Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.
The science on global warming is settled, so settled that 20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming.

Read more: Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

Each and every day the left become more dangerous. What a bunch of deranged fucks.

The precedent has already been set, This is exactly the same thing that happens to people that deny the holocaust. If you deny the holocaust.holocaust. in Europe you will likely face jail time.
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.
OK, if it's such a great deal, cut off all the grants and give-aways...

The green energy bunch should make a killing...

Oh, wait... They keep going bankrupt, after we give them billions of dollars...

Either believe in and accept the spoon-fed garbage which is nothing more then a massive scam or you could be prosecuted. :cuckoo:

Fucking ridiculous but that the left for you. :cuckoo:
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.
OK, if it's such a great deal, cut off all the grants and give-aways...The green energy bunch should make a killing...Oh, wait... They keep going bankrupt, after we give them billions of dollars...
Trouble reading? The ones getting the great deal are the ones who are paid to shill for the oil and coal companies. Did you miss the part where I said billions would be needed to INVEST in new technologies? Apparently the energy companies figure it's cheaper to send out highly paid flacks to muddy the waters, so the government has to do the investing.
As a start I'd halt all rockets being blasted off to space. I'm no scientist but a single one of those must do environmental damage equivalent to a zillion 1978 Oldsmobiles.
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.
OK, if it's such a great deal, cut off all the grants and give-aways...The green energy bunch should make a killing...Oh, wait... They keep going bankrupt, after we give them billions of dollars...
Trouble reading? The ones getting the great deal are the ones who are paid to shill for the oil and coal companies. Did you miss the part where I said billions would be needed to INVEST in new technologies? Apparently the energy companies figure it's cheaper to send out highly paid flacks to muddy the waters, so the government has to do the investing.
So in other words, your scheme can't compete...

Free enterprise...

If I were you, I would look for another line of work, or make the main polluters (like China) foot the bill...
We knew it had to happen, it's the next logical step for liberals. If you don't fall in line with their views they want to lock you up. How long before we start building the gulags?
The FEMA Wal-mart camps are almost completed. Make sure in your emergency ba, S.J., that you have the latest ads when you are picked up.
Wanna try that again, only coherently this time?
My comments are very cogent, which says lots about your lack of competency to grasp language.
Um, no, they're not.
Actually . . . they are, and you are very, very slow mentally.
We knew it had to happen, it's the next logical step for liberals. If you don't fall in line with their views they want to lock you up. How long before we start building the gulags?
The FEMA Wal-mart camps are almost completed. Make sure in your emergency ba, S.J., that you have the latest ads when you are picked up.
Wanna try that again, only coherently this time?
My comments are very cogent, which says lots about your lack of competency to grasp language.
Um, no, they're not.
Actually . . . they are, and you are very, very slow mentally.
Face it, dude, you leave out words, letters, misspell things, and often fail to complete your sentences. And what is a "ba"?
The FEMA Wal-mart camps are almost completed. Make sure in your emergency ba, S.J., that you have the latest ads when you are picked up.
Wanna try that again, only coherently this time?
My comments are very cogent, which says lots about your lack of competency to grasp language.
Um, no, they're not.
Actually . . . they are, and you are very, very slow mentally.
Face it, dude, you leave out words, letters, misspell things, and often fail to complete your sentences. And what is a "ba"?
I think "ba" is the sound a sheep makes when it has a mouth full and is choking...
"And what is a "ba"?" That is the sound you make, S.J., when caught out in one of your stupidities. :lol:
As a start I'd halt all rockets being blasted off to space. I'm no scientist but a single one of those must do environmental damage equivalent to a zillion 1978 Oldsmobiles.
How many zeroes in a zillion? Is it more or less than a brazillion?
When you need to pass laws to stop people from questioning your truths, you need to look at your truths a little harder. Real facts welcome investigation.
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.

Tell us, how many of the dire predictions of Al Gore's church of climate BS have actually materialized on the schedule they laid out?
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.

Tell us, how many of the dire predictions of Al Gore's church of climate BS have actually materialized on the schedule they laid out?
Stupid question. Tell us how many have?
Follow the money. The denialists like to say that climate scientists only say what they say for the money, but truth be told, the money is orders of magnitude larger on the energy provider side. They stand to have invest billions in new technologies, if AGW is accepted as fact. So, it is about the money, but dcn't get fooled by the denialist sleight of hand about who profits the most. Their spokes"scientists" get paid millions and don't even have to do any research to prove their contentions, unlike those who work on government grants at 1/10 the salaries.

Tell us, how many of the dire predictions of Al Gore's church of climate BS have actually materialized on the schedule they laid out?
Stupid question. Tell us how many have?

You fucking senile retard, no question is stupid except when one that hasn't a clue to the answer tries to address it. Try zero libtard.
You fucking senile retard, no question is stupid except when one that hasn't a clue to the answer tries to address it. Try zero libtard.
Being a libertarian is certain evidence of senility. Now, grow up, talk like an adult and participate, or go play on the swing set. If you think zero in the facing of obvious change, you are worse than senile. You are malignantly motivated as well.

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