Scientologists and Global Warmers. I can't tell the difference.

I did not realize I had that much power. Let me get right on that. I hereby banish all burning of fossil fuels so that dr gump can sleep at night with a clear conscience

Ding: "Oh, petroleum how I love thee. May your plastic-bag making qualities and CO2, smog-causing ability be here and now and for ever more. I see nothing wrong with thee! If I find those that criticise your existence I shall smite them with sarcasm and shower them with the inability to see how wonderful your are. May your by-product forever choke the big cities of the world and pollute our waterways! I shall forever love thee and line my pockets with blood money and have my snout in the trough of ignorance."

Do you even realize that manufacturing windmills, and solar modules are incredibly carbon intensive? There is NO net lowering of CO 2 levels from their use because there is so much CO2 expended in their manufacture that the claim they are green is laughable. Add to that the enormous amount of toxins that are created in the solar module production and your so called "green" energy is everything but green.

It is better for the environment to buy and drive a Ford F-150 pickup than it is to buy and operate a Toyota Prius. That is a fact. It is you who are spouting ridiculous propaganda.

Read more: Global warming data that riled doubters is confirmed

What a fucking moron you are slothy... Here, take a look at this...See those two words I highlighted? Yeah, those two... That means they MADE the data fix their pre conceived tall tales. Pull your fucking head out of your ass and see what daylight looks like.
What a Fuck face Shit head you are punk.:badgrin: You have Intellectual deficiencies to go with your testicular lack...where is your Data Dog Fuck :321:
New study confirms NOAA finding of faster global warming
Posted on 4 January 2017 by John Abraham
A new study has shown that a 2015 NOAA paper finding that the Earth is warming more rapidly than previously thought was correct.

Once again, science is shown to work. The laborious process in which scientists check and recheck their work and subject their ideas to peer review has led to another success. An independent test of global warming data has confirmed a groundbreaking 2015 study that showed warming was faster than prior estimates.

Because of its inconvenient findings, the study’s lead author Thomas Karl was subjected to harassment by Lamar Smith (R-TX), chair of the House Science Committee, in an effort to impugn his credibility. But now Karl and his co-authors have been vindicated.

Your link is dead, snowflake, however the difference between you and I is I actually know how to read a graph. Something you clearly don't. I also understand the English language, which once again, you demonstrably don't. Adjustments to raw data means that it is no longer data. That is called a fact. Feel free to come back when you have something more substantial than the brown stripe in your undies to back you up.
My comprehension level is fine. This is a political divide. Not an industry divide. My signature line at the bottom explains the genesis of your behavior. You behave like a religious fanatic because you are a religious fanatic.

I have sigs turned off so I have no idea what it says. It is not a political divide. I have voted for liberal and conservative parties in the past and probably will in the future. I think there are plenty of good things that petroleum bring to the table. Have said so before in this very thread. You can't even admit that there are also pollution-related issues and other negative connotations with regard to your industry. You can't. It is your lifeline. And you call me a religious fanatic.
My comprehension level is fine. This is a political divide. Not an industry divide. My signature line at the bottom explains the genesis of your behavior. You behave like a religious fanatic because you are a religious fanatic.

I have sigs turned off so I have no idea what it says. It is not a political divide. I have voted for liberal and conservative parties in the past and probably will in the future. I think there are plenty of good things that petroleum bring to the table. Have said so before in this very thread. You can't even admit that there are also pollution-related issues and other negative connotations with regard to your industry. You can't. It is your lifeline. And you call me a religious fanatic.
Global warming is a political divide. And yes, based upon your behavior in this conversation you have proven the basis of this thread.
I did not realize I had that much power. Let me get right on that. I hereby banish all burning of fossil fuels so that dr gump can sleep at night with a clear conscience

Ding: "Oh, petroleum how I love thee. May your plastic-bag making qualities and CO2, smog-causing ability be here and now and for ever more. I see nothing wrong with thee! If I find those that criticise your existence I shall smite them with sarcasm and shower them with the inability to see how wonderful your are. May your by-product forever choke the big cities of the world and pollute our waterways! I shall forever love thee and line my pockets with blood money and have my snout in the trough of ignorance."
That seems like a rather emotional response. Something I would expect from a religious fanatic. Thank you for proving my point.
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That seems like a rather emotional response. Something I would expect from a religious fanatic. Thank you for proving my point.

The fact you are not addressing any of the points made just reinforces your fanaticism for your industry.
Global warming is a political divide. And yes, based upon your behavior in this conversation you have proven the basis of this thread.

Your fanatical display of affection for you industry aside, I am apolitical about AGW. IOW, I don't look at which party is supporting what, I look at the outcomes it will have on us, now and into the future. You on the hand, have no credibility on the subject because you have a horse in the race. And so far, you have been about as objective as a Deplorable at a Trump rally.
Do you even realize that manufacturing windmills, and solar modules are incredibly carbon intensive? There is NO net lowering of CO 2 levels from their use because there is so much CO2 expended in their manufacture that the claim they are green is laughable. Add to that the enormous amount of toxins that are created in the solar module production and your so called "green" energy is everything but green.
That's not true at all. You get 16 times more energy from a windmill than the energy used to manufacture it.
You get 19 times more energy from concentrated solar than the energy used to manufacture it.
These numbers are amortized over the life of the system.
EROI -- A Tool To Predict The Best Energy Mix
Do you even realize that manufacturing windmills, and solar modules are incredibly carbon intensive? There is NO net lowering of CO 2 levels from their use because there is so much CO2 expended in their manufacture that the claim they are green is laughable. Add to that the enormous amount of toxins that are created in the solar module production and your so called "green" energy is everything but green.
That's not true at all. You get 16 times more energy from a windmill than the energy used to manufacture it.
You get 19 times more energy from concentrated solar than the energy used to manufacture it.
These numbers are amortized over the life of the system.
EROI -- A Tool To Predict The Best Energy Mix

Sheer and utter bullshit. The reality is the payback for the overwhelming majority of windmills is greater than their lifetimes. Below is one of MANY stories that tell the truth about the hogwash that is windmill propaganda.

"Today, the Sousas say the turbines have required several repairs, including a mechanical malfunction that's stopped one turbine from spinning. Meanwhile, the windmills have generated only about 365 kilowatt hours of power over three years a fraction of the energy they were hoping to generate. There will be no payoff in their lifetimes.

"So, I'm out $23,000, and all they are is a yard decoration," Albert Sousa told the Reno Gazette-Journal while standing beneath the 30-foot spires next to a backyard chicken coop. "They're no good at all."
Some Nevada wind power users say returns lacking

Pervasive misunderstanding of the true cost and value of electricity from wind

True Cost of Electricity from Wind Is Always Underestimated and Its Value Is Always Overestimated
Sheer and utter bullshit. The reality is the payback for the overwhelming majority of windmills is greater than their lifetimes. Below is one of MANY stories that tell the truth about the hogwash that is windmill propaganda.
You are now talking about payback.
You said, "Do you even realize that manufacturing windmills, and solar modules are incredibly carbon intensive? There is NO net lowering of CO 2 levels from their use because there is so much CO2 expended in their manufacture"
You were talking about carbon use, and I responded with carbon use. Now you change the subject to payback. Certainly payback is important. If that's what you are interested in, you should have said that in the first place.
Global warming is a political divide. And yes, based upon your behavior in this conversation you have proven the basis of this thread.

Your fanatical display of affection for you industry aside, I am apolitical about AGW. IOW, I don't look at which party is supporting what, I look at the outcomes it will have on us, now and into the future. You on the hand, have no credibility on the subject because you have a horse in the race. And so far, you have been about as objective as a Deplorable at a Trump rally.
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.
That seems like a rather emotional response. Something I would expect from a religious fanatic. Thank you for proving my point.

The fact you are not addressing any of the points made just reinforces your fanaticism for your industry.
What points? That I work in an evil industry? Sure. Stop using our product. That I am well compensated for doing so? Sure. You should have it so good. What else do you have? What else would you like me to address?
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.

Where have I said you shouldn't drive cars? You think because I think the petroleum industry has negative issues that I'm a hypocrite for driving? Sorry, not that simple. We have emission standards. We have fines for cars with leaky exhausts or blowing smoke. As long as my car meets those standards I'm happy. The day I drive a car that is blowing smoke into the atmosphere and I don't give a fuck, and bitch to you about your industry, is the day I'm a hypocrite.
What points? That I work in an evil industry? Sure. Stop using our product. That I am well compensated for doing so? Sure. You should have it so good. What else do you have? What else would you like me to address?

For the third time in this thread: I see both the good and bad in your industry. You have yet to admit that your industry causes problems - whether it be via an oil spill or via diesel emissions in third world countries where there are no emission standards..
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.

Where have I said you shouldn't drive cars? You think because I think the petroleum industry has negative issues that I'm a hypocrite for driving? Sorry, not that simple. We have emission standards. We have fines for cars with leaky exhausts or blowing smoke. As long as my car meets those standards I'm happy. The day I drive a car that is blowing smoke into the atmosphere and I don't give a fuck, and bitch to you about your industry, is the day I'm a hypocrite.
Yes. I believe you are a hypocrite.
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.

Where have I said you shouldn't drive cars? You think because I think the petroleum industry has negative issues that I'm a hypocrite for driving? Sorry, not that simple. We have emission standards. We have fines for cars with leaky exhausts or blowing smoke. As long as my car meets those standards I'm happy. The day I drive a car that is blowing smoke into the atmosphere and I don't give a fuck, and bitch to you about your industry, is the day I'm a hypocrite.
Yes. I believe you are a hypocrite.

Obviously don't know the meaning of the word. I know you can't defend the negative aspects of your industry. No harm, no foul.
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.

Where have I said you shouldn't drive cars? You think because I think the petroleum industry has negative issues that I'm a hypocrite for driving? Sorry, not that simple. We have emission standards. We have fines for cars with leaky exhausts or blowing smoke. As long as my car meets those standards I'm happy. The day I drive a car that is blowing smoke into the atmosphere and I don't give a fuck, and bitch to you about your industry, is the day I'm a hypocrite.
Yes. I believe you are a hypocrite.

Obviously don't know the meaning of the word. I know you can't defend the negative aspects of your industry. No harm, no foul.
What part of I am not defending my industry do you not understand?
I did not realize I had that much power. Let me get right on that. I hereby banish all burning of fossil fuels so that dr gump can sleep at night with a clear conscience

Ding: "Oh, petroleum how I love thee. May your plastic-bag making qualities and CO2, smog-causing ability be here and now and for ever more. I see nothing wrong with thee! If I find those that criticise your existence I shall smite them with sarcasm and shower them with the inability to see how wonderful your are. May your by-product forever choke the big cities of the world and pollute our waterways! I shall forever love thee and line my pockets with blood money and have my snout in the trough of ignorance."

Do you realize that if you eliminate those fossil fuels you so detest about 80% of the worlds food productive capacity would evaporate over night?
I haven't been defending my industry. I have been attacking your hypocrisy. Go take your car for a drive and relax. The sky is not falling.

Where have I said you shouldn't drive cars? You think because I think the petroleum industry has negative issues that I'm a hypocrite for driving? Sorry, not that simple. We have emission standards. We have fines for cars with leaky exhausts or blowing smoke. As long as my car meets those standards I'm happy. The day I drive a car that is blowing smoke into the atmosphere and I don't give a fuck, and bitch to you about your industry, is the day I'm a hypocrite.
Yes. I believe you are a hypocrite.

Obviously don't know the meaning of the word. I know you can't defend the negative aspects of your industry. No harm, no foul.

So says the hypocrite who has run away with his tail tucked from the fact that he can't produce a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of his beliefs...
Sheer and utter bullshit. The reality is the payback for the overwhelming majority of windmills is greater than their lifetimes. Below is one of MANY stories that tell the truth about the hogwash that is windmill propaganda.
You are now talking about payback.
You said, "Do you even realize that manufacturing windmills, and solar modules are incredibly carbon intensive? There is NO net lowering of CO 2 levels from their use because there is so much CO2 expended in their manufacture"
You were talking about carbon use, and I responded with carbon use. Now you change the subject to payback. Certainly payback is important. If that's what you are interested in, you should have said that in the first place.

You claimed that you get 16 times more energy than is used to produce it. That is a lie. If it were true the payback time would be three years or less.

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