Scientists Create Human Embryo Without Egg or Sperm Raising Hopes For Humanity

May 4, 2022
Scientists Create Human Embryo Without Egg or Sperm Raising Hopes For Humanity - at least that's how I see it.

Science! The philosophers and busybodies need to get out of the way.

Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and other research institutions have made a significant breakthrough in the study of early human fetal development. is reporting that these scientists have successfully grown an embryo-like entity using stem cells, without the need for a sperm, egg, or a womb.

To achieve this, the researchers used a combination of chemicals, rather than by genetically modified embryonic stem cells, to guide the stem cells into transforming into four crucial embryonic cells: epiblasts, trophoblasts, hypoblasts, and extraembryonic mesoderm cells. According to CBS, that creates a model similar to real human embryos with a yolk sac and amniotic cavity.

Professor Hanna acknowledges that it is the cells themselves and their remarkable ability to respond to the right conditions and develop accordingly.

“I give great credit to the cells – you have to bring the right mix and have the right environment and it just takes off. That’s an amazing phenomenon,” Professor Hanna said (via Metro).

The team allowed the embryos to develop for 14 days, which is the legal cut-off for embryo research as organs like the brain begin to develop after.

However, the success of this synthetic embryo model may prompt a reconsideration of this rule, as it could provide valuable insights into early human development.

This synthetic embryo model is intended to provide a better understanding of how developmental disorders and birth defects occur during the first 14 days after fertilization.

Co-author of the study, Professor Jacob Hanna, explains that the knowledge of this crucial period is limited and often referred to as a "black box."

This lack of understanding can lead to developmental disorders and miscarriage. Therefore, scientists around the world are racing to develop new ways to study this early stage of human development.

Earlier this year, a team from the University of Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology created synthetic embryos using stem cells.

However, the latest study published in the journal Nature is described as the first "complete" embryo model. The team successfully mimicked the key cells and structures of a human day-14 embryo.

In the UK, embryo models are legally distinct from human embryos. This distinction allows scientists to conduct research on these models in an ethical and controlled manner.

By developing artificial duplicates of human cells, scientists hope to gain a deeper understanding of inherited diseases and organ development.

This breakthrough in creating a complete embryo model is a significant step forward in the field of developmental biology. It holds the potential to shed light on the causes of developmental disorders and birth defects, leading to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

As research continues, scientists are hopeful that this synthetic embryo model will unlock crucial insights into the earliest stages of human life.

Professor Alfonso Martinez Arias from Pompeu Fabra University in Spain also weighed in on the development saying:

“The work has, for the first time, achieved a faithful construction of the complete structure [of a human embryo] from stem cells, thus opening the door for studies of the events that lead to the formation of the human body plan," per BBC.

We will learn about the earliest stages of human life. Science!
Agreed. I saw this, and immediately thought, Huxley and BNW. This is some seriously F'd up shit.

Only screwed in the head folks that despise nature, and support the commodification of humanity, would ever support this garbage. . .


Agreed. I saw this, and immediately thought, Huxley and BNW. This is some seriously F'd up shit.

Only screwed in the head folks that despise nature, and support the commodification of humanity, would ever support this garbage. . .

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Despise nature?

We will end up understanding nature more than ever.

Only those who insist we stay in the dark ages of superstition and religion could object.

I remember people with views likeyours being upset at saving premature births -- machines, drugs, unnatural.
Despise nature?

We will end up understanding nature more than ever.

Only those who insist we stay in the dark ages of superstition and religion could object.

I remember people with views likeyours being upset at saving premature births -- machines, drugs, unnatural.
you dont understand nature better by doing something thats un-natural,,,
Despise nature?

We will end up understanding nature more than ever.

Only those who insist we stay in the dark ages of superstition and religion could object.

I remember people with views likeyours being upset at saving premature births -- machines, drugs, unnatural.
You do know, the COVID virus was made in a lab, right?


We have governments around the world, terrified of using nuclear power, because of the waste, "problem," and the bad PR nuclear energy gets, but the fact is, nuclear waste, could, solve all of our problems.

The fact is? The "green agenda," is not about the climate, it is about power and control.

Just like what they are doing now.

Tell me who is funding this research, and I will tell you what they have planned.

You people want to stay in the dark ages.
There are no, "you people," here.

We all want the same thing. Survival.

Folks that are running things? Have some different plans, stop playing into the "divide and rule," game they roll out. :rolleyes:
We are all on the same side.

74 NASA Scientists Dead: Largest Cover-up in Human History Continues​

At this point? Science will only be used to create a dystopia to enslave you. We are now in a new dark age.

Time to get with it pal.
So, you're saying the natural embryo is HUMAN LIFE?

So when a woman kills this embryo, she's TAKING A HUMAN LIFE?
the earliest stages of human life. Your use of life implies a human being and not a fetus.

reading and comprehension issues? "development" the process of an embryo developing into what eventually will become a living baby

and "The team allowed the embryos to develop for 14 days, which is the legal cut-off for embryo research as organs like the brain begin to develop after." However, the success of this synthetic embryo model may prompt a reconsideration of this rule, as it could provide valuable insights into early human development.

This synthetic embryo model is intended to provide a better understanding of how developmental disorders and birth defects occur during the first 14 days after fertilization.

Co-author of the study, Professor Jacob Hanna, explains that the knowledge of this crucial period is limited and often referred to as a "black box."

This lack of understanding can lead to developmental disorders and miscarriage. Therefore, scientists around the world are racing to develop new ways to study this early stage of human development.

and it's referred to as an embryo, not a human being. and we're talking about human development, not living, breathing, live babies. It's feta//embryonic research
So, you're saying the natural embryo is HUMAN LIFE?

So when a woman kills this embryo, she's TAKING A HUMAN LIFE?
In this scenario 'cells' are life? Are any individual or collection of cells considered a human life?

you may want to get off of your obsession with the fetus

fetus jars gop voters.jpg
Scientists Create Human Embryo Without Egg or Sperm Raising Hopes For Humanity - at least that's how I see it.

Science! The philosophers and busybodies need to get out of the way.

aw science.....they have given us nuclear bombs, fake tits, corona virus, incredibly stupid tv, and so much more
Then why do leftists want to restrict the us of peaceful nuclear power? Why does the left want us in the DARK Ages?
Why do you misrepresent who it is that wants to restrict the use of nuclear power? Can we out the waste in your backyard, in your state?

It's not a left/right issue, as much as wingnuts and wingnutty news try to present it as such
Exactly. Unborn humans are humans at an early stage of life. That's what biology has always said and what some are loath to admit when it comes to destroying them.
it's an intellectual circle jerk with terms being thrown around.

an egg after swallowing sperm is an early stage of life. Does an egg get constitutional protections?

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