Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.
Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

Maybe that is because one of their own turned turncoat and is now showing Trump how the scientists have been skewing results or erasing data all along.

(Do I have to provide links to convince you of that?)
Researchers Are Preparing for Trump to Delete Government Science From the Web

When Donald Trump takes over the federal government on January 21, his administration will also gain complete control over much of the .gov suite of websites, which currently hosts a treasure trove of publicly available, taxpayer-funded scientific research. The academic world is bracing itself: Will that data remain available after his transition?

Scientists and university professors all around the country and in Canada believe we’re about to see widespread whitewashing and redaction of already published, publicly available taxpayer-funded scientific research, databases, and interactive tools, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Sea Level Rise viewer, NASA’s suite of climate change apps, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s maps of the country’s worst polluters. They also expect to see censorship, misrepresentation, and minimization of new government-funded research, specifically regarding climate change.

These fears are not based merely on a sense of dreading-the-worst from a man who has called climate change a Chinese hoax, nominated a climate change denier with close ties to the fossil fuel industry as head of the EPA, the CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, and will reportedly name the fossil fuel-friendly Rick Perry asSecretary of Energy. During the George W. Bush administration, which similarly denied that climate change is being caused by humans, there was widespread censorship and destruction of public-facing climate change information and research.

“Policies and practices have increasingly restricted the flow of scientific information emerging from publicly-funded climate change research,” a 138-page reportpublished in March 2007 by the Government Accountability Project begins. “This has affected the media’s ability to report on the science, public officials’ capacity to respond with appropriate policies, and the public’s grasp of an environmental issue with profound consequences for our future.”

The investigation found that the Bush administration systematically changed scientists’ press releases, misrepresented scientific findings to Congress, and neglected or deleted information on government websites.

Much More: Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites

This is scary stuff. Since taxpayers have already paid for this information it should be protected and made freely available to the public.
I think that if all CO2 breathing Liberals would stop breathing for about 1000 seconds, then Global Warming would go away. Only you libtards believe in the bullshit that was Global Warming, or is it Global Cooling, or Global Climate Change, or whatever the next end of the world event is, without you on this planet, then there is no more overcrowding, no more mass killings, no more unhappy people. As liberalism is all about equality, everyone must be equally poor and equally miserable. Now take the first step and reduce the CO2 by one person, lead the way.

Al Gore's Hypocrisy: The Climate Crusader Profits from Fossil Fuels |
The hypocrisy charge has been raised against Gore over the years. Until now, the most infamous incident of apparent hypocrisy took place in 2007 when it was widely reported that Al Gore’s mansion had a utility bill about 20 times more than the average family home. (See Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’? — A $30,000 Utility Bill). I found the news troubling; after all Gore was the Conservationist-in-Chief but he certainly didn’t appear to be walking his talk.
God let's hope so. Most Americans are completely over the Global Warming alarmist fear mongering. The planet cools, the planet warms. There's no reason to panic and engage in fascist Government-force. The Global Warming zealots pushed too hard. And now the People are pushing back.
And on a side note, it's bleepin freezing here. Please please gimme some of that Global Warming.
Naturally this fear is based on nothing. Democrats made it up, like everything else they come up with.

Fear works. It's been proven time & time again. The Global Warming zealots realize that fear is the key to achieving their massive fascist World Government takeover. When people live in fear, they're much more likely to go along with anything. It's how human beings operate.
RWrs should be the ones living on the coastlines.

Isn't being an American just the cruelest?

Any malcontent can find something to cry about why life isn't fair. It's a joke. We have lived with the lies, crimes, anti-american activities of obama, the clintons, and govt officials but we cannot question their integrity? Give me one good reason why we should think they put truth and the common good ahead of their agenda?
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I corrected your headline for you Lakhota - you can thank me later:

Scientists Political Activists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data Propaganda From Government Websites
Any malcontent can find something to cry why life isn't fair. It's a joke. We have lived with the lies, crimes, anti-american activities of obama, the clintons, and govt officials but we cannot question their integrity? Give me one good reason why we should think they put truth and the common good ahead of their agenda?
I like the way you prove your point. Kudos.
The goal has been achieved, a scientific discussion is impossible in this dysfunctional society. The corporate/political class will tell us what is real and what is not.
"Scientists Are Preparing For Trump To Erase Climate Change Data From Government Websites"

'Liberal Fear-Mongering Continues....Film at 11"
We can only hope he undoes this fraud science.
Please do not believe your lyin' eyes.


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