Scientologists and Global Warmers. I can't tell the difference.

Lol. This is you trying to change the subject. My carbon footprint is no different then yours but I am to blame. Your external locus of control is off the chart.

Not trying to change the subject. How much is my carbon footprint? And why do you see nothing by little rays of sunshine when it comes to the petroleum industry As I said, partisan hack. Nothing more.

Who cares. CO2 is the fundamental building block of all life on this planet. If you were able to somehow, magically, drop the atmospheric concentration down to 200 ppm NOTHING would grow. And life, as we know it, would end. That's how narrow a range we have to exist in.
Lol. This is you trying to change the subject. My carbon footprint is no different then yours but I am to blame. Your external locus of control is off the chart.

Not trying to change the subject. How much is my carbon footprint? And why do you see nothing by little rays of sunshine when it comes to the petroleum industry As I said, partisan hack. Nothing more.
You are part of the problem, yet you cannot bear to accept accountability and have a need to displace your guilt onto someone else. In this case, me. I don't see a problem and have no guilt. If you don't like that, tough shit. Get over it.
Lol. This is you trying to change the subject. My carbon footprint is no different then yours but I am to blame. Your external locus of control is off the chart.

Not trying to change the subject. How much is my carbon footprint? And why do you see nothing by little rays of sunshine when it comes to the petroleum industry As I said, partisan hack. Nothing more.
As for you attempting to deflect from your lack of accountability and external locus of control by inferring I am a political hack.... I can only assume the irony of a naked trump avatar is totally lost on you.
You are part of the problem, yet you cannot bear to accept accountability and have a need to displace your guilt onto someone else. In this case, me. I don't see a problem and have no guilt. If you don't like that, tough shit. Get over it.

Methinks you doth protest too much...
As for you attempting to deflect from your lack of accountability and external locus of control by inferring I am a political hack.... I can only assume the irony of a naked trump avatar is totally lost on you.

Accountability for what? I'm not the one denying humans and their actions are part of the cause of AGW. You are. And the industry YOU are involved in, is part of the problem.

And as you obviously have comprehension problems, I have never called you a political hack. I have called you a partisan hack, on behalf of the petroleum industry. Last time I looked petroleum is not a political party. So no, you lose. Again.
Look, I know you can't answer my question about you being a partisan hack.

The irony literally drips Dr. literally drips....Look, I know that you can't produce a single shred of observed measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the AGW spite of the fact that you claimed that your climate scientist "friends" had plenty....(apparently they won't share a single shred of it with you).

That's okay. I wasn't expecting you to.

And that is OK...I never expected you to provide any such data because none exists...and the fact that you believe it does...and apparently still believe it does even though you found yourself unable to provide even a single piece of it says a great deal about you...and your extreme partisanship.

Most partisan hacks cant' see their partisanship.

Apparently they can't...I don't suppose you could see it if you were looking in the mirror with an electron microscope....My bet is that you never questioned the AGW dogma even in the slightest even though you couldn't...and still can't....produce the first piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the hypothesis....How partisan must you be in order to hold a position in which you know there is no actual evidence as support? partisan must you be to not even question the hypothesis when you could not answer the challenge to provide even one small piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of it?

You are no different.

You are no different from all the other partisan hacks here who also have failed to provide even one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the AGW hypothesis...and yet, show up here every day trying to convince people that it is real and spew all manner of lies and fabrications in an effort to make their points.

As I have stated, I see the benefits and pitfalls of the product you are in love with. You only see the benefits. Hey, if they were paying me to be a shill, I wouldn't dare go against he grain either.

What claim to have knowledge about payments from oil companies....but then you claimed to know climate scientists who had observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supported the AGW much for your claims...but if you have such knowledge..where does one sign up for it...I have been a skeptic since back in the days of the ice age scare and haven't seen a penny of such money....who do I talk to to get mine...getting paid for being on the right side would be is far more likely that you are the paid shill...I mean, only someone on a payroll would argue in favor of a position in which there was not the first shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence to support the position.

..Actually I would. I would be more honest than you about it.

And clearly you aren't...but dishonesty is the nature of shills....or partisan hacks. And every one knows how honest liars claim to be...I mean, who wants to admit to being a liar?

Causes of Bird Mortality - Sibley Guides

SSDD, you are and remain, a fucked up liar.

Estimated? in a model designed to provide evidence for a pre determined claim?...

Tell me, how many species are going to be driven to extinction by any of the above except windmills and solar?...How many species of raptor are you willing to see go extinct before you change your mind about wind..or would you willingly see all of them gone before you give up that stupidity?
Nothing. That was your attempt to deflect your hypocrisy of using a product you believe is harmful. See posts #31 and 32 for your hypocrisy.

Look, I know you can't answer my question about you being a partisan hack. That's okay. I wasn't expecting you to. Most partisan hacks cant' see their partisanship. You are no different. As I have stated, I see the benefits and pitfalls of the product you are in love with. You only see the benefits. Hey, if they were paying me to be a shill, I wouldn't dare go against he grain either.

..Actually I would. I would be more honest than you about it.
Lol. This is you trying to change the subject. My carbon footprint is no different then yours but I am to blame. Your external locus of control is off the chart.

Such is the nature of partisan hacks and religious zealots.
Accountability for what? I'm not the one denying humans and their actions are part of the cause of AGW.

But you are the one claiming humans and their so called greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the changing global climate without the first shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the claim...

You are. And the industry YOU are involved in, is part of the problem.

What problem Dr. Grump....can you tell me what the ideal temperature is for life on planet earth?...can you provide any actual evidence in support of the temperature you name?

And as you obviously have comprehension problems, I have never called you a political hack. I have called you a partisan hack, on behalf of the petroleum industry. Last time I looked petroleum is not a political party. So no, you lose. Again.

And you are a partisan hack on behalf of the climate science industry....and make no is an industry.. We support our claims with actual observed, measured quantified, empirical evidence while you are unable to provide even one shred in support of your claims...That makes you the worst sort of hack...a quack hack...guess you never noticed...

Read more: Global warming data that riled doubters is confirmed

What a fucking moron you are slothy... Here, take a look at this...See those two words I highlighted? Yeah, those two... That means they MADE the data fix their pre conceived tall tales. Pull your fucking head out of your ass and see what daylight looks like.
What a Fuck face Shit head you are punk.:badgrin: You have Intellectual deficiencies to go with your testicular lack...where is your Data Dog Fuck :321:
New study confirms NOAA finding of faster global warming
Posted on 4 January 2017 by John Abraham
A new study has shown that a 2015 NOAA paper finding that the Earth is warming more rapidly than previously thought was correct.

Once again, science is shown to work. The laborious process in which scientists check and recheck their work and subject their ideas to peer review has led to another success. An independent test of global warming data has confirmed a groundbreaking 2015 study that showed warming was faster than prior estimates.

Because of its inconvenient findings, the study’s lead author Thomas Karl was subjected to harassment by Lamar Smith (R-TX), chair of the House Science Committee, in an effort to impugn his credibility. But now Karl and his co-authors have been vindicated.
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You are part of the problem, yet you cannot bear to accept accountability and have a need to displace your guilt onto someone else. In this case, me. I don't see a problem and have no guilt. If you don't like that, tough shit. Get over it.

Methinks you doth protest too much...
Methinks you have an accountability problem.
As for you attempting to deflect from your lack of accountability and external locus of control by inferring I am a political hack.... I can only assume the irony of a naked trump avatar is totally lost on you.

Accountability for what? I'm not the one denying humans and their actions are part of the cause of AGW. You are. And the industry YOU are involved in, is part of the problem.

And as you obviously have comprehension problems, I have never called you a political hack. I have called you a partisan hack, on behalf of the petroleum industry. Last time I looked petroleum is not a political party. So no, you lose. Again.
I did not realize I had that much power. Let me get right on that. I hereby banish all burning of fossil fuels so that dr gump can sleep at night with a clear conscience
I didn't do the ADJUSTMENTS dumbass. Adjustments means it isn't data (not that you understand what that is either), if it ain't data, it ain't real.

I had an oven once that ran 25 degrees hotter than the temperature dial. Thus, I "adjusted" by setting the knob 25 degrees low.

According to Westwall, I shouldn't have corrected for that bias when I set temperature, because adjustments to data with a known bias are eeeeeevil.

Of course, I would have burned a lot of food if I followed the Westwall "NO ADJUSTMENTS EVER!" policy.

Not making adjustments for known biases is bad common sense and bad science, which is why every real scientist laughs at the hilariously stupid claim that adjustments are bad.
This anti intellectual Fuck face Westwall does not understand that when tracking hurricanes NOAA makes adjustments to the predicted path in the Computer Models that process information to predict paths ...according to him once they show a predicted path it should remain the way it adjustments OR IT WAS ALL FAKE ...

ask Westwall for the data he uses to determine Science is a hoax
As for you attempting to deflect from your lack of accountability and external locus of control by inferring I am a political hack.... I can only assume the irony of a naked trump avatar is totally lost on you.

Accountability for what? I'm not the one denying humans and their actions are part of the cause of AGW. You are. And the industry YOU are involved in, is part of the problem.

And as you obviously have comprehension problems, I have never called you a political hack. I have called you a partisan hack, on behalf of the petroleum industry. Last time I looked petroleum is not a political party. So no, you lose. Again.
The fact that you don't understand that you have carbon footprint and believe there is a problem and then blame others for that problem is a textbook example of someone who has an external locus of control. You are rationalizing away your complicity being hypocritical.
As for you attempting to deflect from your lack of accountability and external locus of control by inferring I am a political hack.... I can only assume the irony of a naked trump avatar is totally lost on you.

Accountability for what? I'm not the one denying humans and their actions are part of the cause of AGW. You are. And the industry YOU are involved in, is part of the problem.

And as you obviously have comprehension problems, I have never called you a political hack. I have called you a partisan hack, on behalf of the petroleum industry. Last time I looked petroleum is not a political party. So no, you lose. Again.
My comprehension level is fine. This is a political divide. Not an industry divide. My signature line at the bottom explains the genesis of your behavior. You behave like a religious fanatic because you are a religious fanatic.
My signature line at the bottom explains the genesis of your behavior. You behave like a religious fanatic because you are a religious fanatic.

One name Ayn Rand .....Philosopher to the Wing Nut Religious sect
My signature line at the bottom explains the genesis of your behavior. You behave like a religious fanatic because you are a religious fanatic.

One name Ayn Rand .....Philosopher to the Wing Nut Religious sect
Although I disagree with her philosophy of objectivism I have more respect for her than I do for you. You are a fanatic. She was a pragmatist.
I did not realize I had that much power. Let me get right on that. I hereby banish all burning of fossil fuels so that dr gump can sleep at night with a clear conscience

Ding: "Oh, petroleum how I love thee. May your plastic-bag making qualities and CO2, smog-causing ability be here and now and for ever more. I see nothing wrong with thee! If I find those that criticise your existence I shall smite them with sarcasm and shower them with the inability to see how wonderful your are. May your by-product forever choke the big cities of the world and pollute our waterways! I shall forever love thee and line my pockets with blood money and have my snout in the trough of ignorance."

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