Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on

No logic is involved here, just your faith. Own it.

False. By faith I believe that the imperatives of logic are reliable. Please explain why you believe they're not. Thanks.
By faith you believe the creation of the universe is somehow connected to a man who lived and died on Earth some 2,000 years ago. That is highly illogical.

Why is that illogical, alang?
Complete and total absence of evidence. Or do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago.
Complete and total absence of evidence. Or do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago.

We've already been over this. You don't accept the ramifications of the evidence per the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science. Remember? And you never offer any coherent refutation of those ramifications. Remember? You don't do the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science at all. You just do slogan speak. Remember?
Complete and total absence of evidence. Or do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago.

We've already been over this. You don't accept the ramifications of the evidence per the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science. Remember? And you never offer any coherent refutation of those ramifications. Remember? You don't do the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science at all. You just do slogan speak. Remember?
The ramifications of the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science point toward a natural world as opposed to your fantasy world of magic and supernaturalism.
Complete and total absence of evidence. Or do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago.

We've already been over this. You don't accept the ramifications of the evidence per the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science. Remember? And you never offer any coherent refutation of those ramifications. Remember? You don't do the imperatives of logic, mathematics and science at all. You just do slogan speak. Remember?
We have and you have yet to provide an answer to my question: do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago? All your "imperatives of logic, mathematics and science" you claim point to a creator, you offered no logic, mathematics or science to make the connection between a creator of the universe and Yahweh.

Or you can do the opposite, prove Erebus was not the creator of the universe as Greek mythology holds:
Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared. Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day the earthly light.​
We have and you have yet to provide an answer to my question: do you have something that connects an act of creation 14 or so billion years ago with events that took place 2,000 years ago? All your "imperatives of logic, mathematics and science" you claim point to a creator, you offered no logic, mathematics or science to make the connection between a creator of the universe and Yahweh.

Or you can do the opposite, prove Erebus was not the creator of the universe as Greek mythology holds:
Once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared. Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day the earthly light.​
2000 years ago? What are you babbling about?

As for Greek mythology, it's your metaphysics that mirror those of classical paganism, not the Bible's.

As for the pertinent logical and mathematical imperatives. . . .

An actual infinite is an absurdity.
An infinite regress of causality/temporality cannot be traversed.
2000 years ago? What are you babbling about?
Let's say you've proven there was a Creator of the universe (you haven't but let's say you have). What evidence can you provide to show that that Creator was the same Creator as described in the Bible?
People can only validly claim to know how life began on Earth when they are able to duplicate the process by creating life from non living ingredients. Until that happens all is just hand waving.
Simply wrong, because that assumes there is only one path to abiogenesis.
If this adds to our knowledge, I'm all for it!

OP, please update this thread when these ideas move beyond the "mights" and "coulds" phase.
The universe has no obligation to make sense to our tiny minds.
Stupids such as yourself, including a non-existent god, also have no obligation to read or understand the science behind the Miller-Urey experiment. That is why Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves, and CIA-cathoplic puppets such as POSPOTUS JoeXi can easily traffic genuflectors across the Mexican border.
And what would that look like?

Be specific.

For example, instead of saying:

Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures can direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids.
It would say:

Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures did direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids. And the proof is______ _______________ and___________ ________ _________ .

Most fields of science rely on proofs, and experimentation. For some reason the purported sciences of origins of life on Earth and evolution of life on Earth, asks us to take it on faith.

For example, instead of saying:

It would say:

Most fields of science rely on proofs, and experimentation. For some reason the purported sciences of origins of life on Earth and evolution of life on Earth, asks us to take it on faith.
Oops, you forgot to fill in the blanks. That was your job. What's with the sissy dodge?
No, we don't have all the answers, but we're still looking.
We'll never have all the answers as they just generate new questions.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth
Mike McRae - 4 Mar 2018 -
Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

Roughly 4 billion years ago an assortment of complex organic compounds went from being mere carbon soup to replicating biochemistry – the first steps to life on Earth.​
The order of these steps has been a source of debate for decades. Now, a recent discovery about a common protein structure could help tip the balance, bringing us closer to understanding just how we came to be here.​
Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures can direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids.​
If the word amyloid doesn't sound familiar, they're a protein structure that's increasingly being found all over the place in nature.​


I ask myselve whether this has also to do with Prions and how dangerous such processes are able to be in general. As well Amyloids and Prions seem to have to do with Jakob-Creutzfeld for example. We have anyway not any really good weapon against the relativelly very big virusses - except the pre-activation of the human immune system by vaccinations. So we are nearly helpless in case of virusses - but in case of such much more little self-reproducing structures we are absolutelly helpless if they are able to infect us with whatever effect.
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