Scott Walker is a college dropout. Should that count against him?

Obozo's affirmative action degrees didn't count against him.

Scott Walker politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1986, Walker worked as a volunteer for Tommy Thompson's gubernatorial campaign,[9] and in the fall of that year, enrolled at Marquette University.[10] In 1988, he ran for student government president, losing 1,245 to 927,[9] following an alleged infringement of campaign guidelines.[4] Walker dropped out of Marquette in the spring of 1990, in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 GPA[11] but without attaining a degree.[9][12] During college Walker worked part-time for IBM selling warranties on mainframe computers. His IBM job led to a full-time position in marketing and fundraising at the American Red Cross from 1990 to 1994.[4][13]
Might play well with trailer trash repugs who think college education is for snobs.
So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?

they never question on why Obama never released his college records though. how funny is that

I just want to remind everyone of Stephanie's crocodile tears about she brings up Obama

So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?
Roz, have u ever taken notice that we have never seen any photo's of Obama in any of those colleges he apparently went to? I haven't. I am sure if they existed, wouldn't we have seen them on all cable news channels? (unless I am wrong, but I have never seen any pics of Obama in college, and to think most students take those pics for life long memories.)

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure





Harvard Law
So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?
Roz, have u ever taken notice that we have never seen any photo's of Obama in any of those colleges he apparently went to? I haven't. I am sure if they existed, wouldn't we have seen them on all cable news channels? (unless I am wrong, but I have never seen any pics of Obama in college, and to think most students take those pics for life long memories.)

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure





Harvard Law

And the far left drones that claim college records are important sure are showing that they are..
So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?
Roz, have u ever taken notice that we have never seen any photo's of Obama in any of those colleges he apparently went to? I haven't. I am sure if they existed, wouldn't we have seen them on all cable news channels? (unless I am wrong, but I have never seen any pics of Obama in college, and to think most students take those pics for life long memories.)

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure





Harvard Law
the top one looks like Tito Jackson.
So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?
Roz, have u ever taken notice that we have never seen any photo's of Obama in any of those colleges he apparently went to? I haven't. I am sure if they existed, wouldn't we have seen them on all cable news channels? (unless I am wrong, but I have never seen any pics of Obama in college, and to think most students take those pics for life long memories.)

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure





Harvard Law
the top one looks like Tito Jackson.

Well Obama really being Tito Jackson would be no more bizarre off a story than the other stuff that they have made up- go for it!
So if you don't have a degree or weren't a community organizer you are not worthy?
Roz, have u ever taken notice that we have never seen any photo's of Obama in any of those colleges he apparently went to? I haven't. I am sure if they existed, wouldn't we have seen them on all cable news channels? (unless I am wrong, but I have never seen any pics of Obama in college, and to think most students take those pics for life long memories.)

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure





Harvard Law
the top one looks like Tito Jackson.

Well Obama really being Tito Jackson would be no more bizarre off a story than the other stuff that they have made up- go for it!

Far left propaganda troll!
Percentage of Americans with college degrees rises paying for
wouldn't it be less disingenuous just to admit you were wrong. 40% my ass.

Why yes, excuse me. 39.4%

tops financial challenges
wouldn't it be less disingenuous just to admit you were wrong. 40% my ass.

Why yes, excuse me. 39.4%
Excuse me, so you have to be between the ages of 25 and 64 to be an American:

In 2012, 39.4 percent of Americans between 25 and 64 had at least a two-year college degree. That was up from 38.7 percent in 2011, the largest single year gain since 2008. But Lumina is promoting a college degree attainment goal of 60 percent by 2025 and the current upward trend isn’t happening fast enough to get us there.


People before the age of 18 are usually in High school and are not adults. Those from 18 to 24 are either in college working on their degree, or a trade school earning knowledge for a trade. Some are in a job and have started their adult life.

Those over 64 are usually retired....

So, the demographics for Americans with a degree fall into the range of 25 to 64 years of age.

Spend a little time thinking about what you read before answering or calling people names. Have a nice day.

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.
He has a Bachelor's degree, something Walker failed to earn, and at least one graduate degree.

That's how college works. Perhaps you should try it sometime.

And you know this because you have personally seen them! Or just listening to rumors again?

BTW, at my age repeating the whole college thing would simply deprive a willing indoctrinee from his/her/its rightful place.
...and they say the Republicans shouldn't be the Party of Dumb.

With support for higher education such as yours, the future will be the past.

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.

LOL....the poster asked about photo's of Obama in college- and said he had never seen any- so I provided them. I cannot tell you how little your disapproval concerns me.

There really is no dispute about President Obama's grades- there are a few racists who evoke the imagery of Affirmative Action to excuse their own failure in life.

Have you ever noticed we have never seen any photo's of Scott Walker in College? No- neither have I. Or have I wondered why I never saw any photo's of Bush college.

But Obama- sure

Harvard Law

Hey einstein. Those pics could have been taken anywhere. Besides the dispute is not that obozo went to college, but what his grades were there. He won't release that info which tells most people he was terrible and survived on affirmative action grading.

LOL....the poster asked about photo's of Obama in college- and said he had never seen any- so I provided them. I cannot tell you how little your disapproval concerns me.

There really is no dispute about President Obama's grades- there are a few racists who evoke the imagery of Affirmative Action to excuse their own failure in life.

Still no proof from the far left drone that Obama deserved those grades..
and where are the pics of Obama in a classroom? or the pics of Obama in his graduation crowds? or at a 4th july college event?

LOL- and where are the photo's of Obama on his wedding night? And where are the photo's of Obama when his children were born? And where are the photo's of Obama beating his wife?

LOL.....congratulations- you meet the standards of a Birther
First ask for something- and claim that no one has ever seen it- and then when produced- move the goal posts and ask for some other thing that no other candidate has produced.

Well done!
Can't dispute grades we're not allowed to see.

So, yes, there can be no dispute.

Except as to whether any ever existed.

Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.
Can't dispute grades we're not allowed to see.

So, yes, there can be no dispute.

Except as to whether any ever existed.

Which could be applied to everyone from Scott Walker to Mitt Romney to George Bush......but in typical Birther only care about grades for the black man.

See how the racist/bigoted far left drones are..
Obozo's affirmative action degrees didn't count against him.

Scott Walker politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1986, Walker worked as a volunteer for Tommy Thompson's gubernatorial campaign,[9] and in the fall of that year, enrolled at Marquette University.[10] In 1988, he ran for student government president, losing 1,245 to 927,[9] following an alleged infringement of campaign guidelines.[4] Walker dropped out of Marquette in the spring of 1990, in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 GPA[11] but without attaining a degree.[9][12] During college Walker worked part-time for IBM selling warranties on mainframe computers. His IBM job led to a full-time position in marketing and fundraising at the American Red Cross from 1990 to 1994.[4][13]
Well, I doubt college scores or degrees are necessarily a good qualification for running a government. Especially if the government is so deadlocked it can barely function half the time.

The current US government is top heavy with people who are highly qualified, been in law firms, and so on - but despite them allegedly being the 'creme of the crop' they still can't agree on a decent budget or stop squabbling like little kids over minor issues.

I think the US government would be a lot better run if we had a few more 'real Americans', as opposed to the government being mostly made up of politicians that were born into political dynasties, had millions to begin with, or simply had their careers handed to them by wealthy donors.

As you pointed out- a college degree doesn't seem to be linked to be able to getting government to work.

Schools just churn out drones and closed minds.

It is up to the individual to decide whether to follow their programming or think for themselves.

If people just stick to their own ideological group, and ignore reality - then it is easy to grind the system to a halt.

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