Scott Walker giving unsolicited advice to Mitt


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
How do I know it's unsolicited? Because it's in the media instead of a phone call.

Gov. Scott Walker: Mitt Romney should tweak message -

“If Gov. Romney looks at Wisconsin and thinks that he can win just because I have an ‘R’ next to my name or he has an ‘R’ next to his name, I think voters see that as being just about being Republican, it’s not enough to win Wisconsin. The way he wins is if voters, instead of just seeing that ‘R’ [as] Republican, think of reformer. They think, ‘Here is a candidate for president who has a clear, bold plan to take on both the economic and fiscal crisis our country faces,’” Walker said.

And it's not just Romney. Obama's getting some of the same.

Earlier this week, a trio of top Democratic strategists — Stan Greenberg, James Carville and Erica Seifert — penned a memo that suggested the president’s effort to convince voters that “things are moving in the right direction … will fail.”

Polling of Wisconsin taken in the aftermath of Walker’s June 5 recall victory has shown Romney competitive. The Real Clear Politics polling average finds Obama’s advantage in the battleground state has narrowed to under a single point.

When asked if Obama would receive credit for a rebounding economy in a swath of critical states, Walker said it would be up to voters to discern what caused the turnaround.

“Obviously voters feel better if the economy is better. If you look down in Wisconsin and a number of key swing states, the Republican governors in those states have put in place aggressive policies that have helped turn the economy around. So, one of the beneficiaries of that might be the president,” he said. “The question that voters have to look at is why, in those states, the economy is starting to turn around.”
oh I think Romney needs to tweak his message. But he's close to having it down. I dont think it's really changing any positions, but articulating his positions more precisely.
it's good advice from Walker, but Mitt would rather reach for another Kotex than listen to it

Romney is everything but bold. Rather than taking hard shots at unions, socialists, and job killing green policies, he's heading down the McCain path of trying to show that he's nice and inoffensive, and will just repeat worn out talk radio slogans against Obama's policies. I'm snoring already.

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