Scientists Warn Drastic Cooling in North Atlantic Beyond Worst Fears


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

So the first point seems to be that you're a raging 'tard who thinks "global warming" means that the entire planet has to warm at the same rate.

And the second point is that you suck badly at all science and logic, and shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.

So the first point seems to be that you're a raging 'tard who thinks "global warming" means that the entire planet has to warm at the same rate.

And the second point is that you suck badly at all science and logic, and shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.
I always thought he was a coat salesman and his OP is to get people to buy more coats..

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

A collapse of the MOC would have drastic effects, but you missed a few details.

Water reaches maximum density of 4C. When cooled below that, it expands again. This, of course, is why ice floats. If that were not true, there would be no life on this planet.

How, you might wonder, is surface ice formed if it has to pass through maximum density to get there. As you cool the polar oceans, water reaches maximum density and sinks. The water on the deep ocean bottom is nearly universally at about 4C. Water, particularly salt water, can get chilled below that temperature. When it does, it floats. So when we have air below 0C, the water at the bottom will be 4C while the water at the surface will be at 0C or below.

Additionally, although water has a tremendous specific heat capacity, ice transmits heat very poorly; it is a good insulator. Thus when we have open water at the poles, the air near the water's surface is forced to the temperature of the water. This is why temperatures are always moderated near our coastlines. Once the water freezes, however, air temperatures can and do plummet. Thus we have ANOTHER feedback effect from the loss of polar ice extents on top of the loss of albedo.

Anyway, back to the MOC. 4C water with increased salt content sinks to the bottom of the ocean. It is NOT displaced upward by more water sinking down on top of it. It is displaced towards the equator. The bottoms of the Atlantic and Pacific ocean are occupied by a cold dense current that slowly moves to the equator. Once there, the two currents collide and create an upwelling of cold, dense, minerally rich water. This resource is the base of nearly the entire world's food chain.

If the MOC were to stop, we would have a GREAT deal more to worry about than a cooling off in the North Atlantic coastlines. The ocean (and most of the rest of life on this planet) would rapidly starve to death.

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

A collapse of the MOC would have drastic effects, but you missed a few details.

Water reaches maximum density of 4C. When cooled below that, it expands again. This, of course, is why ice floats. If that were not true, there would be no life on this planet.

How, you might wonder, is surface ice formed if it has to pass through maximum density to get there. As you cool the polar oceans, water reaches maximum density and sinks. The water on the deep ocean bottom is nearly universally at about 4C. Water, particularly salt water, can get chilled below that temperature. When it does, it floats. So when we have air below 0C, the water at the bottom will be 4C while the water at the surface will be at 0C or below.

Additionally, although water has a tremendous specific heat capacity, ice transmits heat very poorly; it is a good insulator. Thus when we have open water at the poles, the air near the water's surface is forced to the temperature of the water. This is why temperatures are always moderated near our coastlines. Once the water freezes, however, air temperatures can and do plummet. Thus we have ANOTHER feedback effect from the loss of polar ice extents on top of the loss of albedo.

Anyway, back to the MOC. 4C water with increased salt content sinks to the bottom of the ocean. It is NOT displaced upward by more water sinking down on top of it. It is displaced towards the equator. The bottoms of the Atlantic and Pacific ocean are occupied by a cold dense current that slowly moves to the equator. Once there, the two currents collide and create an upwelling of cold, dense, minerally rich water. This resource is the base of nearly the entire world's food chain.

If the MOC were to stop, we would have a GREAT deal more to worry about than a cooling off in the North Atlantic coastlines. The ocean (and most of the rest of life on this planet) would rapidly starve to death.
Science denier. Climate models do not lie.

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn
Bullshit. Not happening. Here I am, no snow in three months and people are pulling this ? It's to early for April fools. Give me a break already.

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn
Bullshit. Not happening. Here I am, no snow in three months and people are pulling this ? It's to early for April fools. Give me a break already.
Just as the warming Arctic has led to cold storms on the East Coast, there has been a slowdown of the MOC, and that could lead to colder Atlantic coast temperatures even as the rest of the continent rapidly warmed. Interesting to speculate what the results of that colder coast and warmer interior would be for tornado alley.

In 2013, drawing on 40 climate change projections, the IPCC judged that this slowdown would occur gradually, over a long period. Its findings suggested that fast cooling of the North Atlantic during this century was unlikely.

But oceanographers from EU emBRACE had also re-examined the 40 projections by focusing on a critical spot in the northwest of the North Atlantic: the Labrador Sea.

The Labrador Sea is host to a convection system ultimately feeding into the ocean-wide MOC. The temperatures of its surface waters plummet in the winter, increasing their density and causing them to sink. This displaces deep waters, which bring their heat with them as they rise to the surface, preventing the formation of ice caps.

The algorithm developed by the Anglo-French researchers was able to detect quick sea surface temperature variations. With it they found that seven of the 40 climate models they were studying predicted a total shutdown of convection, leading to abrupt cooling of the Labrador Sea by 2C to 3C over less than 10 years. This in turn would drastically lower North Atlantic coastal temperatures.

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

From Wikipedia's article on the Labrador Sea
The water temperature varies between −1 °C (30 °F) in winter and 5–6 °C (41–43 °F) in summer... Two-thirds of the sea is covered in ice in winter.[1]

I want you to tell us what a 2-3C temperature drop in the Labrador Sea would look like? Two-thirds of the sea, covered in ice all winter, would see no change. The summer would be marginally cooler and I suppose it would freeze sooner and thaw later. But the Labrador Sea is about 4 million km^2. The Arctic ocean is 14,056,000 km^2. The Atlantic Ocean, into which the Labrador's large contribution of cold deep water flows, is 106,460,000 km^2. Now this, of course, assumes that your paper has some validity. Seven of 40 model runs is a minority. There are very, VERY few mainstream oceanographers who think the MOC is at risk of an imminent shutdown. There is evidence that it happened once - in the PT Extinction Event. Do you think some cooling along the North Atlantic coastline would offset the harm of a recurrence of the PT Extinction Event?

So the first point seems to be that you're a raging 'tard who thinks "global warming" means that the entire planet has to warm at the same rate.

And the second point is that you suck badly at all science and logic, and shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.


"The data is showing Im losing so I have to call the OP a retard.":deal:
Curious onlookers will note how radically different the narrative is from the global warming religion folks in the past 5-10 years...... ( BUT THE SCIENCE WAS "DECIDED" YEARS AGO )......the large area's where its becoming radically colder are irrelevant to the true believers. ALL of their posts invariably point you back only to the places where it is a touch warmer. A "touch" mind you.........but the large area's where the temperatures are dropping like a stone in water? Not important............:spinner::spinner::spinner:

People with sound thought processing are able to connect these dots rather quickly.:bye1:
Also for curious onlookers into this science debate..........

Many smart people in this forum......many way smarter than me. What many people don't understand is there is a huge difference between intelligence and thought processing. Thought processing difficulties hamper a persons ability to process new information, in other words, they perseverate on already established thoughts.....or, in other words, these people ruminate on those established thoughts. It is a matter of neurologic disfunction, specifically, a serotonin level over-function ( or lack of function in some cases ). It is what explains this tunnel thinking in these pages as it relates to behavior.............
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Also for curious onlookers into this science debate..........

Many smart people in this forum......many way smarter than me. What many people don't understand is there is a huge difference between intelligence and thought processing. Thought processing difficulties hamper a persons ability to process new information, in other words, they perseverate on already established thoughts.....or, in other words, these people ruminate on those established thoughts. It is a matter of neurologic disfunction, specifically, a serotonin level over-function ( or lack of function in some cases ). It is what explains this tunnel thinking in these pages as it relates to behavior.............
Bobby Fischer had an IQ of 187, but he couldn't safely walk across the street on his own.
There is also the separation of intelligence and wisdom. Not too often you will see someone with high ratings in both categories.

So the first point seems to be that you're a raging 'tard who thinks "global warming" means that the entire planet has to warm at the same rate.

And the second point is that you suck badly at all science and logic, and shouldn't be wasting the time of the grownups.

Translation: It's warming, therefore global warming; it's cooling, therefore climate change.

"This new learning amazes me, Sir Belvedere"
Just as the warming Arctic has led to cold storms on the East Coast, there has been a slowdown of the MOC, and that could lead to colder Atlantic coast temperatures even as the rest of the continent rapidly warmed. Interesting to speculate what the results of that colder coast and warmer interior would be for tornado alley.

Barrow, -17F
Alert -33F
Kotelny -2F
and completing the 4 cardinal point tour around the Arctic:
Golomjannyj Is -11F

Arctic Weather Map
Bobby Fischer had an IQ of 187, but he couldn't safely walk across the street on his own.
There is also the separation of intelligence and wisdom. Not too often you will see someone with high ratings in both categories.

But we often see people with low ratings in both categories. We call them "deniers". Look at all of you proud flaming retards here, screaming hysterically that a local cool spot is impossible. You're idiots, and you want the whole planet to know it.

90% of the deniers here are simply very stupid human beings. The other 10% are that high IQ / Low Wisdom crowd.
Bobby Fischer had an IQ of 187, but he couldn't safely walk across the street on his own.
There is also the separation of intelligence and wisdom. Not too often you will see someone with high ratings in both categories.

But we often see people with low ratings in both categories. We call them "deniers". Look at all of you proud flaming retards here, screaming hysterically that a local cool spot is impossible. You're idiots, and you want the whole planet to know it.

90% of the deniers here are simply very stupid human beings. The other 10% are that high IQ / Low Wisdom crowd.
Good parrot. Want a cracker?
Only one reason you people think science is throwing people in prison for questioning dogma and propaganda lies.

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