Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

There is a plus side to this...they will be less inclined to believe the next batch of bullcrap the liberals hitch their cart to...fool them once, shame on you, fool 'em twice...

Also, the term "scientific consensus" will become a four letter.
"Consensus" is not a scientific term, it's for Cults

Also, AGWCultists are unmoved by science, they have FAITH
The hoax is unraveling. Science will prove the scientists wrong.
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller
Dude like these scientists are totally just lying about that study to get tenure and more grant money you can't trust scientists bro forreal it's just politics bros.


Don't fret OldSchool, in ten years no one will remember that you were bamboozled into believing this pseudo-science. You can pretend you were on to those crazy global-warmerists the whole time. :D

In twenty years, you can claim it was really only Republicans who believed that man-made global warming was "settled science". :lol: :lol: XD
Oooh, another "death blow"!

You'd think after the last twenty "death blows" didn't pan out, the denier cultists would be able to figure out they're getting played for idiots. But they never do. Like an abused spouse, they just run right back for more abuse.
Oooh, another "death blow"!

You'd think after the last twenty "death blows" didn't pan out, the denier cultists would be able to figure out they're getting played for idiots. But they never do. Like an abused spouse, they just run right back for more abuse.
One would think that after being proven wrong so many times, the global warming alarmists would just give up.
But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
You really need to educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me.

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
But the climate science predictions have been correct, for decades running now. That's why the science has such credibility.

If you deniers want the same credibility, you'll have to do some real science, and you'll also have to stop failing consistently at every single thing. Whining that you're not taken seriously because of the big conspiracy won't get you taken seriously.
You really need to educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me.

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Now, don't you global warming nuts feel just a little silly?

New Study Is A Death Blow To Global Warming Hysteria The Daily Caller
Dude like these scientists are totally just lying about that study to get tenure and more grant money you can't trust scientists bro forreal it's just politics bros.


Don't fret OldSchool, in ten years no one will remember that you were bamboozled into believing this pseudo-science. You can pretend you were on to those crazy global-warmerists the whole time. :D

In twenty years, you can claim it was really only Republicans who believed that man-made global warming was "settled science". :lol: :lol: XD
He'll be claiming that at some point, they switched sides.

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