Scott Walker is a college dropout. Should that count against him?


Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.
I heard that even though he went to college, he was hardly there. maybe he went golfing every monday and friday?

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.
I heard that even though he went to college, he was hardly there. maybe he went golfing every monday and friday?

I read quotes from his professors that said "late to class" and "not interested" but I didn't see the "didn't show up to class at all" quotes.

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.
I heard that even though he went to college, he was hardly there. maybe he went golfing every monday and friday?

I read quotes from his professors that said "late to class" and "not interested" but I didn't see the "didn't show up to class at all" quotes.

His current suggests otherwise, but the far left drones will never own up to it.
There's a reason why Obama won't release his records folks. THINK about it

as for Walker he's was duly elected a Governor and has turned his state around from drowning under the Democrat/unions control. so he is absolutely fit to be President of this country. so do the right thing. No more Progressive/dem/commies for President. Unless you want more monster government Entitlements on shoved down your throat like, OscamCare
There's a reason why Obama won't release his records folks. THINK about it

Sure. What would be the point. Your ilk have ignored every document the man has ever produced. WIthout exception. You've invented conspiracies, ignored state officials, hell you've even ignored republicans.

But this time it will be different? You've simply cried wolf too many times.

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.
I heard that even though he went to college, he was hardly there. maybe he went golfing every monday and friday?

Frankly I don't know anything about Walker's attendance in college- nor do I really care whether he spent his time there golfing or attending class.
There's a reason why Obama won't release his records folks. THINK about it

Oh there is a reason- the same reason that Walker has never released his records
And Romney never released his records.
And McCain never released his records
And Bush never released all of his records
And Clinton never released all of his records

And there is a reason why you only whine about Obama not releasing his. Think about it.
I see the good ole DNC WashingtonCOMPOST has another hit piece out today on Walker over this very same topic

wake up people. you KICKED out Democrats because of this very reason. stay focused and kick them out again in 2016

lets roll:clap:
There's a reason why Obama

And I just want to remind everyone about how much Stephanie whined about others mentioning Obama in this thread- yet she can't stop talking about him

Which is just frickin hilariously hypocritical considering that she posted this:

Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

Actually I could give a shit about grades beyond wondering what might be so bad about them that they're being kept secret.

As to "black man"?

Yes, if any actual man, woman or transgendered sort were to claim to have grades I'd want to see them.

Quadroon, too.

Does Your Favourite quadroon have any grades to show?


At all?
Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

As to "black man"?

As to 'black man'- that is in reference to the only President or Presidential candidate that you and your fellow travellers have ever demanded the college records for.
GO WALKER!!! You've beat them before (with their failed recall) you can do it again


They Always Tell You Whom They Fear — and the MSM Is Terrified of Scott Walker
February 12th, 2015 - 6:38 am

Leaving No. 10 Downing St., headed to the White House?

And so it begins: in the pages of the Washington Post, this pathetic “hit piece” by David Fahrenthold on Scott Walker of Wisconsin — a “human interest” story that has only one purpose: to marginalize the governor and establish for the coastal Democrats that he is not one of “us,” just as the WaPo story about Romney and his dog did. The headline alone gives the game away: As Scott Walker mulls White House bid, questions linger over college exit:

We can’t have “questions lingering” about a man who might one day be president now, can we? So here we go with this thoroughly nasty piece of work that brings shame and disgrace on both its writer and the newspaper:

In 1990, that news stunned his friends at Marquette University. Walker, the campus’s suit-wearing, Reagan-loving politico — who enjoyed the place so much that he had run for student body president — had left without graduating.

To most of the Class of 1990 — and, later, to Wisconsin’s political establishment — Walker’s decision to quit college has been a lingering mystery. Not even his friends at Marquette were entirely sure why he never finished. Some had heard that a parent had fallen ill, or maybe there was some financial strain. Others thought he had simply had enough of school. Walker clearly liked college politics more than college itself…

Walker’s own explanation has been short and simple. He got a job. He meant to go back. But he just never found the time.

To the Kredentialed Klass, a college degree — preferably from an Ivy League school — is the sine qua non of life itself. Sure, a couple of very prominent media personalities lack one themselves, including the recently defenestrated Brian Williams; the current host of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd, didn’t graduate from college, either. But no matter: this is the presidency we’re talking about!

Today, Walker, 47, is the governor of Wisconsin and a strong contender for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination. He is known for an astounding political hot streak: Since 1993, he has run 11 races for state legislature, county executive and governor — including a highly unusual recall election in 2012 — and he has won them all.

But before that streak came a string of defeats — the campus election, his failure to finish college and his first campaign for state office.

all of it at:
Read more:
Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

As to "black man"?

As to 'black man'- that is in reference to the only President or Presidential candidate that you and your fellow travellers have ever demanded the college records for.

Bullshit... when Bush ran they demanded everything from his transcripts to his NG records.. so much so that the MSM even made up stuff. It stopped though when it was uncovered that Bush's GPA was actually higher than Kerry's.
Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

As to "black man"?

As to 'black man'- that is in reference to the only President or Presidential candidate that you and your fellow travellers have ever demanded the college records for.

Bullshit... when Bush ran they demanded everything from his transcripts to his NG records.. so much so that the MSM even made up stuff. It stopped though when it was uncovered that Bush's GPA was actually higher than Kerry's.

And Bullshit......Bush never released his college grades- his Yale grades were illegally leaked- and Bush never, ever- released his Harvard records.

And none of you who think Obama has any obligation to release his 'college records' ever cared that Bush never did so.
Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

As to "black man"?

As to 'black man'- that is in reference to the only President or Presidential candidate that you and your fellow travellers have ever demanded the college records for.

Bullshit... when Bush ran they demanded everything from his transcripts to his NG records.. so much so that the MSM even made up stuff. It stopped though when it was uncovered that Bush's GPA was actually higher than Kerry's.

And Bullshit......Bush never released his college grades- his Yale grades were illegally leaked- and Bush never, ever- released his Harvard records.

And none of you who think Obama has any obligation to release his 'college records' ever cared that Bush never did so.

I never cared in either instance actually...
All I ever said about Obama was that if it were me, and so much hay was being made out of such things, I would have released it just to shut them up and let the discussion get back to more important matters.

But that's just me....
Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

As to "black man"?

As to 'black man'- that is in reference to the only President or Presidential candidate that you and your fellow travellers have ever demanded the college records for.

Bullshit... when Bush ran they demanded everything from his transcripts to his NG records.. so much so that the MSM even made up stuff. It stopped though when it was uncovered that Bush's GPA was actually higher than Kerry's.

And Bullshit......Bush never released his college grades- his Yale grades were illegally leaked- and Bush never, ever- released his Harvard records.

And none of you who think Obama has any obligation to release his 'college records' ever cared that Bush never did so.

I never cared in either instance actually...

Then you and I never cared equally.

And I don't care about Walker's college records either.

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