a market for trading poly-water credits or cold fusion derivatives, we would still be living with those frauds.
OR. . . perhaps their geo-engineering has been successful after all! So, the upshot is, when they tell you it isn't going on? Don't believe them. When they are spraying, get the hell inside, for your health's sake. Because we know the Earth should be warming, but it isn't.

Whether it should be warming because of our activity or because of natural processes, who's to say? But apparently the elites have decided it is easier to geo-engineer than to adapt to the planet's natural cycles. And they wonder why cancer rates are sky rocketing. Oh well, it's good for the Health Care industry. :tongue:

[ame=]What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube[/ame]
This sudden revelation that the "heat is hiding" kills all those previous assertions that the ocean's ability to sequester MORE CO2 would quit as the surface grew hotter. Evidently, this stuff is beginning to look more like science and less like an award winning documentary..

You are confused. The ocean can sequester a finite amount of CO2 before it becomes CO2 saturated, and starts losing its buffer capacity (which we have seen is already happening in several places). The oceans are getting warmer not because of the CO2 it is sequestering, but because it is directly absorbing heat from the sun's rays, and the currents are dragging that heat into the deep. So while on the surface it may appear to not be warming much currently, the fact is that as a whole, the oceans are still getting warmer, and will continue to get warmer.
The ocean is dragging that heat away from Mann's tree ring.

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Has global warming stopped? No - it?s just on pause, insist scientists - Home News - UK - The Independent

But right after the pause is over, we will be right back on track to ARMAHGHEDON!



Global warming is ON A BREAK!!
The ocean is dragging that heat away from Mann's tree ring.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

If you believe that, then you don't understand how dendrochronology works.
It usually takes more than one tree to discern a trend, doesn't it?

Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world' - Telegraph
This was startling enough, as McIntyre demonstrated in an explosive series of posts on his Climate Audit blog, because it showed that the CRU studies were based on cherry-picking hundreds of Siberian samples only to leave those that showed the picture that was wanted. Other studies based on similar data had clearly shown the Medieval Warm Period as hotter than today. Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a "hockey stick" pattern, and it was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU's studies, which led McIntyre to dub it "the most influential tree in the world".​
McIntyre has a long history of just getting it wrong, and has no expertize whatsoever in climate science. Are you certain you want to pin your hopes on his unpublished rants?
This sudden revelation that the "heat is hiding" kills all those previous assertions that the ocean's ability to sequester MORE CO2 would quit as the surface grew hotter. Evidently, this stuff is beginning to look more like science and less like an award winning documentary..

You are confused. The ocean can sequester a finite amount of CO2 before it becomes CO2 saturated, and starts losing its buffer capacity (which we have seen is already happening in several places). The oceans are getting warmer not because of the CO2 it is sequestering, but because it is directly absorbing heat from the sun's rays, and the currents are dragging that heat into the deep. So while on the surface it may appear to not be warming much currently, the fact is that as a whole, the oceans are still getting warmer, and will continue to get warmer.

Well hello to you too confusedman... A finite amount eh? Where did you hear that? Al Gore lecture?

Earth still absorbing CO2 even as emissions rise, says new CU-led study | University of Colorado Boulder

Ballantyne said recent studies by others have suggested carbon sinks were declining in some areas of the globe, including parts of the Southern Hemisphere and portions of the world’s oceans. But the new Nature study showed global CO2 uptake by Earth’s sinks essentially doubled from 1960 to 2010, although increased variations from year-to-year and decade-to-decade suggests some instability in the global carbon cycle, he said.

According to the study, the scientists observed decreased CO2 uptake by Earth’s land and oceans in the 1990s, followed by increased CO2 sequestering by the planet from 2000 to 2010. “Seeing such variation from decade to decade tells us that we need to observe Earth’s carbon cycle for significantly longer periods in order to help us understand what is occurring,” said Ballantyne.

From the Abstract...

One of the greatest sources of uncertainty for future climate predictions is the response of the global carbon cycle to climate change1. Although approximately one-half of total CO2 emissions is at present taken up by combined land and ocean carbon reservoirs2, models predict a decline in future carbon uptake by these reservoirs, resulting in a positive carbon–climate feedback3. Several recent studies suggest that rates of carbon uptake by the land4, 5, 6 and ocean7, 8, 9, 10 have remained constant or declined in recent decades. Other work, however, has called into question the reported decline11, 12, 13

Here we use global-scale atmospheric CO2 measurements, CO2 emission inventories and their full range of uncertainties to calculate changes in global CO2 sources and sinks during the past 50 years. Our mass balance analysis shows that net global carbon uptake has increased significantly by about 0.05 billion tonnes of carbon per year and that global carbon uptake doubled, from 2.4?±?0.8 to 5.0?±?0.9 billion tonnes per year, between 1960 and 2010. Therefore, it is very unlikely that both land and ocean carbon sinks have decreased on a global scale. Since 1959, approximately 350 billion tonnes of carbon have been emitted by humans to the atmosphere, of which about 55 per cent has moved into the land and oceans. Thus, identifying the mechanisms and locations responsible for increasing global carbon uptake remains a critical challenge in constraining the modern global carbon budget and predicting future carbon–climate interactions

THere is FAR from consensus that WE KNOW the limits of the ocean carbon sinking. LARGELY because of EXACTLY what I said above.. If heat is progressing to deeper depths, it will NOT acheive the surface warming that KILLS the transfer.. As far as atmos CO2 sinking, it's the thin surface interface temp that drives the process. MIXING and heat storage in deeper layers will INCREASE the amount that can be coupled from the atmos at the surface..
The ocean is dragging that heat away from Mann's tree ring.

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If you believe that, then you don't understand how dendrochronology works.

Oh I know how it works. Much like Madame LaFevre reading tea leaves..

I think that I shall never see -- a thermometer as bad as a tree.
Same for the length of snail mud tubes. Most proxies are CRUDE at best. But AGW pretends to divine ultra-precise messages from them..

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