Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:
She deserves to be mocked.

Claiming she is Native American just because she has "high cheek bones" and no other proof?
Running a law practice out of her Harvard office...while she does not have a licence to practice law?

The woman is a friggin joke.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:

Oh and you think her staffers aren't mocking him??

Hope Brown wins and Lizzy goes back to wishing she were part Native American.
She should be mocked, but instead you Democrats will just ELECT her because you seem to love people who lie to you and hold none of your politicians to ANY STANDARD of honesty or honor

that's why we have the Government we have today
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:

As Sunni Man would say, "And?" :cool:


Calling all Teabaggers!!!

We Libs/Progressives need some expert-input on how to make the appropriate Leap!!!

Scott Walker Hangs With EMBEZZELERS!!


Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:

Oh my! How dare they make fun of a Democrat! Everyone knows they don't have a sense of humor!
OMG!! Another demonstration of massive fauxrage from the Progressives.

You guys are fucking HILARIOUS!
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:

Wait a Liberal Upset out campaign Staffers mocking someone from the Opposition?


After Biden's imitation of the joker, I thought this was acceptable.

As 1/8 native American, I am not offended by their mocking. I am more offended by people like Warren who falsely make claims for their own benefit. No one takes the stereotypical things seriously because they aren't genuine native American traits. They are as phony as Warren. The woman is a liar and she deserved it.
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Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren
With Native American ‘War Whoops’

There has been some minor controversy in the Senate race in Massachusetts over Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren identifying herself as having Native American ancestry on the law directory at Harvard. Senator Scott Brown‘s campaign has turned it into an issue, but today staffers from Brown’s campaign were caught on video mocking Warren with stereotypical Native American “Tomahawk chops” and “war whoops” during a rally for Brown.
Scott Brown Staffers Caught Mocking Elizabeth Warren With Native American ‘War Whoops’ | Mediaite

Scott Brown; "She's clearly not one.":confused:
That is awesome......Warren clearly mocked affirmative thing shes ever done
<Gets out peace pipe and smokes to Fauxohantas>

Jumani tootonka owaiiiii.. Oops, wrong movie..

"I'm Dances With Lies and I approved this message."


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