Scientists confirm basic physics - CO2 makes it hotter.

Note: mammoth says all the trees were made extinct by man over most of the last 500million years because man caused CO2 resulted in all the vines choking out all other plant life. Amazing information there mammoth.

Don't make up weird stories about what I supposedly said. It makes you look desperate.

Where's the runaway CO2 effect?

Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway CO2 effect? Where do you get this stuff?

How did life on earth survive for hundreds of millions of years with CO2 4-15 times higher than it is today? Everything learned to live off vines?

A younger sun was a fainter sun. 500 million years ago, the sun was 4-5% dimmer. The extra CO2 countered the dimmer sun. Prior to that, when CO2 was low, there was snowball earth.

So, nice work there, the way you demonstrated the warming effects of CO2 by paleoclimate evidence.

So everything revolves around the sun? Yeah, that's the ticket. Forget all that other shit about CO². That's just algore's pyramid scheme scamming money out suckers that still believe the earth is flat.
Note: mammoth says all the trees were made extinct by man over most of the last 500million years because man caused CO2 resulted in all the vines choking out all other plant life. Amazing information there mammoth.

Don't make up weird stories about what I supposedly said. It makes you look desperate.

Where's the runaway CO2 effect?

Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway CO2 effect? Where do you get this stuff?

How did life on earth survive for hundreds of millions of years with CO2 4-15 times higher than it is today? Everything learned to live off vines?

A younger sun was a fainter sun. 500 million years ago, the sun was 4-5% dimmer. The extra CO2 countered the dimmer sun. Prior to that, when CO2 was low, there was snowball earth.

So, nice work there, the way you demonstrated the warming effects of CO2 by paleoclimate evidence.

Oh so now you are claiming CO2 saved the earth from global freezing caused by a weak sun... ROFL
Why so much damn hatred???? Stop bashing and use your heads for something good for once.

Hmmmm....let's see now. OK, I think I've got it. Because Asclepias is the dumbest mother fukker I believe I've ever run into on a forum board. There is no use even trying to make sense to the fucking idiot.
May I help you with any other questions?

Actually Mampuke is, In my opinion... or at least a very close second...
He's right up there alright.
Why so much damn hatred???? Stop bashing and use your heads for something good for once.

Hmmmm....let's see now. OK, I think I've got it. Because Asclepias is the dumbest mother fukker I believe I've ever run into on a forum board. There is no use even trying to make sense to the fucking idiot.
May I help you with any other questions?
Yeah... whatever happened to common courtesy? If you think he is so dumb why not try to enlighten him instead of belittle him? The only dumbness I see I the lack of teaching. See when you simply respond with snide remarks it make you look like the dumb one cause you are not actually saying anything productive. Now the way I see it you both have valid points.. Yeah it was impossible for humans to create so much CO2 back then but if you remember correctly we were in an ice age and that ice has been melting ever since. Its the cycle of life. I don't think Co2 really has anything to do with global warming and it is just one theory. Granted the ice caps are melting faster but did you ever consider the radiant heat we emit? Lets see all these pump stations for gas lines have these gigantic mufflers that put out massive volumes of hot air... I think they pump out air in the neighborhood of about 900 deg F. along with CO2 emissions and who knows what else. Now multiply that by the number of pumps all over the world. So I really think its more of a matter of the actual hot air we create and extract into the atmosphere. They really just use CO2 as a cover up for what is really going on lol. We can always counteract CO2 since it is the source of life for plants and actually have been developing solar panels that convert CO2 into oxygen.

In the first link, the part with "the vines grew 150% faster, the tree 20%" would be what conclusively debunks your crazy claims. The rest of the links there also pointed out how your claims were a fantasy, but you were apparently too flustered to go any further. I understand. Learning that your cult bamboozled you and that everything you knew was wrong must have been a shock.
It would if the world was a small experiment over a short period of time... however, I understood the difference between something that lives for decades, such as a tree, and something that dies off each winter like a vine. Do you? Maybe you could explain that one to the class.

Who told you vines die off each winter? You must be one of those people that hate admitting you were wrong. Its ok. No one is going really going to remember it anyway.
You have it backwards. It was warmer due to the abundance of CO2. Can you tell me what gas plants emit? After you do that explain to me the concept of a green house.
A greenhouse is an environmentally controlled structure designed to extend growing seasons. Our atmosphere is not a greenhouse.

Plants consume / use CO2 through a process called photosynthesis. Some of the CO2 they consume gets converted to sugars, for example glucose C6H12O6, some exhaled, some stored.

While you could argue that plants produce CO2 that would be a half truth, as really they are just temporarily storing it.
Sorry bud. Our atmosphere works just like a greenhouse. CO2 is an insulator that works just like the glass in a greenhouse.

Plants actually produce way more oxygen than CO2 However, it absolutely needs CO2 in order to survive. That proves the CO2 has to be in the environment prior to the plant gaining the large sizes it did during the periods of high heat.

A green house has a roof... The earth does not and it also has a water convection cycle that a true green house does not allow... Epic Fail..
Yeah the earth has a roof fool. Its called the atmosphere. You must not understand basic science. A greenhouse has a water convection cycle as well. Why do you think they use the "greenhouse effect" as another term for global warming?

The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?
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In the first link, the part with "the vines grew 150% faster, the tree 20%" would be what conclusively debunks your crazy claims. The rest of the links there also pointed out how your claims were a fantasy, but you were apparently too flustered to go any further. I understand. Learning that your cult bamboozled you and that everything you knew was wrong must have been a shock.
It would if the world was a small experiment over a short period of time... however, I understood the difference between something that lives for decades, such as a tree, and something that dies off each winter like a vine. Do you? Maybe you could explain that one to the class.

Who told you vines die off each winter? You must be one of those people that hate admitting you were wrong. Its ok. No one is going really going to remember it anyway.
They do around here :) I've seen some vines that seem to be getting the best of a tree, but I don't remember seeing one win.
Cause and effect are different issues. Deforestation: bad. CO2: good. One way to do deforestation, is to freeze the plants out , reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and route water away from the plants.. Don't you think it even remotely odd that some scientists are claiming that CO2 is bad when CO2 is one of the main components of what plants need? They might as well be saying man made water is causing global warming.

This whole global warming crusade is ludicrous.
Your post doesnt make sense. If there are less plants to deal with more CO2, how is that a good thing? CO2 doest produce plants. It just helps the plants that are there as long as water is available. If there is more CO2 existing than O what do you think about our prospects for breathing look like? The cycle of CO2 vs O is out of whack. Humans have done this on both sides of the equation by adding CO2 to the atmosphere and removing the variable that reduces CO2

No one, AND I REPEAT, no one ever said DEFORESTATION IS GOOD. Yet the global warming nut cases are actually promoting DEFORESTATION by demanding that humans stop helping plants out, by generating CO2.

No. The "cycle" of co2 is A PART OF the cycle of life. More CO2 = more life. LESS CO2 = LESS LIFE. Saying more life is bad is ridiculous. We are not over populated that's just another myth.
How is preventing more CO2 promoting deforestation? Again you are not making sense and I know you are smarter than that. We can only prevent the CO2 we cause. There is enough CO2 in the air to support plants worldwide as indicated before we started dumping more CO2 in the air and clearing forests.
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?
No, you are
No one, AND I REPEAT, no one ever said DEFORESTATION IS GOOD. Yet the global warming nut cases are actually promoting DEFORESTATION by demanding that humans stop helping plants out, by generating CO2.

No. The "cycle" of co2 is A PART OF the cycle of life. More CO2 = more life. LESS CO2 = LESS LIFE. Saying more life is bad is ridiculous. We are not over populated that's just another myth.
How is preventing more CO2 promoting deforestation? Again you are not making sense and I know you are smarter than that. We can only prevent the CO2 we cause. There is enough CO2 in the air to support plants worldwide as indicated before we started dumping more CO2 in the air and clearing forests.
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?

No. I'm claiming CO2 is part of the cycle of life.
I think we all know that. I'm talking about your claim that man preventing more CO2 is helping deforestation. Care to address that or are you going to continue to feign ignorance.?
Wow dude, that is a lot of stupid.
No one, AND I REPEAT, no one ever said DEFORESTATION IS GOOD. Yet the global warming nut cases are actually promoting DEFORESTATION by demanding that humans stop helping plants out, by generating CO2.

No. The "cycle" of co2 is A PART OF the cycle of life. More CO2 = more life. LESS CO2 = LESS LIFE. Saying more life is bad is ridiculous. We are not over populated that's just another myth.
How is preventing more CO2 promoting deforestation? Again you are not making sense and I know you are smarter than that. We can only prevent the CO2 we cause. There is enough CO2 in the air to support plants worldwide as indicated before we started dumping more CO2 in the air and clearing forests.
Again... plants need CO2. Less CO2 = less growth, less life.
Are you claiming there was no CO2 until man started putting it into the atmosphere?

No. I'm claiming CO2 is part of the cycle of life.
I think we all know that. I'm talking about your claim that man preventing more CO2 is helping deforestation. Care to address that or are you going to continue to feign ignorance.?
Just wrong, you should learn to read.
A greenhouse is an environmentally controlled structure designed to extend growing seasons. Our atmosphere is not a greenhouse.

Plants consume / use CO2 through a process called photosynthesis. Some of the CO2 they consume gets converted to sugars, for example glucose C6H12O6, some exhaled, some stored.

While you could argue that plants produce CO2 that would be a half truth, as really they are just temporarily storing it.
Sorry bud. Our atmosphere works just like a greenhouse. CO2 is an insulator that works just like the glass in a greenhouse.

Plants actually produce way more oxygen than CO2 However, it absolutely needs CO2 in order to survive. That proves the CO2 has to be in the environment prior to the plant gaining the large sizes it did during the periods of high heat.

A green house has a roof... The earth does not and it also has a water convection cycle that a true green house does not allow... Epic Fail..
Yeah the earth has a roof fool. Its called the atmosphere. You must not understand basic science. A greenhouse has a water convection cycle as well. Why do you think they use the "greenhouse effect" as another term for global warming?

The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
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Sorry bud. Our atmosphere works just like a greenhouse. CO2 is an insulator that works just like the glass in a greenhouse.

Plants actually produce way more oxygen than CO2 However, it absolutely needs CO2 in order to survive. That proves the CO2 has to be in the environment prior to the plant gaining the large sizes it did during the periods of high heat.

A green house has a roof... The earth does not and it also has a water convection cycle that a true green house does not allow... Epic Fail..
Yeah the earth has a roof fool. Its called the atmosphere. You must not understand basic science. A greenhouse has a water convection cycle as well. Why do you think they use the "greenhouse effect" as another term for global warming?

The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.
A green house has a roof... The earth does not and it also has a water convection cycle that a true green house does not allow... Epic Fail..
Yeah the earth has a roof fool. Its called the atmosphere. You must not understand basic science. A greenhouse has a water convection cycle as well. Why do you think they use the "greenhouse effect" as another term for global warming?

The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Yeah the earth has a roof fool. Its called the atmosphere. You must not understand basic science. A greenhouse has a water convection cycle as well. Why do you think they use the "greenhouse effect" as another term for global warming?

The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Science isnt left or right wing. Interpretation of facts are. The fact you believe the atmosphere just lets heat out is a indictment on our school systems.
The atmosphere is NOT A ROOF... A roof stops convection and escaping radiation, Our atmosphere does not... You really are a fool..
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Science isnt left or right wing. Interpretation of facts are. The fact you believe the atmosphere just lets heat out is a indictment on our school systems.
So again can cold air make warm air warmer? That's your scientific challenge. And because cold can't make warm air warmer there is no back radiation so all heat goes to space. Unless of course you have an experiment to show otherwise.
Is someone paying you to be stupid or are you really this ignorant of what our atmosphere does? Do you realize the earth would be cold as hell at night and hot as hell during the day if the atmosphere didnt function as a roof?

You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Science isnt left or right wing. Interpretation of facts are. The fact you believe the atmosphere just lets heat out is a indictment on our school systems.
So again can cold air make warm air warmer? That's your scientific challenge. And because cold can't make warm air warmer there is no back radiation so all heat goes to space. Unless of course you have an experiment to show otherwise.
So why do you think cold air makes air warmer? The sun heats the earth. Didnt they teach you at least that?
You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Science isnt left or right wing. Interpretation of facts are. The fact you believe the atmosphere just lets heat out is a indictment on our school systems.
So again can cold air make warm air warmer? That's your scientific challenge. And because cold can't make warm air warmer there is no back radiation so all heat goes to space. Unless of course you have an experiment to show otherwise.
So why do you think cold air makes air warmer? The sun heats the earth. Didnt they teach you at least that?
So why do you think saying stupid things is smart?
You really dont know how the atmosphere works or why.. You simply cant understand that "greenhouse" is a piss poor example of our atmosphere and totally a deception, while you count on peoples lack of knowledge and ignorance of these things to tout your snake oil sales of CO2 and catastrophic warming. The water cycle will dampen any warming that might occur. It has for millions of years and it will for millions of years more before our sun goes supernova and blows it away..
I hope like hell you are not a science teacher. I dont think I ever met anyone like you that didnt have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the atmosphere works.

LOL...Left wing indoctrination crap is not rudimentary...
Science isnt left or right wing. Interpretation of facts are. The fact you believe the atmosphere just lets heat out is a indictment on our school systems.
So again can cold air make warm air warmer? That's your scientific challenge. And because cold can't make warm air warmer there is no back radiation so all heat goes to space. Unless of course you have an experiment to show otherwise.
So why do you think cold air makes air warmer? The sun heats the earth. Didnt they teach you at least that?
Exactly, why do you think that?
Scientists confirm amassing CO2 heats Earth s surface Science News

(site has cut n paste disabled so to paraphrase)

Scientists witness direct correlation between CO2 emissions and how much solar radiation (heat to you) strikes the Earth.

Actually, the theory of this greenhouse gas 'problem' is not how much of the sun's energy strikes the Earth, you ignorant gasbag.

The theory of the problem is that a certain percentage of it will be prevented from bouncing back into space with an overall, long term, increase in the amount "trapped" in the allegedly "closed" container known as our atmosphere. With more of the greenhouse gas, they maintain, the more of the radiation that will get trapped.

And the BIGGEST part of the problem according to these Gaia weirdos is that humankind is responsible for the atmospheric CO2. Nevermind that we had ice ages and warming periods long before human kind entered the picture. There's an agenda at work here and we AGW Faithers shall not permit facts to get in our way. Onward Socialism!

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