Scientists confirm basic physics - CO2 makes it hotter.

How is preventing more CO2 promoting deforestation? Again you are not making sense and I know you are smarter than that. We can only prevent the CO2 we cause. There is enough CO2 in the air to support plants worldwide as indicated before we started dumping more CO2 in the air and clearing forests.
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?

No. I'm claiming CO2 is part of the cycle of life.
I think we all know that. I'm talking about your claim that man preventing more CO2 is helping deforestation. Care to address that or are you going to continue to feign ignorance.?
Just wrong, you should learn to read.
Stupid is, as stupid does.. Why not enlighten us kind sir? Don't sit there and just say something is stupid when you just cant comprehend what is being said.
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?

No. I'm claiming CO2 is part of the cycle of life.
I think we all know that. I'm talking about your claim that man preventing more CO2 is helping deforestation. Care to address that or are you going to continue to feign ignorance.?
Just wrong, you should learn to read.
Stupid is, as stupid does.. Why not enlighten us kind sir? Don't sit there and just say something is stupid when you just cant comprehend what is being said.

JC has a pretty good grasp on things unlike some others..
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?

No. I'm claiming CO2 is part of the cycle of life.
I think we all know that. I'm talking about your claim that man preventing more CO2 is helping deforestation. Care to address that or are you going to continue to feign ignorance.?
Just wrong, you should learn to read.
Stupid is, as stupid does.. Why not enlighten us kind sir? Don't sit there and just say something is stupid when you just cant comprehend what is being said.
Stupid is, as stupid does? You got the right dude? Btw, does cold air make warm air warmer? Can you answer?
Yeah man I get tired of seeing people simply belittle others instead of trying to help them understand things better. Well I am not a meteorologist so I am not entirely sure but I don't see how denser air molecules, moving slowly, impacting air with a higher density molecules, moving rapidly, would make that existing air "warmer" unless there is some sort of phenomenon that when then denser air contacts the less dense molecules it actually makes those air molecules move more rapidly. What I do know is it does create condensation lol.
Yeah man I get tired of seeing people simply belittle others instead of trying to help them understand things better. Well I am not a meteorologist so I am not entirely sure but I don't see how denser air molecules, moving slowly, impacting air with a higher density molecules, moving rapidly, would make that existing air "warmer" unless there is some sort of phenomenon that when then denser air contacts the less dense molecules it actually makes those air molecules move more rapidly. What I do know is it does create condensation lol.

So... As a Meteorologist I can assure you, you might get some static discharge (lightening) from this but very little heating. The pressure imbalance / water vapor content is the key to this. Friction will cause heat but what your trying to describe is the interaction between the Hadley cell and the Median Cell or Polar Cells where heat is transferred to one region from another.


Graph Source Harvard

And all this time I thought it was CO2 that caused the magic heating in our atmosphere.
What RickM19 seems to be having difficulty with is simple thermal conduction. Colliding molecules DO transfer kinetic energy and thus heat. It takes place faster and more effectively in solids and liquids, but it still takes place in gases. And the mixing possible in fluids can dramatically enhance the effect.

Perhaps I missed something Billy Boy, but how does transfers between Hadley cells show that no CO2 warming is taking place?
Scientists confirm amassing CO2 heats Earth s surface Science News

(site has cut n paste disabled so to paraphrase)

Scientists witness direct correlation between CO2 emissions and how much solar radiation (heat to you) strikes the Earth.
How many times do they have to prove it? Its already known the last warm up was started by high CO2 levels

In a word... NO...

There is no empirical evidence to conclude this.

There is no empirical evidence for what Billy Boy?
Scientists confirm amassing CO2 heats Earth s surface Science News

(site has cut n paste disabled so to paraphrase)

Scientists witness direct correlation between CO2 emissions and how much solar radiation (heat to you) strikes the Earth.
There really is no debate on this in the scientific community.

The same people arguing against man caused climate change are the same people who argued lead and cigarettes were not bad for us.

And the scientists have debunked every argument but the deniers come here and repeat those bad arguments on people like me who dont know all the facts. I'll just go with what science says.
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)
Global warming is a great example of how they use religion to keep us stupid. Notice the connection between anti science and religion? Notice the connection between the religious party and greed? How about racism? Is not the GOP the religious party? Arent they the ones who think trevon martin was evil and needed to be shot because he was a "thug"? I'm just sayin. I see a pattern here
Global warming is a great example of how they use religion to keep us stupid. Notice the connection between anti science and religion? Notice the connection between the religious party and greed? How about racism? Is not the GOP the religious party? Arent they the ones who think trevon martin was evil and needed to be shot because he was a "thug"? I'm just sayin. I see a pattern here

You need to have FAITH in the Earth CO2 molecule.
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)

Classic AGWCult response. We can't ever show you how it works, so you deniers need to die
Global warming is a great example of how they use religion to keep us stupid. Notice the connection between anti science and religion? Notice the connection between the religious party and greed? How about racism? Is not the GOP the religious party? Arent they the ones who think trevon martin was evil and needed to be shot because he was a "thug"? I'm just sayin. I see a pattern here

You need to have FAITH in the Earth CO2 molecule.
Enough faith you fuck with it?
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)

Notice conservatives dont think everyone is smart enough to vote but they'll let anyone buy a gun have a baby or sit on a jury?
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)

Classic AGWCult response. We can't ever show you how it works, so you deniers need to die
How come its always us proving you wrong not the other way around? Maybe if your side was right once in awhile. Lol
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)

Notice conservatives dont think everyone is smart enough to vote but they'll let anyone buy a gun have a baby or sit on a jury?

Remember some town somewhere, or store, gave free guns to everyone who bought something, or lived there, something like that. :) If they had their way I'm sure they'd give a free firearm to every child born. But if the child's black they'd probably try and re-district or otherwise prevent their voting.
Simple experiment to prove: if you don't think CO2 makes it hotter, put a plastic bag over your head and tell me if it isn't warmer. :)

...My counsel suggests I add, "Hehe, just kidding. Don't put a plastic bag over your heads." ;)

Notice conservatives dont think everyone is smart enough to vote but they'll let anyone buy a gun have a baby or sit on a jury?

Remember some town somewhere, or store, gave free guns to everyone who bought something, or lived there, something like that. :) If they had their way I'm sure they'd give a free firearm to every child born. But if the child's black they'd probably try and re-district or otherwise prevent their voting.
Yea. I want detroiters to militarize. See how these conservatives like that. Remember that militia at the Bundy ranch? Imagine if blacks tried that. They'd have got mowed down by tanks.
Global warming is a great example of how they use religion to keep us stupid. Notice the connection between anti science and religion? Notice the connection between the religious party and greed? How about racism? Is not the GOP the religious party? Arent they the ones who think trevon martin was evil and needed to be shot because he was a "thug"? I'm just sayin. I see a pattern here

You need to have FAITH in the Earth CO2 molecule.
Enough faith you fuck with it?

You're not making a lick of sense

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