Scientists Admit to AGW Pause, lol

What caused the Little Ice Age, and what made it end?
Why are we accepting as a "standard temperature" a temperature that was established in the middle of one of the coldest periods in the last 2,000 years?
What happened to the wet marshlands of North Africa?
What happened to the fertile crescent?
What happened to the large inland wetlands in what is now Death Valley?

These are all academic questions that have answers in many scientific papers, and even College textbooks. I suggest to 'shroom to either buy a textbook, subscribe to the GSA journal, or take a friggin class. I'm not his freshman science professor. Now, somebody answer my earlier question, and this one: What bearing, if any, do any of those questions have on the fact of AGW?

Well, let's just say that my "Freshman Science Professor" is several decades dead, and leave it at that, shall we? I am trying to get some answers because you and the others seem to have all the answers as to why the climate changes, and what causes it. So I thought I would find out what caused it to change in the past.

Funny though, nobody is ever able to answer those questions. They just tap-dance around the issue, or try to deny they ever happened in the first place. Exactly like you have been doing.

Now notice the one I highlighted, that to me is probably the most important one of all. Because the "benchmark" for all of this global warming always seems to be around 1880. And by now everybody should know that 1880 was during the "Little Ice Age".

So why is the "Global Warming" crowd using as it's benchmark temperature one that is known to be during a period where temperatures are below normal? And many go back even further then 1880, why is that? Well, we also know that 1880 was an unusually cold winter as well, with record snowfalls throughout the Midwest. Yet this is what many use as a benchmark.
What caused the Little Ice Age, and what made it end?
Why are we accepting as a "standard temperature" a temperature that was established in the middle of one of the coldest periods in the last 2,000 years?
What happened to the wet marshlands of North Africa?
What happened to the fertile crescent?
What happened to the large inland wetlands in what is now Death Valley?

These are all academic questions that have answers in many scientific papers, and even College textbooks. I suggest to 'shroom to either buy a textbook, subscribe to the GSA journal, or take a friggin class. I'm not his freshman science professor. Now, somebody answer my earlier question, and this one: What bearing, if any, do any of those questions have on the fact of AGW?

Well, let's just say that my "Freshman Science Professor" is several decades dead, and leave it at that, shall we? I am trying to get some answers because you and the others seem to have all the answers as to why the climate changes, and what causes it. So I thought I would find out what caused it to change in the past.

Funny though, nobody is ever able to answer those questions. They just tap-dance around the issue, or try to deny they ever happened in the first place. Exactly like you have been doing.

Now notice the one I highlighted, that to me is probably the most important one of all. Because the "benchmark" for all of this global warming always seems to be around 1880. And by now everybody should know that 1880 was during the "Little Ice Age".

So why is the "Global Warming" crowd using as it's benchmark temperature one that is known to be during a period where temperatures are below normal? And many go back even further then 1880, why is that? Well, we also know that 1880 was an unusually cold winter as well, with record snowfalls throughout the Midwest. Yet this is what many use as a benchmark.
The basis for AGW seems to suggest that there is a "correct" temperature for the planet to be.

And it's always cooler than what we are now.

Just as the "solution" is always a political one.

Just coincidence, I'm sure.


Yep.. That's the sole FAULTY accounting for MWP temperatures that gets trotted out repeatedly.. You can tell who uses Mann had to ignore 20 or 30 proxy studies to fabricate that beauty.. Is that ALL ya got?

Gonna chuck the studies from New Zealand, Japan, Chile and 25 other places around the world that contradict the Mann conclusions like your buds at skepticalscience do?

Here.. Lemme make it easier for ya.. From some REAL skeptical science fans..

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A scientific assessment of the planet’s heat balance has found that the most likely explanation for the recent hiatus in global warming is the continual absorption of thermal energy by the huge “heat sink” of the deep ocean many hundreds of metres below the sea surface, according to scientists from the Met Office.

Senior climate scientists said that they had always expected periods when the rate of increase in temperatures would level off for a few years and emphasised that the last decade was still warmer than any previous decade, with 12 of the 14 hottest years on record occurring since 2000.


These right wingers didn't even bother to read the article they linked to. And they get "hurt" when I call the fucking idiots. They say I'm mean and I have no friends.

No, mostly what I have seen is them saying that you are a dumbass, a liar and a fraud.

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