Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold 'Day of Rage' over Jerusalem


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

It was dead from the first intifada.
Palis are always in a rage about something

Indeed. I'm quite sure they don't need an excuse to riot and go bonkers. Here's a news flash, there has been no peace agreement for 70 years, not even many discussions. This decision will not impact peace "talks" since they don't exist. Ultimately it may even work in the favor of peace, as some will feel that a peace deal is in their best interests.

Regardless, this decision is Americas to make, and it's long overdue as far as I can discern.
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book
Why would I..and what possible relevance does that have to the topic at at hand?
Palis are always in a rage about something

Indeed. I'm quite sure they don't need an excuse to riot and go bonkers. Here's a news flash, there has been no peace agreement for 70 years, not even many discussions. This decision will not impact peace "talks" since they don't exist. Ultimately it may even work in the favor of peace, as some will feel that a peace deal is in their best interests.

Regardless, this decision is Americas to make, and it's long overdue as far as I can discern.
You are correct..but the illusion of process..kept the they know that they have nothing to lose. The only REAL solution Israel would accept is the mass migration..or mass death of the Palestinians.

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.
Thousands of muslims get murdered by other muslims every year. Who the fuck gives a shit!
Every Jew in Israel could up-sticks and move to Carson city Nevada and within a month the fucking muslims would be firing rockets into the city.
They'd loot and destroy all the farms in Israel and then beg the UN for free vegetables.
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book
Why would I..and what possible relevance does that have to the topic at at hand?

Fear not----the book is fairly short. The first version I read----approx. 50 years ago was the PICKTHAL version which I recommend because it is not bogged down with lots of explanation and commentary. ---thus it is short and in plain
English. That you ask "why" indicates to me that you have never met a muslim. I learned about islam FROM muslims. --- muslims (even the kind that drink beer and eat "non-halal" ) actually do think of the Koran as the BEGINNING AND END OF HUMAN WISDOM and FACT. As to why----because if you do not read the Koran, you do not stand a chance of understanding WAT DA HELL goes on in muzzie
mind. Fear not-----you need not pay for your Koran----I have many copies for which I never paid a dime-----muzzies HAND
THEM OUT like nice Christian ladies hand out copies of the NT around Christmas------and people throw them away----
you can find them in book dumps labeled "please take"
Read the BHAGAVAD GITA TOO----for spirituality ----and the
Kama Sudtra for fun<<try to get a copy with illustrations
Palis are always in a rage about something

Indeed. I'm quite sure they don't need an excuse to riot and go bonkers. Here's a news flash, there has been no peace agreement for 70 years, not even many discussions. This decision will not impact peace "talks" since they don't exist. Ultimately it may even work in the favor of peace, as some will feel that a peace deal is in their best interests.

Regardless, this decision is Americas to make, and it's long overdue as far as I can discern.
You are correct..but the illusion of process..kept the they know that they have nothing to lose. The only REAL solution Israel would accept is the mass migration..or mass death of the Palestinians.

Honestly, was this little piece of bait ever going to make a difference? Bibby stated publicly that the status quo remains. Muslims, Christians and Jews alike will still worship on their Houses of Worship unabated. Nothing changes from Israels standpoint.

Moderate Muslims will not be bothered by this much as long as it remains the same. Some radicals will do what they always do, and CNN will be there to provide so called evidence to America about what bad decision it was.

Its been their capital since the time of King David, just because some in the world don't recognize this it doesn't change the reality.
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Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold 'Day of Rage' over Jerusalem

Thanks for trying to cheer me up.
No..wait for the good part...a headline like, "scores of Israelis injured, 4 Intifada spills into Israel"....will that cheer you up?

Or maybe...Arab League declare hostilities against Israel....masses troops on three sides...or.."citing security concerns..Israel detonated a nuclear bomb over Cairo"

Of course...all good for you eh?
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book
Why would I..and what possible relevance does that have to the topic at at hand?

Fear not----the book is fairly short. The first version I read----approx. 50 years ago was the PICKTHAL version which I recommend because it is not bogged down with lots of explanation and commentary. ---thus it is short and in plain
English. That you ask "why" indicates to me that you have never met a muslim. I learned about islam FROM muslims. ---for muslims (even the kind that drink beer and eat "non-halal" ) actually do think of the Koran as the BEGINNING AND END OF HUMAN WISDOM and FACT. As to why----because if you do not read the Koran, you do not stand a chance of understanding WAT DA HELL goes on in muzzie
mind. Fear not-----you need not pay for your Koran----I have many copies for which I never paid a dime-----muzzies HAND
THEM OUT like nice Christian ladies hand out copies of the NT around Christmas------and people throw them away----
you can find them in book dumps labeled "please take"
Read the BHAGAVAD GITA TOO----for spirituality ----and the
Kama Sudtra for fun<<try to get a copy with illustrations
Dude...I'm talking about Trump and his decision ....I don't give a shit about the next door neighbor is Muslim....goes to work every day...Choboni Yogurt--nice guy.
Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel may very well be better for peace in the long run. The Palestinians need to realized that they lost a war and by avoiding peace they will loose more and more of what they want. Peace need to be negotiated from a position of strength, not weakness.
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book
Why would I..and what possible relevance does that have to the topic at at hand?

Fear not----the book is fairly short. The first version I read----approx. 50 years ago was the PICKTHAL version which I recommend because it is not bogged down with lots of explanation and commentary. ---thus it is short and in plain
English. That you ask "why" indicates to me that you have never met a muslim. I learned about islam FROM muslims. ---for muslims (even the kind that drink beer and eat "non-halal" ) actually do think of the Koran as the BEGINNING AND END OF HUMAN WISDOM and FACT. As to why----because if you do not read the Koran, you do not stand a chance of understanding WAT DA HELL goes on in muzzie
mind. Fear not-----you need not pay for your Koran----I have many copies for which I never paid a dime-----muzzies HAND
THEM OUT like nice Christian ladies hand out copies of the NT around Christmas------and people throw them away----
you can find them in book dumps labeled "please take"
Read the BHAGAVAD GITA TOO----for spirituality ----and the
Kama Sudtra for fun<<try to get a copy with illustrations
Dude...I'm talking about Trump and his decision ....I don't give a shit about the next door neighbor is Muslim....goes to work every day...Choboni Yogurt--nice guy.

Arab League declare hostilities against Israel....masses troops on three sides.

They've tried that before, in '67 it ended up doubling the size of Israel and winning back Jerusalem. I'm not sure they'd be stupid enough to try it again but no one was ever right under estimating the stupidity of the Arab world.

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